I loathe even suggesting reading something from Artvoice normally, but the newest issue has an amazing interview with Congressman Brian Higgins. Check it out.
And when I say 'amazing,' I'm talking about Brian Higgins. Geoff Kelly, the worm who interviewed him, proceeded to ask Mr. Higgins the most idiotic, biased, leading line of questioning I have ever read in local print. Geoff Kelly is a fucking disgraceful human being who obviously has a major bone to pick with Mr. Higgins because, well frankly, he isn't a liberal. The pathetic part of it all was that Kelly believes that by rewording what he really thinks that somehow the readers, or even Mr. Higgins himself, are going to not realize it. Its a shame and a complete disgrace, but what else am I to expect from the utter and absolute garbage that we have for media in our city? You hire garbage and you are going to end up reviewing, editing and printing garbage. Way to go once again, Artvoice. FUCK YOU. Brian Higgins isn't as loony as Louise Slaughter or Cindy Sheehan and somehow this is a problem for you mouth breathers?
Geoff Kelly is an absolute idiot. Ignore his demure, banal, biased and predictable line of questioning. What to pay attention to is how Mr. Higgins easily handled Kelly. What you will find after reading Mr. Higgins thoughts is that he is a very level headed, practical, intelligent and thoughtful man. I was truly impressed by Congressman Higgins and I am proud to say that we have an excellent representative. If all members of Congress were like Mr. Higgins we would have an amazing body of politicians representing us.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/05/2007 16:25 #37544
Why I hate Artvoice01/04/2007 18:01 #37537
MattMatt - we will definitely review a gluten-free beer. I'm aware of a few different types - one was actually contract brewed right here in Buffalo!
After doing a little bit of research and asking around we'll find one to highlight. Soon there will be tears of joy as you sip a beer thats totally faking the gluten content! One I found is a beer that you may be familiar with - Ramapo Valley honey beer. Its actually kosher! I have to imagine that one way of 'masking'
A general rule to follow - if you aren't a celiac you shouldn't be drinking the celiac's special beer. That is denying someone one of the greatest joys unjustly - let the guy or gal have his damn beer in peace!
After doing a little bit of research and asking around we'll find one to highlight. Soon there will be tears of joy as you sip a beer thats totally faking the gluten content! One I found is a beer that you may be familiar with - Ramapo Valley honey beer. Its actually kosher! I have to imagine that one way of 'masking'
A general rule to follow - if you aren't a celiac you shouldn't be drinking the celiac's special beer. That is denying someone one of the greatest joys unjustly - let the guy or gal have his damn beer in peace!
01/04/2007 14:31 #37535
Comments, Promises and CaveatsCategory: beer review
I'm pleased that people seem to have taken to my beer reviews! After thinking about it a little bit (and probably some of what I'm about to say is understood already) I realized that I should probably throw down a list of disclaimers:
1. Talking about how the beer tastes will only be part of the reviews - I intend on passing along a little bit of knowledge about the style of beer, how it may compare to something you are definitely familiar with and a bit of background. This way, as you try new things you can be familiar with the different styles of brew and have a frame of reference when you are trying two things that are similar, and vice versa. Most people understand that a porter is different than a lager, but its not exactly common knowledge HOW they are precisely different. Learning a little bit about what we're drinking is part of the fun as far as I'm concerned and it will make you look smart at a party.
2. I may suggest where to locate a product but by no means am I promoting one retailer over another. For the purposes of the review we'll be looking at different beers that may simply not be available anywhere but a specialty store and so my hands are tied. Luckily for us, we live in a city plagued by chronic alcoholism so a lot of hard to find stuff is within our grasp. Except for Hacker-Pshorr - what the hell is up with that, Premier Group and/or Wegman's and/or Consumers?
3. I want to try to approach the reviews from as neutral a perspective as possible, but we're human and we all have different tastes. You may end up not liking something I liked in a review, so keep that in mind before you go and purchase something. You likely already have a bit of an idea, whether you realize it or not, about the things that you like and your willingness to take a leap of faith based on something somebody wrote. I hate saying that since part of the spirit of me doing this is to encourage people to branch out and try something completely different, but I'm definitely not handing out refunds.
