Zoë took this photo while we were waiting on Casey to run down the street and get the 25-dollar money order we needed for the wedding. Not a bad price, huh?
This one was taken a couple of minutes after the "marriage." Zoë Lavatelli and Mike Louie went as our witnesses. Anna had to work but she went shopping with me the night before. Casey has lipstick all over his face.
This is while we were waiting to be called. It was all very bureaucratic but still fun. I'm glad we missed the stress of planning a big wedding. I do feel pretty guilty for getting married when so many of my friends can't legally get married.
Here is one where we got to kiss! I got a little tongue yawl. Is that why the justice of the peace is looking at us like that?
And finally here we are in our hotel room. We had to kick Zoë out after getting her all tipsy with some bubbly. Then we got to consummate, ah yeah, sadly only three times before red monster came.
You look soft and fuzzy.