While at the Washington Market. I saw these enormous pork rinds (WIKIPEDIA - Chicharrones). I have never seen such a freakin disgusting snack which just re-enforces my feelings that Mexican food is disgusting food. I mean I am alergic to Cilantro and Avacados to start out with and I hate beans. I know that everyone will hate me for that, but I really don't like it.
Like if you have seen tony's hands, that should give you an idea. Each individual piece was enough to wrap a football.

Look how disgusting they are.


BBQ-flavored pork rinds are one of my favorite snacks. (e:dragonlady7) won't even stay in the same room if I'm eating them. At least she doesn't steal them like she steals my Chee-Tos.
Once I went to visit Mr & Mrs (e:dragonlady7) and discovered a bag of pork rinds on top of their fridge. It did not seem like the kind of snack her parents would have, but I had just driven all the way across New York State and I was a bit munchy. As I ate them the dog started looking at me all funny. I thought she was better behaved than that, but whatever. Her dad didn't say anything but when her mom came in she told me '...those are for the dog.' Hmph!
- Z
One of my father's favorite snacks in the whole world is pork rinds. I grew up eating them not realizing what I was actually putting in my body. Yech! Only other food more unsettling (figuratively and literally speaking) to me is tripe.
I tend to find mexican food a little disgusting myself. However, there are exceptions. Mole sauce is yummy--a non desert usage of chocolate! How cool is that?!
I fucking hate you for all eternity you bean hating piece of shit.
And yet, I have to love you for showing me what has to be the most disgusting food man's foolish hand has wrought.
I love mexican food. Don't much care for the pork rinds either, though. However, i think i would cry if i couldn't have cilantro and avacados. I think seafood is smelly icky. Good thing we all have different tastes.. or i would have to wait even longer for a table in my favie restaurants!!
NOTE TO SELF: Don't invite (e:paul) out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant.
Those are real deep fried pork skins. I think that they are quite yummy. Unfortunately, my digestive system does not agree. So they don't look disgusting to me.
Alas, paul, I hate to disappoint you but I don't hate you for your food preferences.
If you want me to hate you will have to try a lot harder than that. <eg>