A letter to an editor:
I doubt this will make it through the email filter. I am sorry about all the inappropriate words in this email but we are trying to create an inappropriate word list.
We cannot find a list of obvious words turns out in the forums we only block "shit" and "fuck". Del suggested the words which used to be banned from broadcast television.
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits.
I have a feeling there are many more words that are going to be inappropriate for this site as it is sponsored by a corporation and aimed at kids but I am uncomfortable being in charge of producing the list.
We probably will want to block not just swear words but also harassing terms like slut, fag and nigger, etc. Perhaps once it is complete it should become a policy. Please forward me a list of other words we want blocked out when you can get to it.
Also how to you want them blocked out. Replaced as stars? Or do you want them replaced on a word/phrase specific basis. E.g. "holy shit" becomes "holy cow" and "fuck" becomes "darn", etc as "holy ****" might as well just say "holy shit." If we want them replaced as specific terms then I need the replacement terms in the list.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/21/2007 11:26 #38540
Not PC for PC's SakeCategory: work
03/20/2007 13:26 #38529
The nokia n73Category: mobil
My camera is gone. I am not saying anyone stole it but it left the party
In my quest for a smaller, more hi res mobile phone to match my new internet appliance, I think I found the perfect phone with a Carl Zeiss lens. Having lived in Jena, I can It has a Carl Zeiss lens on a 3mp camera. Having lived in jena, I can appreciate what that means. The n800 automagically connects to the internet via my phone.Now I just need a small phone.
Here is the review
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Check out this pic taken with the 3mp camera on the n73. Click on it for the large size.

In my quest for a smaller, more hi res mobile phone to match my new internet appliance, I think I found the perfect phone with a Carl Zeiss lens. Having lived in Jena, I can It has a Carl Zeiss lens on a 3mp camera. Having lived in jena, I can appreciate what that means. The n800 automagically connects to the internet via my phone.Now I just need a small phone.
Here is the review
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page 2

Check out this pic taken with the 3mp camera on the n73. Click on it for the large size.

imk2 - 03/21/07 18:39
um, (e:chico), you brought a travel mug to a party? waddidya have in there...gin and juice?
um, (e:chico), you brought a travel mug to a party? waddidya have in there...gin and juice?
paul - 03/20/07 22:57
Matt says we the travel mug at our house. He is always home during the day if you want to pick it up.
Matt says we the travel mug at our house. He is always home during the day if you want to pick it up.
chico - 03/20/07 22:45
Glad you found the camera. By any chance, did I leave my travel coffee mug at your place? Stainless finish and I think it's got some advertisements on the side. Could be in the vestibule or maybe that room on the 2nd floor with the sofas.
Glad you found the camera. By any chance, did I leave my travel coffee mug at your place? Stainless finish and I think it's got some advertisements on the side. Could be in the vestibule or maybe that room on the 2nd floor with the sofas.
vycious - 03/20/07 22:24
funny. i still think its an amazing camera. glad you found it, for sure.
funny. i still think its an amazing camera. glad you found it, for sure.
paul - 03/20/07 22:16
I found it in the couch. I am so happy to have it back minus that I can't replace it with a new phone.
I found it in the couch. I am so happy to have it back minus that I can't replace it with a new phone.
metalpeter - 03/20/07 19:21
I hope it is just misplaced. It would really blow if someone took it. The fact that everyone there was basicly Known would really make thing so much worse. I hope it turns up or is found or even returned if someone has it.
I hope it is just misplaced. It would really blow if someone took it. The fact that everyone there was basicly Known would really make thing so much worse. I hope it turns up or is found or even returned if someone has it.
paul - 03/20/07 15:47
The thing is I am not sure it did walk away. I mean it could be somewhere so I really have no idea. If only there wern't so many places to put it.
The thing is I am not sure it did walk away. I mean it could be somewhere so I really have no idea. If only there wern't so many places to put it.
jenks - 03/20/07 14:45
What?! Your camera walked from the party?
Why are you not outraged?
That is SO unacceptable and not cool.
sorry to hear it Paul.
What?! Your camera walked from the party?
Why are you not outraged?
That is SO unacceptable and not cool.
sorry to hear it Paul.
03/18/2007 22:15 #38513
The most fun since gamebooy in 1989Category: mobile
The party was fun, the parade was fun. My new internet appliance, th nokia n800 rocks. No device has impressed my so much since the first time I saw the first gameboy, which I bought with my paper route money back in 1989. What it lacks in phone conection it makes up for in screen and functionality.
I am writing this from under the covers listening to one of my favorite streaming radio stations over wifi. In a city like san francisco that will soon be blanketed in wifi, this wouuld be amazing. It is even smart enough to know when i leave my homes wifi connnection that it should try and connect to the internet via my phone. Now to just replace my phone with a tiny one. It can even reAd the memory cards from my phone and camera.
I am writing this from under the covers listening to one of my favorite streaming radio stations over wifi. In a city like san francisco that will soon be blanketed in wifi, this wouuld be amazing. It is even smart enough to know when i leave my homes wifi connnection that it should try and connect to the internet via my phone. Now to just replace my phone with a tiny one. It can even reAd the memory cards from my phone and camera.
03/16/2007 10:12 #38487
Reminders of a friend lost to asiaCategory: hardware
I think about (e:jesse) a lot. I don't know exactly what about him made me think about him but lots of little things remind me of him.
This product for example
. It looks like something I think he would design even the advertisement. Look at the etching on the connectors.

