California has lost 75% of its citrus crop. California also happens to grow 86% of our nations lemons.
So, in other words, If you love lemons you should be prepared to pay quite a bit more for them, or that at the lemony flavor is firmly planted in your mind so that you don't forget.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/17/2007 13:15 #37744
Citrus01/16/2007 21:05 #37728
My Personal Favorite01/16/2007 10:26 #37715
24, my nerdy TV habits and PETA24 is the best show on television, although CSI Miami is very good as well. Some people were making a big deal about the nuke plot angle, but I think its nonsense.
If its not 24, or select Sci-Fi shows, or sports, or something cool or interesting on the History or Science Channels, or possibly the Discovery/Times Channel... oh to hell with it. I can't say that I don't watch a lot of television. I watch quite a bit more than I used to, but at least I'm not watching reality TV! My nerdhood gets certified every time I watch a special about unmanned space exploration of the solar system, or specials about ancient Rome, or specials about world events.
Discovery/Times is a fantastic channel. I saw a pseudo-documentary about North Korea that was chilling. It was about a generation of hundreds of thousands of orphans that are utterly neglected by the state, yet the government of North Korea denies that they are neglecting any children. One brave guy, who braved live and limb to cross the border to China, repeatedly risked his live and went back over the NK border with a camera and recorded some of the most sickening, chilling... I am running out of adjectives. I'll just say that there are some brave souls out there that are sticking their neck out and recording what is going on in North Korea that the rest of the world needs to see. The truth about North Korea is more shocking than most people could imagine... which in itself is a pretty bold statement.
I was amazed - orphaned kids picking up grains of rice off of muddy ground, and the adults around them paying absolutely no mind. Troops stationed at the border ready to shoot and kill any civilian that tries to cross the border into China. Political prisons, where many North Koreans who have managed to escape the country claim that family members were kidnapped and taken. The capital, Pyongyang, where only the children of the elite are allowed to be educated and participate in staged political events. No true freedoms of any kind. Cities with no traffic that look like ghost towns. So much for Marxism.
On the brighter side of things, apparently Fidel is circling the drain, which as far as I'm concerned is fantastic news for the people of Cuba. I'm told Raul is worse than Fidel as far as viciousness is concerned, so we'll see.
On to PETA. While I may wholeheartedly disagree with an organizations politics and ideological view, I defend their right to be whatever they want to be. I once dated a girl that jammed a fistful of PETA propaganda in my hand and asked me to promise to never eat at KFC. I kept the promise! Not because KFC may or may not practice animal cruelty, mind you, but simply because if you want good chicken there are better places to go.
You can easily guess what I think about PETA. I will not, however, let this get in the way of my love for the flair and creativity through which their pursue their aims. Check out this story -
This is nothing short of magnificent! PETA activists "performed in protest" in front of a Burberry store in Hong Kong, with the aim to get Burberry to quit using fur as a component in their clothing. The best part of the event - part of their "performance in protest" was dressing as cave people. I think PETA are wackos, but I can't help but love these wackos at times.
If its not 24, or select Sci-Fi shows, or sports, or something cool or interesting on the History or Science Channels, or possibly the Discovery/Times Channel... oh to hell with it. I can't say that I don't watch a lot of television. I watch quite a bit more than I used to, but at least I'm not watching reality TV! My nerdhood gets certified every time I watch a special about unmanned space exploration of the solar system, or specials about ancient Rome, or specials about world events.
Discovery/Times is a fantastic channel. I saw a pseudo-documentary about North Korea that was chilling. It was about a generation of hundreds of thousands of orphans that are utterly neglected by the state, yet the government of North Korea denies that they are neglecting any children. One brave guy, who braved live and limb to cross the border to China, repeatedly risked his live and went back over the NK border with a camera and recorded some of the most sickening, chilling... I am running out of adjectives. I'll just say that there are some brave souls out there that are sticking their neck out and recording what is going on in North Korea that the rest of the world needs to see. The truth about North Korea is more shocking than most people could imagine... which in itself is a pretty bold statement.
I was amazed - orphaned kids picking up grains of rice off of muddy ground, and the adults around them paying absolutely no mind. Troops stationed at the border ready to shoot and kill any civilian that tries to cross the border into China. Political prisons, where many North Koreans who have managed to escape the country claim that family members were kidnapped and taken. The capital, Pyongyang, where only the children of the elite are allowed to be educated and participate in staged political events. No true freedoms of any kind. Cities with no traffic that look like ghost towns. So much for Marxism.