4. Maybe there is a killer find out there that you think I should try and review - by all means I am open to suggestions, so don't be afraid to offer something up. (e:chico) asked so he shall receive!
5. I will never waste my money on buying Busch or PBR let alone drink them, so you'll never see commercial domestic beer (in the traditional sense) in my reviews.
6. Like I said, the goal is to have some fun, learn some stuff, try new and exciting beers (or old yet still kicking varieties) and hopefully at least one person over the course of time will try and like something I liked - there is always a degree of pleasure in introducing something to somebody and getting a positive reaction, isn't there? If you dislike something I liked, please comment and go through your points - it will benefit everybody.
1. Talking about how the beer tastes will only be part of the reviews - I intend on passing along a little bit of knowledge about the style of beer, how it may compare to something you are definitely familiar with and a bit of background. This way, as you try new things you can be familiar with the different styles of brew and have a frame of reference when you are trying two things that are similar, and vice versa. Most people understand that a porter is different than a lager, but its not exactly common knowledge HOW they are precisely different. Learning a little bit about what we're drinking is part of the fun as far as I'm concerned and it will make you look smart at a party.
2. I may suggest where to locate a product but by no means am I promoting one retailer over another. For the purposes of the review we'll be looking at different beers that may simply not be available anywhere but a specialty store and so my hands are tied. Luckily for us, we live in a city plagued by chronic alcoholism so a lot of hard to find stuff is within our grasp. Except for Hacker-Pshorr - what the hell is up with that, Premier Group and/or Wegman's and/or Consumers?
3. I want to try to approach the reviews from as neutral a perspective as possible, but we're human and we all have different tastes. You may end up not liking something I liked in a review, so keep that in mind before you go and purchase something. You likely already have a bit of an idea, whether you realize it or not, about the things that you like and your willingness to take a leap of faith based on something somebody wrote. I hate saying that since part of the spirit of me doing this is to encourage people to branch out and try something completely different, but I'm definitely not handing out refunds.
4. Maybe there is a killer find out there that you think I should try and review - by all means I am open to suggestions, so don't be afraid to offer something up. (e:chico) asked so he shall receive!
5. I will never waste my money on buying Busch or PBR let alone drink them, so you'll never see commercial domestic beer (in the traditional sense) in my reviews.
6. Like I said, the goal is to have some fun, learn some stuff, try new and exciting beers (or old yet still kicking varieties) and hopefully at least one person over the course of time will try and like something I liked - there is always a degree of pleasure in introducing something to somebody and getting a positive reaction, isn't there? If you dislike something I liked, please comment and go through your points - it will benefit everybody.
01/02/2007 14:07 #37508
An AdmissionI perpetrated the single most loser thing that anybody could do - I stayed home New Year's Eve.
My plan was to go to PMT and my friends private party at Goodbar, but on New Year's Eve it dawned on me that I didn't feel like celebrating at all, even on the biggest party day of the year. I made an egregious error here - the solution to my non-party, non-cheerful mood would have been to simply go anyway! I should have just grabbed a bottle or two of champagne, drank them down and rolled with it. Instead I stayed home. Believe me, I'm not proud about it but I'm not too afraid to acknowledge a mistake if I make it. Even if I didn't feel like it I should have forced myself out.
I'll never stay home again! (e:jason) and I are overdue a visit to a PMT party and all I can really say is that (e:paul), (e:matt) and (e:terry) are good lads that I generally enjoy chatting with who know how to have a good time.
On to politics. Before you stop here and say, "Oh god, here goes Joshy again" - don't be afraid of another diatribe. I've generally been disinterested in the political process for a while now - even before the election. My interest right now is focused on what the Democratic majority in Congress are about to do, and you should be too. This is where I come in.