Also I bought the nokia n800
internet device. I have wanted one forever. Not because I don't have 15 other obile ways to connect to the net on the go but because this one runs linux and they give you the developent kit. Also it has the opera browser and flash 8.
Here is a pic from the net, I will put up my own pics when it arrives.

This product for example

. It looks like something I think he would design even the advertisement. Look at the etching on the connectors.

Also I bought the nokia n800

Here is a pic from the net, I will put up my own pics when it arrives.

carolinian - 03/16/07 12:59
I should bring my Zaurus linux handheld w/ Wireless card to the party. Then we'll both really look like a bunch of dorks.
As it's my only mobile device with wi-fi connectivity since my laptp LCD got busted, it's my main tool for surfing e-strip when I'm not at my desktop.
I should bring my Zaurus linux handheld w/ Wireless card to the party. Then we'll both really look like a bunch of dorks.
As it's my only mobile device with wi-fi connectivity since my laptp LCD got busted, it's my main tool for surfing e-strip when I'm not at my desktop.
lilho - 03/16/07 12:05
it is arrived
it is arrived
03/15/2007 02:13 #38465
Now Accepting ApplicationsCategory: gay
Okay, so I was looking up fag hag on wikipedia (WIKIPEDIA - fag hag) to see if there were any tips about getting a new one and learned that there are also fag stags - straight guys that have an affinity toward hanging out with gay guys. This is new to me, but not so new for (e:flacidness) who seems to have a million fag stags. I just never had a name for the before.
Here is Margaret Cho's take on the term fag hag
I also learned the term fruit fly, which is similar to fag hag. I like it better.

So the point of this journal. The reason it is an advantage for a gay guy to have a most beautiful straight girl "fruit fly" instead of a haggish one is that other gay guys, might mistake you for a straight guy with a hot girlfriend - thus increasing your desirability.
In return you feed the beautiful fruit fly's ego and everyone wins. Its like a perfect symbiotic relationship. What the freakin' hell a I going to do with (e:lilho) leaves town.
I know it's early but I am just putting it out there. I am now accepting applications for a new fruit fly for Fall 2007. I have a lot to offer. Benefits depend on previous experience. Extreme physical beauty and comprehensive experience with gossiping are both required as is free time and close proximity. Damn, I guess I am demanding.
Here is Margaret Cho's take on the term fag hag

I also learned the term fruit fly, which is similar to fag hag. I like it better.

