Paul's Journal
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04/08/2007 13:21 #38803
Computers For ChildrenCategory: business
I wonder if that means they closed, or moved or just have some space for rent. Does anyone know?
04/07/2007 11:47 #38783
Europa BistroCategory: food
The food was pretty good and the waitress was seriously like gay guy turns straight hot - at least I thought so.
While we were there with some random girl and I played this game where I would shout out an emotion and then give her like two seconds to pose for it. Sorry the pics are dark, it was dark in there.
"Serious" Face on a Nameless Bitch

I also recorded a bit of the ambient conversation. It gave you an idea for what it was like. It had the Gemutlichkeit of a german Kneipe which I enjoyed.
At the end we ordered an order of esgargot to go for (e:matthew). He loves those little bugs.
I got squid croquettes. I never had anything so squidy and good.

I was reading the review in Bill Rappaporte's restaurant

The cons are a chilly room, because the tables are near the front door, which opens directly to the outside. Too bad the huge bar could not be put in the front so diners could sit more warmly and more relaxed in the back. We might accept the tight quarters, but a cold room has to be fixed.
I will firstly admit that I have looked at the Menu for that place if it is the one I'm thinking of and didn't see anything I liked or would try (put I'm very picky). What I found strange is that in the first recording it sounds like the people in the background are like way louder. But in the second one it doesn't sound like that. And to answer the question I have no idea how big 4 Million words are. it kinda depends on the length of the words and how big or small the typeface is. I wonder if you could get all the words to be a readable size on a dress or some kind of clothing?
Ooh I like that place. It's yummy and cheap. i think I wrote a journal a while about about the fruit/cheese/meat plate b/c it got me to eat pate, which I had thought was too gross to eat, but was super-delicious. I've only eaten at the bar, but the owner comes out and chats and is cool and down to earth. he said what he's going for is "european comfort food". And I love that by "europa" they mean more than france and italy. And my wino friends (who would know) say the wine list is awesome.
Jim and I had dinner there about a month ago. They have a seasonal menu and at the time, winter food was much appreciated. Even though the place is cold and drafty, the food was hot hot hot and kept me that way.
Also, have you seen their beer list? So sexy.
We will have to return for squiddy goodness.
04/07/2007 00:04 #38779
Turning to dustCategory: weather
The study, published online in the journal Science, predicted a permanent drought by 2050 throughout the Southwest - one of the fastest-growing regions in the nation.
The data tell "a story which is pretty darn scary and very strong," said Jonathan Overpeck, a climate researcher at the University of Arizona who was not involved in the study.
Fuck you southwest. Let's see how much everyone extols your virtues and copious opportunities when you are dried up and crunchy from lack of water. I am never going to agree to ship water down from the great lakes if that is what you are thinking.
The prospect of a drier Southwest is particularly troublesome because the region has some of the nation's fastest growing cities, including Las Vegas and Phoenix.
Richard Seager, also from Lamont-Doherty and a lead author of the paper, said the region will have to rethink how it uses water. Governments "need to plan for this right now, coming up with new, well-informed, and fair deals for allocation of declining water resources," he said.![]()
We should give water to people who live in absurd places like the desert.
We should give air to the people who settle in undersea villages.
We should give our brains to zombies.
Good, glad that place will dry out. I mean, it is a fucking desert. People aren't supposed to live in a desert. That is why it is a desert and not, let's just say, a temperate forest zone with ample water for cities.
Opportunity for what, dying of thirst? Haha.
I'd sell water to them - but I would make it extraordinarily expensive. I'm talking megabucks. You don't want to die of thirst? Then you will pay.
Or, what they could do is solve the problem on their own through investing their own money in technology. Doubt that will happen.
Or, they could do what countless other groups of people who deal with natural tragedies do - get the hell out and settle somewhere else.
I don't particularly care about LV, or Phoenix, or any of those places. I really don't. Especially LV, full of degenerates and whose history is as shady as any city's history. If they were forced to scatter it wouldn't break my heart. Life's tough, wear a helmet!
wow! so great thing im moving there, and you wont give me water. i dont really agree with thye whole thing either. but, the world is already a pretty fucked up place, and my name aint sarah a. ho for nothing. i will come back and steal the water, peaches!
That would be so freakin' great, like the way they guard the mexican border with militia's now.
they are totally gonna get our water. Maybe we should arm ourselves and start some kind of Great Lakes Defense Militia.
04/05/2007 21:37 #38765
The Biggest Pork Rinds2Category: food

While at the Washington Market. I saw these enormous pork rinds (WIKIPEDIA - Chicharrones). I have never seen such a freakin disgusting snack which just re-enforces my feelings that Mexican food is disgusting food. I mean I am alergic to Cilantro and Avacados to start out with and I hate beans. I know that everyone will hate me for that, but I really don't like it.
Like if you have seen tony's hands, that should give you an idea. Each individual piece was enough to wrap a football.

Look how disgusting they are.


BBQ-flavored pork rinds are one of my favorite snacks. (e:dragonlady7) won't even stay in the same room if I'm eating them. At least she doesn't steal them like she steals my Chee-Tos.
Once I went to visit Mr & Mrs (e:dragonlady7) and discovered a bag of pork rinds on top of their fridge. It did not seem like the kind of snack her parents would have, but I had just driven all the way across New York State and I was a bit munchy. As I ate them the dog started looking at me all funny. I thought she was better behaved than that, but whatever. Her dad didn't say anything but when her mom came in she told me '...those are for the dog.' Hmph!
- Z
One of my father's favorite snacks in the whole world is pork rinds. I grew up eating them not realizing what I was actually putting in my body. Yech! Only other food more unsettling (figuratively and literally speaking) to me is tripe.
I tend to find mexican food a little disgusting myself. However, there are exceptions. Mole sauce is yummy--a non desert usage of chocolate! How cool is that?!
I fucking hate you for all eternity you bean hating piece of shit.
And yet, I have to love you for showing me what has to be the most disgusting food man's foolish hand has wrought.
I love mexican food. Don't much care for the pork rinds either, though. However, i think i would cry if i couldn't have cilantro and avacados. I think seafood is smelly icky. Good thing we all have different tastes.. or i would have to wait even longer for a table in my favie restaurants!!
NOTE TO SELF: Don't invite (e:paul) out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant.
Those are real deep fried pork skins. I think that they are quite yummy. Unfortunately, my digestive system does not agree. So they don't look disgusting to me.
Alas, paul, I hate to disappoint you but I don't hate you for your food preferences.
If you want me to hate you will have to try a lot harder than that. <eg>
04/03/2007 00:38 #38725
Has anyone tried foxy?Category: drugs
It was listed along side GHB, LSD, ecstacy, and crystal -

Here is some more info about foxy on erowid

They have building space to rent to help pay for the new building