In general I think the Democrats have been gifted a fantastic opportunity to maintain control of Congress and potentially win the presidency in 2008. On Thursday, Democrats will be simultaneously breaking a campaign promise and ushering in a series of new laws that I generally think are needed. The campaign promise Democrats are breaking is that they intended on including the minority on lawmaking on a more broader scale than what has been in place previously.
I have no disagreement at all with what they want to do in the first 100 hours (minimum wage increase, tightening ethics rules, more stem cell research, cutting interest rates on school loans, cut subsidies to the oil industry) but if you are going to inspire confidence in the votership that subsequently put you in power (a hint - the votership that swung the election were moderate/conservative Democrats) you should probably actually stick to what you say. Simply saying, as Pelosi's aides have suggested, that shutting Republicans out for the first 100 hours isn't breaking the campaign promise and they should be judged on the first six months to a year, is unacceptable. You cannot do what Democrats are about to do and retain credibility when they rode the moderate wave into power on the back of promises such as one where they promise more cooperation in government. Right now, Democrats cannot say that they are hanging on to one of their prominent campaign promises - that is absolute and cannot be tempered with a suggestion that the Democrats intend on opening things up.... eventually.
I think that these sets of things the Democrats want to do in the first 100 hours are long overdue - like I said I have absolutely no problem with what they are starting with. Just do not trumpet the Democratic intention of 'unprecendented bipartisanship' while you turn around and do the exact opposite as the FIRST thing that you do when power is handed over. One of the rules of politics is that when power is handed to the other party, ignore everything that the new guys in power say about bipartisanship. The temptation is too great to rule the roost with a strong hand and there are no politicians in the United States that are particularly exceptional... the public have every right to feel skeptical about the intentions of their politicians if they cannot manage to hold onto a campaign promise through the first few hours of gaining power.
Do I think that Democrats will maintain a spirit of cooperation? No. The reason is because cooperation is a two-way street. Today the new leader of the DCCC, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, was quoted in the Washington Post as saying, "My sense is that there's going to be a testing period to gauge to what extent the Republcans want to join us in a constructive effort or whether they intend to be disruptive. It's going to be a work in progress."
The problem with this is that "cooperation" doesn't mean that if Republicans don't agree with what you are doing, then bipartisanship has failed. Pursuing bipartisanship has a connotation tagged to it that you are willing to be as flexible as your opponent. If this is not true then you are not being bipartisan and therefore you cannot criticize the opposition for not playing along. The signal that the new DCCC chairman has sent is disconcerting.
I'll be interested in seeing exactly how things unfold for Democrats over the course of the next year. The DNC is fractured ideologically and while Pelosi has a reputation for keeping everybody together its clearly going to be a struggle to keep everybody happy. If they achieve the bipartisanship that they are boasting about, then I think a great political achievement will have been made and the American public will be the big winner. Whether we have the politicians that are capable of such an achievement remains to be seen, but my hope is that at least for a little while we'll remember that we are all Americans and we are going to have to put the vitriol aside in order to tackle our problems effectively. To say I'm skeptical would be an understatement, but in the end I'm an optimist and right now all we really have is hope and nothing more.
My plan was to go to PMT and my friends private party at Goodbar, but on New Year's Eve it dawned on me that I didn't feel like celebrating at all, even on the biggest party day of the year. I made an egregious error here - the solution to my non-party, non-cheerful mood would have been to simply go anyway! I should have just grabbed a bottle or two of champagne, drank them down and rolled with it. Instead I stayed home. Believe me, I'm not proud about it but I'm not too afraid to acknowledge a mistake if I make it. Even if I didn't feel like it I should have forced myself out.
I'll never stay home again! (e:jason) and I are overdue a visit to a PMT party and all I can really say is that (e:paul), (e:matt) and (e:terry) are good lads that I generally enjoy chatting with who know how to have a good time.
On to politics. Before you stop here and say, "Oh god, here goes Joshy again" - don't be afraid of another diatribe. I've generally been disinterested in the political process for a while now - even before the election. My interest right now is focused on what the Democratic majority in Congress are about to do, and you should be too. This is where I come in.
