On the way home we had brought no money and had to walk. We couldn't even stop anywhere because we didn't even brings cards. It was strange to feel like I had nothing even if it was just during a 20 minute walk home to the mansion. I do not like the feeling of not having access to food money at all.
We jealously peaked in the window at spot and starred at all the mactoppers with yummy treats.
Today I made up for it by going with my work buddies and (e:megan) over to Chris' Deli at 395 Delaware Avenue. They were packed to the point we waited but it was totally worth it. I have never seen such tasty sandwiches.
I got the jerk turkey.

Everyone else had yummy stuff too.

When we got back jon had a blue screen of death on windows XP. It was so sad. I hate windows. In fact, I hate it so much that today I installed cygwin

Does anyone else have a secret love of kicking the crusty june snow? It is that part snow, part asphalt and cement chip stuff that never goes away until way late after winter is over. It is basically dirty snow that is combined with so many particles that it acts as a sort of adhesive between them. It is hard as rocks and when it breaks it cracks like glass sometimes. It is really fun to kick it.

This pole didn't like winter very much. Imagine if your skin peeled that much from weather exposure.

you guys are so weird.
i love kicking the crusty snow and was just thinking how odd that was earlier today!