I try and remain neutral. On one hand I could be Hitler and have ten fabulous years only to end up killing myself when I realize I killed 50% of the jewish people. On the other I could be Ralph Nader and be a great person who keeps trying to run for president and fails. I would rather be switzerland where they have great chocolate fabulous banks. says (e:lilho)
Paul's Journal
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04/15/2007 21:08 #38907
Lilho quote to her mother on the phoneCategory: quotes
04/15/2007 19:23 #38905
East Side And A Little Bit Of AllenCategory: buffalo
On the way home from the central terminal for (e:tina) 's art show (e:paul,38904) I took a picture over like 10 blocks every time my camera was ready This is not a selective or staged picture taking of all the boarded up crappy houses but rather as many shots as I could get on the way from The Central Terminal to downtown.
I can't believe people actually live there - maybe they don't from the looks of it. When did it all start looking like this? Having spend a lot of time in Love Joy as a kid (that's where my dad is from) I never realized what surrounded it until I was an adult. We always took the thruway to get there. I guess I know why.

It's sad how I always think Buffalo is getting better and then I remember that I never leave but about 20% of it to see the rest.

On the way home we stopped on Allen to buy some wine for dinner and I saw these notices on what used to be Second Skin - the building at the end of Allen next to Days Park.
Apparently, the guy who bought it wants to open a restaurant there but the neighbors are fighting him on it. I really don't see why as it is all commercial restaurants and bars there anyways.

I also noticed that Frank's has new management. What kind of bar is it?

04/14/2007 11:51 #38883
Morocco and the boom boomCategory: travel
That kind of law means nothing to the kind of people that actually blow themselves up as happened this week in Casablanca.
By JOHN THORNE AP Writer. © 2007 AP. RABAT, Morocco - Two brothers strapped with explosives blew themselves up near an American cultural center in Casablanca Saturday, and police arrested another three suspects - including one wearing ... explosives.
Honestly, I still felt uncomfortable there and wore one of those traditional, hooded, one-piece outfits the whole time. It was dark brown, I was really tan and had a full beard so I blended ok. It's sad to think I would never visit there again, but I really don't think it is worth it.
04/15/2007 19:01 #38904
Central Terminal Art ShowCategory: art
It always looks like it is going to be great and then you realiize how fucking freezing and nasty it is in there. I think playing it in as a kid was more fun that going in it now.

The art show itself was pretty awesome.

(e:tina) and (e:lilho)

Here are (e:tina) 's prints - I really like them.

I tried to take more close ups of them but it was hard with the light reflecting off the glass. (e:matthew) might have gotten some better pics with the fancier camera.

I didn't understand the carpet puffs but I liked the visual they created

The plastic wrapped bride. I felt bad for her that it was so cold, she had a heater right on her but still.

I hate this dirt pile. It was so completely lame.

Here is the description for it.

Frankly, I thought this wood pile directly across from it was much more compelling although it was not even a display.

This one reminds me of something (e:robin) would make. I wonder if they were inspired by her work.

I really liked the look of this one but the interaction was ueber lame. It was a maya 3D scene rendered to quicktime VR, which is no where near as cool as it sound. The visuals were way too dark too.

This guy Tom

Well TJ now that your an alcoholic celebrity its probably gonna be even harder to stop drinking.
Ironically, I got this picture of him at the beer tap.

Some of the comments people left on his site are so mean. e.g.
Cathy wrote
at 5:58pm on March 10th, 2007
TJ I miss you come back to me. I even miss the smell of your farts you sick little leprechaun. Just kidding, I hate you, die.
This one reads, "Local Internet Celebrity (e:lilho) seen in front of some anonyous man at the Buffalo Central Terminal."

The eyeballs were compelling to look at, but eyes are generally so compelling that it wasn't surprising. Still, I liked it. My favorite were these paintings made with dirt, animal parts, and hair. I know that sounds sick but they were amazing and I forgot to take a picture of them. Tom is in it too. I wonder if my stalkerish picture talking made him feel more celebtritiesque.

Here we got (e:mike) in glasses.

(e:terry) looking cafeinated

LOL on the pile of dirt vs. pile of wood.
04/14/2007 22:14 #38892
Chicken legs both fried and chocolateCategory: food

On Wednesday night we went out to eat with (e:jenks) and (e:imk2) at Trattoria Aroma on Bryant near elmwood. My artichocke and mussel appetizer was amazing but the risotta was too crunchy (pronounced: undercooked) for me.