In general I think the Democrats have been gifted a fantastic opportunity to maintain control of Congress and potentially win the presidency in 2008. On Thursday, Democrats will be simultaneously breaking a campaign promise and ushering in a series of new laws that I generally think are needed. The campaign promise Democrats are breaking is that they intended on including the minority on lawmaking on a more broader scale than what has been in place previously.
I have no disagreement at all with what they want to do in the first 100 hours (minimum wage increase, tightening ethics rules, more stem cell research, cutting interest rates on school loans, cut subsidies to the oil industry) but if you are going to inspire confidence in the votership that subsequently put you in power (a hint - the votership that swung the election were moderate/conservative Democrats) you should probably actually stick to what you say. Simply saying, as Pelosi's aides have suggested, that shutting Republicans out for the first 100 hours isn't breaking the campaign promise and they should be judged on the first six months to a year, is unacceptable. You cannot do what Democrats are about to do and retain credibility when they rode the moderate wave into power on the back of promises such as one where they promise more cooperation in government. Right now, Democrats cannot say that they are hanging on to one of their prominent campaign promises - that is absolute and cannot be tempered with a suggestion that the Democrats intend on opening things up.... eventually.
I think that these sets of things the Democrats want to do in the first 100 hours are long overdue - like I said I have absolutely no problem with what they are starting with. Just do not trumpet the Democratic intention of 'unprecendented bipartisanship' while you turn around and do the exact opposite as the FIRST thing that you do when power is handed over. One of the rules of politics is that when power is handed to the other party, ignore everything that the new guys in power say about bipartisanship. The temptation is too great to rule the roost with a strong hand and there are no politicians in the United States that are particularly exceptional... the public have every right to feel skeptical about the intentions of their politicians if they cannot manage to hold onto a campaign promise through the first few hours of gaining power.
Do I think that Democrats will maintain a spirit of cooperation? No. The reason is because cooperation is a two-way street. Today the new leader of the DCCC, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, was quoted in the Washington Post as saying, "My sense is that there's going to be a testing period to gauge to what extent the Republcans want to join us in a constructive effort or whether they intend to be disruptive. It's going to be a work in progress."

I'll be interested in seeing exactly how things unfold for Democrats over the course of the next year. The DNC is fractured ideologically and while Pelosi has a reputation for keeping everybody together its clearly going to be a struggle to keep everybody happy. If they achieve the bipartisanship that they are boasting about, then I think a great political achievement will have been made and the American public will be the big winner. Whether we have the politicians that are capable of such an achievement remains to be seen, but my hope is that at least for a little while we'll remember that we are all Americans and we are going to have to put the vitriol aside in order to tackle our problems effectively. To say I'm skeptical would be an understatement, but in the end I'm an optimist and right now all we really have is hope and nothing more.
jason - 01/02/07 15:03
I expect the Democrats to not be bipartisan. Why should you reach out to someone after you beat them? To be good sports? Bullshit, the Republicans didn't do it and the Democrats won't either. The "promise" was just fluff to get extra votes.
I expect the Democrats to not be bipartisan. Why should you reach out to someone after you beat them? To be good sports? Bullshit, the Republicans didn't do it and the Democrats won't either. The "promise" was just fluff to get extra votes.
01/03/2007 14:43 #37498
Beer Review!Category: beer review
(e:jason) and I have a habit of picking up new and exciting beers to try a couple times a week. Last night it dawned on me - one of us should have a beer review to put in our journals! I wish I would have thought about this sooner so I will review two beers for you here in this journal - the first is an absolutely epic Trappist style monk-brewed beer from Belgium, and the other is a traditional English style pub ale from Leeds.
I hope that you guys enjoy the reviews - I want to encourage people who might be afraid of trying something new, or who might be afraid of plunking down $11 for a 4-pack without knowing what it is that they are getting. In the future (e:jason) may place the reviews in his journal, depending on his desire to do so.