On the brighter side of things, apparently Fidel is circling the drain, which as far as I'm concerned is fantastic news for the people of Cuba. I'm told Raul is worse than Fidel as far as viciousness is concerned, so we'll see.
On to PETA. While I may wholeheartedly disagree with an organizations politics and ideological view, I defend their right to be whatever they want to be. I once dated a girl that jammed a fistful of PETA propaganda in my hand and asked me to promise to never eat at KFC. I kept the promise! Not because KFC may or may not practice animal cruelty, mind you, but simply because if you want good chicken there are better places to go.
You can easily guess what I think about PETA. I will not, however, let this get in the way of my love for the flair and creativity through which their pursue their aims. Check out this story -

This is nothing short of magnificent! PETA activists "performed in protest" in front of a Burberry store in Hong Kong, with the aim to get Burberry to quit using fur as a component in their clothing. The best part of the event - part of their "performance in protest" was dressing as cave people. I think PETA are wackos, but I can't help but love these wackos at times.
libertad - 01/17/07 09:13
Believe it or not there will be many in Cuba who are saddened by his death (Fidel). Of course it is hard to tell how many will rejoice when he takes his last breath because it is unusual to talk about national politics inside the country (criticism is ilegal). I do hope that his death could bring about positive change, but nobody really knows what will happen. My guess is not much for now. Outside influences such as Caracas and Washington could determine the future.
Believe it or not there will be many in Cuba who are saddened by his death (Fidel). Of course it is hard to tell how many will rejoice when he takes his last breath because it is unusual to talk about national politics inside the country (criticism is ilegal). I do hope that his death could bring about positive change, but nobody really knows what will happen. My guess is not much for now. Outside influences such as Caracas and Washington could determine the future.
metalpeter - 01/16/07 20:03
I have to agree that 24 is the best show on TV. I will admit I'm not sure what My favortie season is from it but they all have been verry good. I have no problem with them doing the nuclur thing, not sure why it is such a big deal.
I have seen two documentaries about North Korea. One was called "The Real Doctor Evil" and the other one was something like "Inside North Korea" I didn't know about the kid thing. But somethings where really strange like building brand new empty buildings that arn't being used for anything. Plus there is a lot of indocternation of the people i think you might enjoy both of them.
I have to agree that 24 is the best show on TV. I will admit I'm not sure what My favortie season is from it but they all have been verry good. I have no problem with them doing the nuclur thing, not sure why it is such a big deal.
I have seen two documentaries about North Korea. One was called "The Real Doctor Evil" and the other one was something like "Inside North Korea" I didn't know about the kid thing. But somethings where really strange like building brand new empty buildings that arn't being used for anything. Plus there is a lot of indocternation of the people i think you might enjoy both of them.
ladycroft - 01/16/07 12:40
24 is da bomb! pun fun.
24 is da bomb! pun fun.
01/14/2007 14:31 #37684
Beer Review #3 - Coming Soon!Category: beer review
(e:jason) and I have chosen to highlight what we believe is without question the best local brewery, Southern Tier, and two of their amazing Imperial brews - the "Heavy Weizen" and the "Unearthly Pale Ale."
Review coming soon!
Review coming soon!
ladycroft - 01/16/07 12:39
ewe. i had southern tier at bullfeather's once and i really disliked it. i'm not sure which line i had though.
ewe. i had southern tier at bullfeather's once and i really disliked it. i'm not sure which line i had though.
01/11/2007 12:45 #37641
To Nick: And some responses!I wanted to write a brief note to Nick, and respond to a few people from some past responses to my journal. Thanks for reading!
Nick - Your identity isn't particularly important to me or to anyone else on (e:strip). (e:lilho) was wrong for posting a picture of you with a fat dick in your mouth, although from a completely neutral perspective you have to admit that it was funny. Maybe (e:lilho) was wrong for airing some very, very dirty laundry in public, but I think the important thing for both you and for her, and now for (e:paul), is to simply move on and forget about it. Its in everybodys best interest. I'm not judging your behavior and neither are most people here - why? Because none of us really know you well enough, to my knowledge most people here aren't members of your close circle and to be completely honest in the squabble between you and your ex there isn't a ton of interest here.
Move on, and do whatever it is that you do. You're wasting your time with the presumption of a lawsuit - if you'd like me to advise you on why I'd be more than happy to... there is no reason to embarrass yourself or anyone else any further.