So the point of this journal. The reason it is an advantage for a gay guy to have a most beautiful straight girl "fruit fly" instead of a haggish one is that other gay guys, might mistake you for a straight guy with a hot girlfriend - thus increasing your desirability.
In return you feed the beautiful fruit fly's ego and everyone wins. Its like a perfect symbiotic relationship. What the freakin' hell a I going to do with (e:lilho) leaves town.
I know it's early but I am just putting it out there. I am now accepting applications for a new fruit fly for Fall 2007. I have a lot to offer. Benefits depend on previous experience. Extreme physical beauty and comprehensive experience with gossiping are both required as is free time and close proximity. Damn, I guess I am demanding.
metalpeter - 03/15/07 18:59
I think imk2 might be a good fit. I have only heard the Fag Hag tittle and not the other terms. I don't know if I understand the psychecology of all that. Hopefully you will get lots of aplications.
I think imk2 might be a good fit. I have only heard the Fag Hag tittle and not the other terms. I don't know if I understand the psychecology of all that. Hopefully you will get lots of aplications.
jenks - 03/15/07 18:56
wow I liked that article. I've been called a fag hag a few times (by my gay friends) but couldn't tell if it was derogatory or not.
wow I liked that article. I've been called a fag hag a few times (by my gay friends) but couldn't tell if it was derogatory or not.
mike - 03/15/07 18:52
isn't there a ho brother left? maybe he can be your stag. Why take the position out of the Ho family.
isn't there a ho brother left? maybe he can be your stag. Why take the position out of the Ho family.
jenks - 03/15/07 18:49
I'm pretty good at gossiping! Not sure about extreme physical beauty, free time, or close proximity though....
I'm pretty good at gossiping! Not sure about extreme physical beauty, free time, or close proximity though....
imk2 - 03/15/07 16:59
ohhh....pick me! pick me! what does the application process consist of???
ohhh....pick me! pick me! what does the application process consist of???
leetee - 03/15/07 16:27
i think he replaced you with a younger model, (e:hodown). he will say it is because his fruit fly has to be in town, since that is why he is shopping around now.
i don't think there are any more Ho sisters, Paul...
i think he replaced you with a younger model, (e:hodown). he will say it is because his fruit fly has to be in town, since that is why he is shopping around now.
i don't think there are any more Ho sisters, Paul...
joshua - 03/15/07 09:02
Fag stag? I've never heard that term before, lol. What do fag stags get in exchange for the extreme beauty and gossiping? I don't know if boosting the ego would do it for straight guys.
Fag stag? I've never heard that term before, lol. What do fag stags get in exchange for the extreme beauty and gossiping? I don't know if boosting the ego would do it for straight guys.
hodown - 03/15/07 09:01
youre replacing me? jerk.
youre replacing me? jerk.
Granted I'm not a computer person so maybe what I'm saying isn't reasonable. But instead of having a program that finds those words why not have one like word programs that find gramer and meaning. The reason I say this is because what is wrong if someone says I'm in the middle of a test and I realiss that I have to take a shit, that is so different that someone calling someone they don't like at the hospital a shit head. I think that there shouldn't be any censoring unless there are personal attacks. MTV used to do this and in stead of saying fuck it would say f*** or something like that so if you wanted to say fuck you typed F U C K or something like that. When writing is changed it can leave a bad taste in peoples mouths. Who is to say if they say something about a bad exspeirance that it won't be censored to (in their mind). I understand that people and a company don't want people harassed or kids to be exposed to swearing. But at the same time I think that they would be better off being able to express them selves openly with out censorhip. In any event I wish you the best of luck it still sounds like a vary good idea.
Yeah I remember a long time ago on Yahoo Chat [does that even exist anymore?] you could set a chat room to scrub messages for swearing. It was a little overzealous though because it would change, eg, 'wash it' into 'wapoop.'
My brother-in-law works with some real wholesome people who nevertheless really liked watching Jackass and were, and I quote, 'really looking forward to the new Jackbutt movie.'
Some fuckin' people.
- Z