Review #1 - Trappistes Rochefort 10 (Belgium) -
- 10/10
Check out how in the bag I am - I'm cockeyed and red faced! New rule - treat high ABV drinks with respect! Do not let this fact deter you from my review - I assure you that while I was tipsy this was only my second drink and my pallete was keen as ever!

11.3% abv, 330ml bottle, $5-$10 per bottle.
Simply put, this is one of the greatests beers I've ever had. This beer is produced by one of only six trappist breweries in the entire world - its an exceedingly rare beer and usually very expensive. Luckily for us, you can find it at Premier Gourmet.
What is a trappist brewed beer? My friend, allow me the pleasure of introducing you to the finest, rarest and priciest beers on earth. These certified Trappist beers are made at only six places, all located in Belgium (Rochefort, Orval, Chimay, Achel, Westvleteren, Westmalle). Depending on the abbey that we are talking about, some or all of the production is done by the monks - the employment of laymen to help with the brewing process is common among Trappist breweries.
Why are these beers so rare and exceedingly expensive? The principle behind it is that they only make enough to keep the monastery going and don't give a damn about market demand. As a result, only a few places import these beers. In the case of Westvleteren, they do not commercially sell the beer - there are only two places on earth where you can legally purchase the beer. One is the brewery itself in Belgium, and the other is the inn directly across the street from the brewery. The monks very much discourage the reselling of the product and adjust how much individuals can buy. Even when you buy the Westvletern 12 it costs $40 a case. If you found it 'illegally' it would cost over twice as much... Westy 12 is considered the world's greatest beer yet it is utterly unavailable to the world.
In the case of Rochefort, both monks and laymen are involved in the production of the beer. These are handmade brews, lovingly and meticulously cared for during the brewing process. They are unique, rare and unlike anything you've ever tried. The monasteries usually have long, proud brewing traditions dating back several hundred to even 1,000 years in the case of Orval! What is even more incredible is that at Rochefort, the monks do not drink their beer so they have no idea what it tastes like! Divine inspiration, indeed - this is a beer that is universally considered one of the top 2 or 3 beers on earth.
I first had this beer a year ago in Seattle. The beer must be poured in a goblet to appreciate the color, head and nose of the beer. The beer has a very dark amber brown color, slightly opaque and outwardly shiny quality to it - it is truly a beautiful thing. Even the slightest bit of light makes the brew shine like a diamond when you look at it - can you possibly get more attractive? Giving it a good sniff before drinking reveals exactly how boozy this one is - at 11.3% its not the heaviest drink out there but I advise to sip this one slightly chilled. Upon tasting it you'll notice the leather, plum, raisin, brown sugar, bubble gum, rum-soaked dark berries and an amazing array of spices that deliver a unique and fabulous flavor. Its the most complex combinations of flavor that I've ever tasted in a beer. Given the layers of flavor and the high alcohol content you might assume that this is a heavy beer - not so! Lesser brewers have to compensate for complicated flavor and high alcohol content; most of the time the result is a beer that feels like a brick at the bottom of your stomach. Rochefort 10 is velvety and deceives you concerning the alcohol content - this explains my red face in the picture. Don't drink too fast!
Rochefort 10 is bitter, slightly sweet, medium bodied, fruity and incredible. If you are going to enjoy this with food, I would recommend treating the combination as if you are trying to match a good red wine.
Review #2 - Tetley "Smoothflow" English Ale (England) - 7/10

3.8% abv, 14.9 oz. can, $6 per 4-pack at Consumer Beverage.
In the United States Tetley is a name primarily associated with tea - this is a beer brewed by Carlsberg in Leeds, Yorkshire. Our supermarkets regularly carry UK-based widget ales with tall cans - anybody that has spent time in a beer section has surely seen Boddington's on the shelf. Smoothflow (as we'll call it anyway - this beer is nearly identical to another beer with a similar name that is marketed in the UK) is very comparable to Boddington's and is probably closest in resemblance to that beer. Therefore, if you are a Boddy's fan then you will find a direct comparison with this brew.
