Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/02/2006 17:11 #29331
Pablo12/02/2006 12:04 #29330
paul - 12/02/06 13:09
Thanks for catching that problem. I updated it so that gather :::link::: works properly in safari. I didn't realize the browse button wasn't working before in safari. Use it to upload the video and then send me the tracking number so I can pick it up.
Thanks for catching that problem. I updated it so that gather :::link::: works properly in safari. I didn't realize the browse button wasn't working before in safari. Use it to upload the video and then send me the tracking number so I can pick it up.
11/20/2006 21:54 #29329
i want happy friends!!!!!What is going on. I feel like all of my friends from Fredonia are depressed. Honestly all of them. They are all depressed about one thing or another...their weight, their current relationships, their current jobs....if I could give ANYONE advice it would be major in something "real" in college because most of them didn't and now they have jobs they hate. And I don't know what to say to them except if you are sad then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I know it is not always that easy but no one should be sad. You only live once as far as I know so if you are unhappy just freakin do something about it!!! I'm saying this in here because i can't say it to them in this blunt mean way but it is true!!!! Does this happen to all recent college graduates??? I mean I was definitely deperessed when I left college too and not that I'm 100% super thriled with my life, I feel that I have at least made efforts to be comfortable with myself and my current situation and it drives me nuts when I hear my best friends complain so much!!!!!!
metalpeter - 11/21/06 19:01
I'm not going to bash college here but. There are some degrees that don't lead to a job other then teaching that subject to other kids who it will not lead to a job with. The other thing that happens a lot is that people need to voulunter or do interships to get jobs in their field. The reason being is many places don't hire people with out work experance in that field. It really often is who you know and not what you know. I read a stat somewhare about the Canisius Economics Degree program. Basicly it was that Canisus people hire Canisius people. I think there is a lot of truth to that in buffalo. I can't remeber the guys name but I knew someone who worked part time at Wilson Farms for extra money who had a low paying fulltime job. The went to school so they could do that job and was verry happy. It was just that the field they went into was a low paying one.
I'm not going to bash college here but. There are some degrees that don't lead to a job other then teaching that subject to other kids who it will not lead to a job with. The other thing that happens a lot is that people need to voulunter or do interships to get jobs in their field. The reason being is many places don't hire people with out work experance in that field. It really often is who you know and not what you know. I read a stat somewhare about the Canisius Economics Degree program. Basicly it was that Canisus people hire Canisius people. I think there is a lot of truth to that in buffalo. I can't remeber the guys name but I knew someone who worked part time at Wilson Farms for extra money who had a low paying fulltime job. The went to school so they could do that job and was verry happy. It was just that the field they went into was a low paying one.
11/19/2006 00:12 #29328
Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!Do you think Kel is upset that Kenan made it to SNL and he didn't?

Although I don't generally find SNL that funny anymore, I think Andy Samberg is pretty funny. He just did a funny skit with Ludacris, which is why I am thinking of him.

I miss Weekend Update with Amy and Tina. I like Seth Meyers but I don't think he will be as good as Tina. Weekend Update was always the high point of the show when they were on.

Although I don't generally find SNL that funny anymore, I think Andy Samberg is pretty funny. He just did a funny skit with Ludacris, which is why I am thinking of him.