On to the responses -
(e:jenks) - It turns out that after 10 days SFPD has yet to make any arrests, despite knowing exactly who was involved and how they were involved. SFPD is in serious, serious crisis mode. I suppose the beauty of this is that this is essentially a rich kid/rich kid squabble, and as a result because Yale and its students are involved this won't go away anytime soon until these kids who attacked the singers are punished. SF is highly embarassed right now - the justice system in the Bay Area is an international laughing stock at this point and the only way they can fix it is by actually having the police make arrests and punish criminals - aka "their job." I've mentioned visiting SF before, but in light of the chaotic law presence, the general intolerance of diversity of thought that the Bay Area is famous for, as well as the lack of political and economic diversity I'm reconsidering.
(e:metalpeter) - You are a thinking man and nobody gives you credit! Except for me, right now. Well done.
Inflation is tricky - there are a variety of thoughts on the subject but generally, to put it simply, $5.15 doesn't buy now what it did in 1997 - thats for sure!
I too have heard the argument that raising the minimum wage would result in jobs relocating to other states or other countries - in some instances I have seen this first hand so its definitely a factor. The thing to remember, though, is that there simply aren't enough Americans earning the minimum wage to affect the macroeconomic situation in the USA in events like this. It isn't as if raising the minimum wage is going to instigate some kind of economic collapse. Its an argument designed to scare people.
Usually wage increases turn into price increases because its the easiest and sometimes the only solution to keeping profit margin the same. Do I believe that a federal minimum wage increase will mean that when we do our daily shopping that everything will be more expensive in any kind of meaningful way? No.
(e:chico) - Thanks! The thing about CBAs and correlating wage increases with minimum wage increases is true and common within union contracts, but I've also read other CBAs that handle wage increases differently. I actually think its a fair thing to do and I'm not exactly against this, but I'm particularly offended when minimum wage increases are driven by (at least in part) the need to pacify labor unions and retain their donations to political campaigns.
I am a states rights kind of guy for the most part. The minimum wage issue is one of those things where I feel that the states are doing the right thing in spite of the federal government, and its shameful that the states are able to do this for people while our representatives in Washington continually vote in favor of pay increases for themselves - and Congressmen make great money for what is essentially a part-time job!
Nick - Your identity isn't particularly important to me or to anyone else on (e:strip). (e:lilho) was wrong for posting a picture of you with a fat dick in your mouth, although from a completely neutral perspective you have to admit that it was funny. Maybe (e:lilho) was wrong for airing some very, very dirty laundry in public, but I think the important thing for both you and for her, and now for (e:paul), is to simply move on and forget about it. Its in everybodys best interest. I'm not judging your behavior and neither are most people here - why? Because none of us really know you well enough, to my knowledge most people here aren't members of your close circle and to be completely honest in the squabble between you and your ex there isn't a ton of interest here.
Move on, and do whatever it is that you do. You're wasting your time with the presumption of a lawsuit - if you'd like me to advise you on why I'd be more than happy to... there is no reason to embarrass yourself or anyone else any further.
On to the responses -
(e:jenks) - It turns out that after 10 days SFPD has yet to make any arrests, despite knowing exactly who was involved and how they were involved. SFPD is in serious, serious crisis mode. I suppose the beauty of this is that this is essentially a rich kid/rich kid squabble, and as a result because Yale and its students are involved this won't go away anytime soon until these kids who attacked the singers are punished. SF is highly embarassed right now - the justice system in the Bay Area is an international laughing stock at this point and the only way they can fix it is by actually having the police make arrests and punish criminals - aka "their job." I've mentioned visiting SF before, but in light of the chaotic law presence, the general intolerance of diversity of thought that the Bay Area is famous for, as well as the lack of political and economic diversity I'm reconsidering.
(e:metalpeter) - You are a thinking man and nobody gives you credit! Except for me, right now. Well done.
Inflation is tricky - there are a variety of thoughts on the subject but generally, to put it simply, $5.15 doesn't buy now what it did in 1997 - thats for sure!
I too have heard the argument that raising the minimum wage would result in jobs relocating to other states or other countries - in some instances I have seen this first hand so its definitely a factor. The thing to remember, though, is that there simply aren't enough Americans earning the minimum wage to affect the macroeconomic situation in the USA in events like this. It isn't as if raising the minimum wage is going to instigate some kind of economic collapse. Its an argument designed to scare people.
