Here is Margaret Cho's take on the term fag hag

I also learned the term fruit fly, which is similar to fag hag. I like it better.

So the point of this journal. The reason it is an advantage for a gay guy to have a most beautiful straight girl "fruit fly" instead of a haggish one is that other gay guys, might mistake you for a straight guy with a hot girlfriend - thus increasing your desirability.
In return you feed the beautiful fruit fly's ego and everyone wins. Its like a perfect symbiotic relationship. What the freakin' hell a I going to do with (e:lilho) leaves town.
I know it's early but I am just putting it out there. I am now accepting applications for a new fruit fly for Fall 2007. I have a lot to offer. Benefits depend on previous experience. Extreme physical beauty and comprehensive experience with gossiping are both required as is free time and close proximity. Damn, I guess I am demanding.
I think imk2 might be a good fit. I have only heard the Fag Hag tittle and not the other terms. I don't know if I understand the psychecology of all that. Hopefully you will get lots of aplications.
wow I liked that article. I've been called a fag hag a few times (by my gay friends) but couldn't tell if it was derogatory or not.
isn't there a ho brother left? maybe he can be your stag. Why take the position out of the Ho family.
I'm pretty good at gossiping! Not sure about extreme physical beauty, free time, or close proximity though....
ohhh....pick me! pick me! what does the application process consist of???
i think he replaced you with a younger model, (e:hodown). he will say it is because his fruit fly has to be in town, since that is why he is shopping around now.
i don't think there are any more Ho sisters, Paul...
Fag stag? I've never heard that term before, lol. What do fag stags get in exchange for the extreme beauty and gossiping? I don't know if boosting the ego would do it for straight guys.
youre replacing me? jerk.