In a pint glass this beer has a red/brown/gold color to it, and thanks to the widget the can will produce a magnificent, creamy head that will last to the bottom of the glass. The beer has a more profound flavor than Boddington's with a light nutty, caramel flavor. Imagine the creamy texture of Guinness and the lightness of an ale and you can get the picture. It is not a heavy beer despite the texture and is easily drinkable. The creamy ale style typically doesn't have a strong flavor - if you are used to flavorful beers this beer will seem like a light one. In fact, if you are a light beer drinker I'd encourage you to try this - its better than Amstel Light, is light as a feather after you drink it and is vastly more delicious. Without careful attention you could drink through six of these with ease, which is nice. Here is the kicker - Coors Light would get you drunk faster and since this is Buffalo we all know that this is an important consideration.
This is one of the standard pub ales that you would find in England. I read another review that referred to this beer as "filth" - this is out of order! Ease of drinking and the creamy yet light texture make this one an obvious choice for an "every day" type of drink, if it were available in mass market. If you want something better than domestic beer that won't hammer you and will leave you without that really heavy feeling in your belly then I would recommend giving this a shot. This beer is what it is though and isn't particularly adventurous despite the fact that this is an enjoyable beer to kick back with. Better than average. Whether or not its comparable to light beer nutritionally is something I'll look into later, but if you are a light beer drinker then I believe this would be a good fit for you.
I hope that you guys enjoy the reviews - I want to encourage people who might be afraid of trying something new, or who might be afraid of plunking down $11 for a 4-pack without knowing what it is that they are getting. In the future (e:jason) may place the reviews in his journal, depending on his desire to do so.
Review #1 - Trappistes Rochefort 10 (Belgium) -

Check out how in the bag I am - I'm cockeyed and red faced! New rule - treat high ABV drinks with respect! Do not let this fact deter you from my review - I assure you that while I was tipsy this was only my second drink and my pallete was keen as ever!

11.3% abv, 330ml bottle, $5-$10 per bottle.
Simply put, this is one of the greatests beers I've ever had. This beer is produced by one of only six trappist breweries in the entire world - its an exceedingly rare beer and usually very expensive. Luckily for us, you can find it at Premier Gourmet.
What is a trappist brewed beer? My friend, allow me the pleasure of introducing you to the finest, rarest and priciest beers on earth. These certified Trappist beers are made at only six places, all located in Belgium (Rochefort, Orval, Chimay, Achel, Westvleteren, Westmalle). Depending on the abbey that we are talking about, some or all of the production is done by the monks - the employment of laymen to help with the brewing process is common among Trappist breweries.
Why are these beers so rare and exceedingly expensive? The principle behind it is that they only make enough to keep the monastery going and don't give a damn about market demand. As a result, only a few places import these beers. In the case of Westvleteren, they do not commercially sell the beer - there are only two places on earth where you can legally purchase the beer. One is the brewery itself in Belgium, and the other is the inn directly across the street from the brewery. The monks very much discourage the reselling of the product and adjust how much individuals can buy. Even when you buy the Westvletern 12 it costs $40 a case. If you found it 'illegally' it would cost over twice as much... Westy 12 is considered the world's greatest beer yet it is utterly unavailable to the world.
In the case of Rochefort, both monks and laymen are involved in the production of the beer. These are handmade brews, lovingly and meticulously cared for during the brewing process. They are unique, rare and unlike anything you've ever tried. The monasteries usually have long, proud brewing traditions dating back several hundred to even 1,000 years in the case of Orval! What is even more incredible is that at Rochefort, the monks do not drink their beer so they have no idea what it tastes like! Divine inspiration, indeed - this is a beer that is universally considered one of the top 2 or 3 beers on earth.
