Looks like a giant new building is going to be erected at 50 court street

Their mockup on the sign outside is confusing because they have the Pearl st sign in the wrong spot. It should go Franklin then Niagara, not pearl and then Niagara St. I bet someone got paid a lot to make that design and I bet that they spent a lot to print them. You think someone would have checked the street names. I hope someone scrutinizes the building plans better than the media.

Here is the same spot currently.

They are taking the paint off the brick building that used to be club heat, and then was like ten other bars named after metals which then became tantra or something. That place is destined to never succeed. Maybe the paint is what was causing it to fail. The guy doing it, is doing it brick by brick with a blow torch.
First some paint removal liquid is applied.

And then he hits it with the blow torch.

I got some of my weather agression out on this ice formation.
Hurray, a fourth of my backyard is now snow free!

That part of downtown has always been a little shady anyway.