If its not 24, or select Sci-Fi shows, or sports, or something cool or interesting on the History or Science Channels, or possibly the Discovery/Times Channel... oh to hell with it. I can't say that I don't watch a lot of television. I watch quite a bit more than I used to, but at least I'm not watching reality TV! My nerdhood gets certified every time I watch a special about unmanned space exploration of the solar system, or specials about ancient Rome, or specials about world events.
Discovery/Times is a fantastic channel. I saw a pseudo-documentary about North Korea that was chilling. It was about a generation of hundreds of thousands of orphans that are utterly neglected by the state, yet the government of North Korea denies that they are neglecting any children. One brave guy, who braved live and limb to cross the border to China, repeatedly risked his live and went back over the NK border with a camera and recorded some of the most sickening, chilling... I am running out of adjectives. I'll just say that there are some brave souls out there that are sticking their neck out and recording what is going on in North Korea that the rest of the world needs to see. The truth about North Korea is more shocking than most people could imagine... which in itself is a pretty bold statement.
I was amazed - orphaned kids picking up grains of rice off of muddy ground, and the adults around them paying absolutely no mind. Troops stationed at the border ready to shoot and kill any civilian that tries to cross the border into China. Political prisons, where many North Koreans who have managed to escape the country claim that family members were kidnapped and taken. The capital, Pyongyang, where only the children of the elite are allowed to be educated and participate in staged political events. No true freedoms of any kind. Cities with no traffic that look like ghost towns. So much for Marxism.
On the brighter side of things, apparently Fidel is circling the drain, which as far as I'm concerned is fantastic news for the people of Cuba. I'm told Raul is worse than Fidel as far as viciousness is concerned, so we'll see.
On to PETA. While I may wholeheartedly disagree with an organizations politics and ideological view, I defend their right to be whatever they want to be. I once dated a girl that jammed a fistful of PETA propaganda in my hand and asked me to promise to never eat at KFC. I kept the promise! Not because KFC may or may not practice animal cruelty, mind you, but simply because if you want good chicken there are better places to go.
You can easily guess what I think about PETA. I will not, however, let this get in the way of my love for the flair and creativity through which their pursue their aims. Check out this story -

This is nothing short of magnificent! PETA activists "performed in protest" in front of a Burberry store in Hong Kong, with the aim to get Burberry to quit using fur as a component in their clothing. The best part of the event - part of their "performance in protest" was dressing as cave people. I think PETA are wackos, but I can't help but love these wackos at times.
Believe it or not there will be many in Cuba who are saddened by his death (Fidel). Of course it is hard to tell how many will rejoice when he takes his last breath because it is unusual to talk about national politics inside the country (criticism is ilegal). I do hope that his death could bring about positive change, but nobody really knows what will happen. My guess is not much for now. Outside influences such as Caracas and Washington could determine the future.
I have to agree that 24 is the best show on TV. I will admit I'm not sure what My favortie season is from it but they all have been verry good. I have no problem with them doing the nuclur thing, not sure why it is such a big deal.
I have seen two documentaries about North Korea. One was called "The Real Doctor Evil" and the other one was something like "Inside North Korea" I didn't know about the kid thing. But somethings where really strange like building brand new empty buildings that arn't being used for anything. Plus there is a lot of indocternation of the people i think you might enjoy both of them.
24 is da bomb! pun fun.