I first had this beer a year ago in Seattle. The beer must be poured in a goblet to appreciate the color, head and nose of the beer. The beer has a very dark amber brown color, slightly opaque and outwardly shiny quality to it - it is truly a beautiful thing. Even the slightest bit of light makes the brew shine like a diamond when you look at it - can you possibly get more attractive? Giving it a good sniff before drinking reveals exactly how boozy this one is - at 11.3% its not the heaviest drink out there but I advise to sip this one slightly chilled. Upon tasting it you'll notice the leather, plum, raisin, brown sugar, bubble gum, rum-soaked dark berries and an amazing array of spices that deliver a unique and fabulous flavor. Its the most complex combinations of flavor that I've ever tasted in a beer. Given the layers of flavor and the high alcohol content you might assume that this is a heavy beer - not so! Lesser brewers have to compensate for complicated flavor and high alcohol content; most of the time the result is a beer that feels like a brick at the bottom of your stomach. Rochefort 10 is velvety and deceives you concerning the alcohol content - this explains my red face in the picture. Don't drink too fast!
Rochefort 10 is bitter, slightly sweet, medium bodied, fruity and incredible. If you are going to enjoy this with food, I would recommend treating the combination as if you are trying to match a good red wine.
Review #2 - Tetley "Smoothflow" English Ale (England) - 7/10

3.8% abv, 14.9 oz. can, $6 per 4-pack at Consumer Beverage.
In the United States Tetley is a name primarily associated with tea - this is a beer brewed by Carlsberg in Leeds, Yorkshire. Our supermarkets regularly carry UK-based widget ales with tall cans - anybody that has spent time in a beer section has surely seen Boddington's on the shelf. Smoothflow (as we'll call it anyway - this beer is nearly identical to another beer with a similar name that is marketed in the UK) is very comparable to Boddington's and is probably closest in resemblance to that beer. Therefore, if you are a Boddy's fan then you will find a direct comparison with this brew.
In a pint glass this beer has a red/brown/gold color to it, and thanks to the widget the can will produce a magnificent, creamy head that will last to the bottom of the glass. The beer has a more profound flavor than Boddington's with a light nutty, caramel flavor. Imagine the creamy texture of Guinness and the lightness of an ale and you can get the picture. It is not a heavy beer despite the texture and is easily drinkable. The creamy ale style typically doesn't have a strong flavor - if you are used to flavorful beers this beer will seem like a light one. In fact, if you are a light beer drinker I'd encourage you to try this - its better than Amstel Light, is light as a feather after you drink it and is vastly more delicious. Without careful attention you could drink through six of these with ease, which is nice. Here is the kicker - Coors Light would get you drunk faster and since this is Buffalo we all know that this is an important consideration.
This is one of the standard pub ales that you would find in England. I read another review that referred to this beer as "filth" - this is out of order! Ease of drinking and the creamy yet light texture make this one an obvious choice for an "every day" type of drink, if it were available in mass market. If you want something better than domestic beer that won't hammer you and will leave you without that really heavy feeling in your belly then I would recommend giving this a shot. This beer is what it is though and isn't particularly adventurous despite the fact that this is an enjoyable beer to kick back with. Better than average. Whether or not its comparable to light beer nutritionally is something I'll look into later, but if you are a light beer drinker then I believe this would be a good fit for you.
codypomeray - 01/04/07 19:23
i am going to have to check up on this new feature of your page. i like it. there are a few place down here on long island that have alot of specialty beers. just last friday i had a blue chimay...12 dollars a glass, but it was so smooth, and it had some kick to it. 9% alcohol if i remeber correctly. keep up the good work.
i am going to have to check up on this new feature of your page. i like it. there are a few place down here on long island that have alot of specialty beers. just last friday i had a blue chimay...12 dollars a glass, but it was so smooth, and it had some kick to it. 9% alcohol if i remeber correctly. keep up the good work.
matthew - 01/04/07 17:23
cool journal entry, makes me wish i wasn't allergic to wheat. You should review a gluten free beer sometime. I haven't had a real beer in so long, I can't tell if this gluten free beer I've been drinking lately taste like beer at all! It's good, but I want an expert's opinion.
cool journal entry, makes me wish i wasn't allergic to wheat. You should review a gluten free beer sometime. I haven't had a real beer in so long, I can't tell if this gluten free beer I've been drinking lately taste like beer at all! It's good, but I want an expert's opinion.
mrmike - 01/03/07 22:43
Nice review, good sir.