Usually wage increases turn into price increases because its the easiest and sometimes the only solution to keeping profit margin the same. Do I believe that a federal minimum wage increase will mean that when we do our daily shopping that everything will be more expensive in any kind of meaningful way? No.
(e:chico) - Thanks! The thing about CBAs and correlating wage increases with minimum wage increases is true and common within union contracts, but I've also read other CBAs that handle wage increases differently. I actually think its a fair thing to do and I'm not exactly against this, but I'm particularly offended when minimum wage increases are driven by (at least in part) the need to pacify labor unions and retain their donations to political campaigns.
I am a states rights kind of guy for the most part. The minimum wage issue is one of those things where I feel that the states are doing the right thing in spite of the federal government, and its shameful that the states are able to do this for people while our representatives in Washington continually vote in favor of pay increases for themselves - and Congressmen make great money for what is essentially a part-time job!
ajay - 01/12/07 02:01
(e:Paul) : we blame the out-of-towners for that :-D
(e:joshua) , I'd say San Francisco is much more tolerant of diversity than Buffalo.
(e:Paul) : we blame the out-of-towners for that :-D
(e:joshua) , I'd say San Francisco is much more tolerant of diversity than Buffalo.
paul - 01/12/07 00:06
Oh god, this has gotten so off topic but. Where was the one city I was in a couple months back where 10 people got shot about 50 feet from me during a festival and then the riot police came, and then the helicoptors, and then the earthquake sirens, and then more police with riot gear, and then the ambulances as 300,000 fled the scene. Oh ya, that was San Franicisco.
Oh god, this has gotten so off topic but. Where was the one city I was in a couple months back where 10 people got shot about 50 feet from me during a festival and then the riot police came, and then the helicoptors, and then the earthquake sirens, and then more police with riot gear, and then the ambulances as 300,000 fled the scene. Oh ya, that was San Franicisco.
twisted - 01/12/07 00:02
Hey Metalpeter!
I really don't deserve that much credit, but I do agree that San Francisco (birthplace of (e:Metalpeter), current residence of (e:Twisted)) has a lot going for it! No place is perfect though, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't appreciate what you have.
Sure, if you want to "validate" another place, you can always find something objectionable about the alternatives to support your case. I really don't have a problem with that. We all do it to some extent. No reason your vision shouldn't support your reality. It's just as valid as mine.
We all have a short(er) than we'd like to have time on this planet. Make the most of it, wherever you are!
More on my first day at later! Maybe.
Hey Metalpeter!
I really don't deserve that much credit, but I do agree that San Francisco (birthplace of (e:Metalpeter), current residence of (e:Twisted)) has a lot going for it! No place is perfect though, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't appreciate what you have.
Sure, if you want to "validate" another place, you can always find something objectionable about the alternatives to support your case. I really don't have a problem with that. We all do it to some extent. No reason your vision shouldn't support your reality. It's just as valid as mine.
We all have a short(er) than we'd like to have time on this planet. Make the most of it, wherever you are!
More on my first day at later! Maybe.
joshua - 01/11/07 19:22
(e:ajay) how is the formulation of that curry recipe going?
Trust me, I would never be afraid of anybody in San Fran. Unless we are talking about furry animals with needles poking out of their arms in Golden Gate Park. That thought scares me. The thought of a San Fran version of "Malibu's Most Wanted" and how its managed to play itself out in real life in San Fran is very sad and right now San Fran deserves the beating its getting.
Otherwise it is undeniable that the law enforcement philosophy in SF is utterly shocking and its not a diverse place. Perhaps you would disagree.
As far as Buffalo is concerned, we've had 3 homicides since the New Year. I wonder how many have occurred in San Fran? As I read local articles today relating to what happened recently in San Fran, locals were commenting that the SFPD routinely does not report crimes in order to artificially inflates its crime statistics in SF's favor. That is a sad state of affairs that I would normally be skeptical about, but after seeing how SFPD handled this most recent attack one has to accept the plausibility of it all.
(e:ajay) how is the formulation of that curry recipe going?
Trust me, I would never be afraid of anybody in San Fran. Unless we are talking about furry animals with needles poking out of their arms in Golden Gate Park. That thought scares me. The thought of a San Fran version of "Malibu's Most Wanted" and how its managed to play itself out in real life in San Fran is very sad and right now San Fran deserves the beating its getting.