I miss Weekend Update with Amy and Tina. I like Seth Meyers but I don't think he will be as good as Tina. Weekend Update was always the high point of the show when they were on.
mike - 11/19/06 13:16
omg i totally remember the time they had TLC as their musical guest. I thought it was a huge deal!
omg i totally remember the time they had TLC as their musical guest. I thought it was a huge deal!
mk - 11/19/06 11:42
I believe Kenan and Kel were a part of a Nickelodeon show called "All That" which was basically just their version of SNL. Maybe Kenan and Kel eventually became its own show...I can't remember. Sometimes "All That" was pretty funny actually. They always had random musical guests at the end too. I remember they had TLC once...that was probably the biggest name they brought.
I believe Kenan and Kel were a part of a Nickelodeon show called "All That" which was basically just their version of SNL. Maybe Kenan and Kel eventually became its own show...I can't remember. Sometimes "All That" was pretty funny actually. They always had random musical guests at the end too. I remember they had TLC once...that was probably the biggest name they brought.
metalpeter - 11/19/06 11:09
Kenan and Kal had a show togather that I can't remember the name of maybe the Kenan and Kal show I think it might have been one of those Nickloden shows. There mayhave ben a 2nd show togather, not sure. I will admit I always seem to miss SNL and the few times I do see it I don't see much of it. But I think that even though Tina moved onto another show they should have kept her or she should have stayed on weekend update. That portion of the show has allways been great. There are lots of people who go SNL sucks but still enjoy weekend update it has often carried SNL.
Kenan and Kal had a show togather that I can't remember the name of maybe the Kenan and Kal show I think it might have been one of those Nickloden shows. There mayhave ben a 2nd show togather, not sure. I will admit I always seem to miss SNL and the few times I do see it I don't see much of it. But I think that even though Tina moved onto another show they should have kept her or she should have stayed on weekend update. That portion of the show has allways been great. There are lots of people who go SNL sucks but still enjoy weekend update it has often carried SNL.
jenks - 11/19/06 00:24
sorry i'm retarded, but why should i know kenan thompson besides snl?
sorry i'm retarded, but why should i know kenan thompson besides snl?
vincent - 11/19/06 00:14
To me he will always be associated with, "Welcome to Goodburger home of the Goodburger can I take your Order!!!!"
To me he will always be associated with, "Welcome to Goodburger home of the Goodburger can I take your Order!!!!"
11/14/2006 18:50 #29327
I'm a posting MACHINEOk a) I need to switch my user pic now because I didn't realize how my chest was such a focus and that is not generally the look I go for.
b) I want to take a French and/or German class this summer. Kinda for fun, but it would also certainly be helpful towards my Master's. Anyone have any suggestions on where to look for that? I'm sure ECC is probably the easiest and cheapest.
c) Though it is far away, it is fun to think in advance: I'm thinking about getting a part time job for the summer, just for fun and of course to make money. I was thinking possibly a waitress? I feel like everyone should be a waitress at some point and I could see myself being okay at it. But there are many things people can do. I'm sure I can count on the estrippers to give me some suggestions for a fun yet productive (?) summer job I could look into? Also feel free to tell me any funny or ridiculous jobs you may have had yourself!
d) I just took out some anger on some old clothes that I still have left behind from HIM. (I don't mean Jesus...that reminded me of the way the word LORD is always capitalized in like church books). I took some scissors and pretty much went to town and cut and ripped until they were no more. I'm not normally that kind of person...I've never like set fire to old pictures or slashed any ex's tires...but I have to say it was kind of fun. Though I know I can't erase memories, and someday (soon), it won't bother me, it seems to be in my best interest to get rid of stuff that reminds me of him. Though it may seem childish, I think it helps. I can't bring myself to get rid of pictures, so I will at least have those around forever. But running shorts...I can bear to part with those...just means a trip to Target to buy more! Darn.
b) I want to take a French and/or German class this summer. Kinda for fun, but it would also certainly be helpful towards my Master's. Anyone have any suggestions on where to look for that? I'm sure ECC is probably the easiest and cheapest.
c) Though it is far away, it is fun to think in advance: I'm thinking about getting a part time job for the summer, just for fun and of course to make money. I was thinking possibly a waitress? I feel like everyone should be a waitress at some point and I could see myself being okay at it. But there are many things people can do. I'm sure I can count on the estrippers to give me some suggestions for a fun yet productive (?) summer job I could look into? Also feel free to tell me any funny or ridiculous jobs you may have had yourself!
d) I just took out some anger on some old clothes that I still have left behind from HIM. (I don't mean Jesus...that reminded me of the way the word LORD is always capitalized in like church books). I took some scissors and pretty much went to town and cut and ripped until they were no more. I'm not normally that kind of person...I've never like set fire to old pictures or slashed any ex's tires...but I have to say it was kind of fun. Though I know I can't erase memories, and someday (soon), it won't bother me, it seems to be in my best interest to get rid of stuff that reminds me of him. Though it may seem childish, I think it helps. I can't bring myself to get rid of pictures, so I will at least have those around forever. But running shorts...I can bear to part with those...just means a trip to Target to buy more! Darn.
jenks - 11/14/06 20:15
i've always wanted to work in a coffee shop... I seem to think it would be the perfect summer job.
i've always wanted to work in a coffee shop... I seem to think it would be the perfect summer job.
museumchick - 11/14/06 18:59
The International Institute (I think that's the name of it) often offers inexpensive french classes if they get enough people interested in it.
The International Institute (I think that's the name of it) often offers inexpensive french classes if they get enough people interested in it.
Ye syou must empty your cache
that's weird, it doesn't look like that for me in safari- it's tan like in paul's pix. did you try "empty cache" under the safari menu?