I tried the Tetley's when Tops had it last and liked it a lot. Next paycheck, maybe I'll give the trappists a swirl. New adult beverages are great finds, makes up for the dundee's honey brown in my fridge
Nice review, good sir.
I tried the Tetley's when Tops had it last and liked it a lot. Next paycheck, maybe I'll give the trappists a swirl. New adult beverages are great finds, makes up for the dundee's honey brown in my fridge
chico - 01/03/07 21:50
Great reviews, Josh -- I'm glad to have a top-notch beer to try and to recommend to friends. And the Tetley's doesn't sound half-bad, either.
If you like American ales at all, pick up a six of Dale's Pale Ale from Colorado (about $10 at the Premier). It comes in a can (oh, the horror!) but this isn't your dad's canned beer. A glass lining inside the can prevents the beer from taking on a tinny flavor, and it's a good thing -- this is a tasty brew.
It's not made by Trappist monks, but it might be worth a tasting! I'd like to see your review.
Great reviews, Josh -- I'm glad to have a top-notch beer to try and to recommend to friends. And the Tetley's doesn't sound half-bad, either.
If you like American ales at all, pick up a six of Dale's Pale Ale from Colorado (about $10 at the Premier). It comes in a can (oh, the horror!) but this isn't your dad's canned beer. A glass lining inside the can prevents the beer from taking on a tinny flavor, and it's a good thing -- this is a tasty brew.
It's not made by Trappist monks, but it might be worth a tasting! I'd like to see your review.
leetee - 01/03/07 19:44
I'm a fan of Tetley products. I lived in Leeds and worked at a pub. Pulled many many many pints of Tetley ale, bitters back in the day.
When i saw the cream ale in cans back home about 5 or so years ago, i was thrilled. Not the same as it would be in a glass pulled for you right at the pub, but it is a close second.
I'm a fan of Tetley products. I lived in Leeds and worked at a pub. Pulled many many many pints of Tetley ale, bitters back in the day.
When i saw the cream ale in cans back home about 5 or so years ago, i was thrilled. Not the same as it would be in a glass pulled for you right at the pub, but it is a close second.
joshua - 01/03/07 18:12
Thank you MK - I hope that sooner or later we find a new drink for you to try that you will end up loving!
I put up my pictures from Seattle when I first tried the Rochefort. I was so drunk, you should have heard my brother laughing at me.
Thank you MK - I hope that sooner or later we find a new drink for you to try that you will end up loving!
I put up my pictures from Seattle when I first tried the Rochefort. I was so drunk, you should have heard my brother laughing at me.
mk - 01/03/07 16:41
very nice reviews! for whatever reason i haven't had liquor in a long time and have taken to beer and wine lately. however, i rarely venture from the typicalkinds of beer that you can find at most bars, so it's nice to hear about different beers that i wouldn't normally stumble upon. good idea!
very nice reviews! for whatever reason i haven't had liquor in a long time and have taken to beer and wine lately. however, i rarely venture from the typicalkinds of beer that you can find at most bars, so it's nice to hear about different beers that i wouldn't normally stumble upon. good idea!
inspiraysean - 01/03/07 15:57
hey Josh,
thanks for dropping by and making a comment, deepak is cool far as I can tell and I've yet to seem him promote any snake oils, lol
keep in touch!
One Love
hey Josh,
thanks for dropping by and making a comment, deepak is cool far as I can tell and I've yet to seem him promote any snake oils, lol
keep in touch!
One Love
Just read the Artvoice interview and I hafta say I am genuinely impressed with Higgins. Obviously an independent thinker and brighter than a lot of members of Congress. After seeing 10-second sound bites on TV I was intrigued but didn't know enough about him -- now I know. And I agree with the last sentence of your post.