Otherwise it is undeniable that the law enforcement philosophy in SF is utterly shocking and its not a diverse place. Perhaps you would disagree.
As far as Buffalo is concerned, we've had 3 homicides since the New Year. I wonder how many have occurred in San Fran? As I read local articles today relating to what happened recently in San Fran, locals were commenting that the SFPD routinely does not report crimes in order to artificially inflates its crime statistics in SF's favor. That is a sad state of affairs that I would normally be skeptical about, but after seeing how SFPD handled this most recent attack one has to accept the plausibility of it all.
metalpeter - 01/11/07 19:07
First of all thanks for the compliements (can't spell for shit sorry)(e:joshua) (e:leetee) (e:imk2) and (e:uncutsaniflush) (If I misspelled or missed anyone sorry).
I will assume Cable Cars and Geirhadele (the chocolate place)are counted in the beauty. There are a few other things from there that are preaty good (e:twisted) , Myself (born there), Metallica and not sure what else since I havn't visited in a long time. In terms of the rich kids I'm not sure how rich gangs start, but it is crazzy.
You make some good points about the entire (e:lilho) and nick stuff. I agree that they should both just leave it in the past. The part I don't get is that he has a journal, if he was going to do anything he should have said it through there (even though he hasn't posted in forever). If you don't want people knowing your personal life the worst thing you can do is go to court cause then it all comes out. I only know (e:lilho)'s side of the story but nick needs to just leave it in the past and forget about it and move on.
First of all thanks for the compliements (can't spell for shit sorry)(e:joshua) (e:leetee) (e:imk2) and (e:uncutsaniflush) (If I misspelled or missed anyone sorry).
I will assume Cable Cars and Geirhadele (the chocolate place)are counted in the beauty. There are a few other things from there that are preaty good (e:twisted) , Myself (born there), Metallica and not sure what else since I havn't visited in a long time. In terms of the rich kids I'm not sure how rich gangs start, but it is crazzy.
You make some good points about the entire (e:lilho) and nick stuff. I agree that they should both just leave it in the past. The part I don't get is that he has a journal, if he was going to do anything he should have said it through there (even though he hasn't posted in forever). If you don't want people knowing your personal life the worst thing you can do is go to court cause then it all comes out. I only know (e:lilho)'s side of the story but nick needs to just leave it in the past and forget about it and move on.
uncutsaniflush - 01/11/07 18:13
it's true. I'm a big fan of (e:meterpeter).
He calls them as he sees them with insight and clarity. He seems to have a talent for cutting through all the bullshit.
it's true. I'm a big fan of (e:meterpeter).
He calls them as he sees them with insight and clarity. He seems to have a talent for cutting through all the bullshit.
ajay - 01/11/07 16:31
Lol... (e:joshua) , some rich kids get beat up in SF and you start worrying about your safety? Don't worry: pretend to be a non-rich kid, and you'll be OK.
Oh, and by the way: here's a comparison of crime statistics between Buffalo and SF : :::link:::
You're safer in SF than in Buffalo... and weren't you the one complaining about a house breakin not too long ago? ;-)
Lol... (e:joshua) , some rich kids get beat up in SF and you start worrying about your safety? Don't worry: pretend to be a non-rich kid, and you'll be OK.
Oh, and by the way: here's a comparison of crime statistics between Buffalo and SF : :::link:::
You're safer in SF than in Buffalo... and weren't you the one complaining about a house breakin not too long ago? ;-)
leetee - 01/11/07 15:27
i'm with you, (e:imk2) ... and you, too, (e:joshua) ! Here in the (e:Uncutsaniflush) and (e:LeeTee) household, (e:Metalpeter) gets a boatload of credit -- no one can cut to the chase and through the bullshit to see the issue at hand better in our book! :)
i'm with you, (e:imk2) ... and you, too, (e:joshua) ! Here in the (e:Uncutsaniflush) and (e:LeeTee) household, (e:Metalpeter) gets a boatload of credit -- no one can cut to the chase and through the bullshit to see the issue at hand better in our book! :)
imk2 - 01/11/07 15:20
you are wrong, dear joshua. more people than you think, give (e:metalpeter) credit. he's the patron saint of (e:strip)!
you are wrong, dear joshua. more people than you think, give (e:metalpeter) credit. he's the patron saint of (e:strip)!
Wow, definantely good times and a nice pic!