On the way home from the central terminal for (e:tina) 's art show (e:paul,38904) I took a picture over like 10 blocks every time my camera was ready This is not a selective or staged picture taking of all the boarded up crappy houses but rather as many shots as I could get on the way from The Central Terminal to downtown.
I can't believe people actually live there - maybe they don't from the looks of it. When did it all start looking like this? Having spend a lot of time in Love Joy as a kid (that's where my dad is from) I never realized what surrounded it until I was an adult. We always took the thruway to get there. I guess I know why.

It's sad how I always think Buffalo is getting better and then I remember that I never leave but about 20% of it to see the rest.

On the way home we stopped on Allen to buy some wine for dinner and I saw these notices on what used to be Second Skin - the building at the end of Allen next to Days Park.
Apparently, the guy who bought it wants to open a restaurant there but the neighbors are fighting him on it. I really don't see why as it is all commercial restaurants and bars there anyways.

I also noticed that Frank's has new management. What kind of bar is it?

Franks was one of the first bars i went to when i was 15-16. I forgot all about it.... that place was so skeazy and gross. It consisted of either a) underagers who may have been on drugs or b) drug dealers who gave them the drugs
Wow there are a lot of boarded up places. In terms of Allen I wonder if the dispute has something or anything to do with why Second Skin Closed. What I heard got them closed was that they got busted having a sex party in the back of the store, but not sure if that is true. If the new business would be run by the same people then that might be why they are giving them a hard time.
i lived in that area from 89-93, and it wasnt that bad yet. it really went down in the mid 90's. it's just horrible.
Jesse Zuefle (Club Diablo) owns that building; I would ask Deb at work about it except that she's the president of the Days Park block club & I don't know if it's a sore subject.
15 S Putnam St is insane. We have a video of both professors talking about it and one of them pushing it open on his own. :::link:::
- Z
You call that place Frank's, I call it the Jupiter Room. Read my post on 3/25 about that place that had (e:carolinian) tag along with me that night.
There is an article in artvoice this week about a house on S. Putnam (#15 I think) that a class from UB is fixing up. Jeff & I drove past it tonight and it looks like what they are doing is pretty cool. They made the entire front of the house movable on a sliding I-beam. Afterthought, I should have taken a picture.