The next morning when I woke up, the Latina's shopping cart that was parked across the street from us at the Lin-nor was parked on our lawn with the garbage bins. Did anyone think that the garbage an was going to take the shopping cart with them. (e:matthew) moved it back across the street. I am all about the new law that would fine stores for their stray shopping carts even though I know it isn't exactly their fault that the shopping carts are such attractive possessions.

Golombek maintains that stray shopping carts have become a public nuisance and an eyesore, blocking sidewalks and impacting quality of life. He wants to ban abandoned shopping carts, and target enforcement of the proposed new statute at what Montague refers to as "the Source"-that is, the supermarkets which provide carts to customers. Golombek suggests the city ought to impound the offending carts and fine the supermarkets from which they came. In Tuesday's session, Golombek said that between 50 and 100 carts are discarded per week in his district alone. (Though Golombek would not name the principal culprit, he indicated that Wegmans on Amherst has been a "good corporate neighbor." That, of course, leaves Tops.)
The other night after the gym (e:lilho) and I saw this sign which she kept talking about. Look at the date on the billboard for the event at level. I can't believe they still bother lighting it up considering it is over a year old. Isn't it a high value spot being right at the corner of Franklin and Chippewa.

The weekend started out with an easter basket from my mother that included toxic waste and chocolate chicken legs.

Toxic waste candy - she knows me well (e:paul,30660)

Chocolate chicken legs made me want real fried ones.

That led to a day of grocery shopping with the ho and finally some fried chicken with sausage gravy which really ups the anti for the new fruit fly position (e:paul,38465)

Here she is before getting ready to go out, the after pictures are going to wait until after.

I like the idea of a mandatory pickup service you could call - that is a great idea. All the stores could pay a tax to keep it running or they could implement their own cart pickup system. Either way it should create a couple extra jobs. Someone already took the cart away otherwise I would have called Latina's.
The thing about the cart law that I don't like is it is another attack on the poor. Ok well at least people with out a car. If you don't have a car and you have multiple people in your house how are you supposed to carry all of that food home. So what do you do, you put 10 bags in the cart and then take them home. Hopefully you secure the cart and take it back the next time you go and keep reusing the same one. I'm guessing the people who leave them only use them the one way, leaving the store. They are also great for moving stuff or maybe even collecting stuff people are throwing away. The point is that they are a great thing for someone who doesn't have a vechile. What I would like to see is phone number on all carts so that if you see one you just call the number and the store comes and picks it up. Maybe you could have a city or county or state wide system where when you leave your message it is also automaticly sent to a government office that way if tops or Latinas or whomever is picking up there carts then they will know and can step in with fines. It isn't all the stores fault and they shouldn't be fined cause someone is taking there carts. But if they are unwilling to pick them up then that is a different story.
It might not lead to Fraggle Rock, but I wouldn't be surprised if it lead inside John Malkovich's head for a brief period followed by being dumped somewhere in New Jersey. Or Lackawanna.
Franks was one of the first bars i went to when i was 15-16. I forgot all about it.... that place was so skeazy and gross. It consisted of either a) underagers who may have been on drugs or b) drug dealers who gave them the drugs
Wow there are a lot of boarded up places. In terms of Allen I wonder if the dispute has something or anything to do with why Second Skin Closed. What I heard got them closed was that they got busted having a sex party in the back of the store, but not sure if that is true. If the new business would be run by the same people then that might be why they are giving them a hard time.
i lived in that area from 89-93, and it wasnt that bad yet. it really went down in the mid 90's. it's just horrible.
Jesse Zuefle (Club Diablo) owns that building; I would ask Deb at work about it except that she's the president of the Days Park block club & I don't know if it's a sore subject.
15 S Putnam St is insane. We have a video of both professors talking about it and one of them pushing it open on his own. :::link:::
- Z
You call that place Frank's, I call it the Jupiter Room. Read my post on 3/25 about that place that had (e:carolinian) tag along with me that night.
There is an article in artvoice this week about a house on S. Putnam (#15 I think) that a class from UB is fixing up. Jeff & I drove past it tonight and it looks like what they are doing is pretty cool. They made the entire front of the house movable on a sliding I-beam. Afterthought, I should have taken a picture.