I just went to see the movie Bobby. It was written and directed by Emilio Estevez and has every celebrity you could think of. The movie takes place on the day that Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in 1968. The majority of the movie is dedicated to meeting many people who either work at or was staying at the Ambassador Hotel that day, where both the campaign rally and assassination took place.
I thought it was so well done and such a good movie. It made me cry my eyes out. Each person you meet in the movie, you are drawn to or feel some sort of connection to; whether you like or dislike them, you form an opinion about them. And though I don't know as much as I would like to about the whole event and Bobby Kennedy, it was clear that he had a large following and important ideas for our country and that his death was extremely devastating for so many people. It was just so sad to see clips of the actual night of the assassination, with him making speeches about his hope for the Presidency and for the future, and to know that moments later he would be shot in a kitchen. It was very emotionally draining but in a great way. I highly, highly recommend it!
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/04/2006 00:21 #29334
BobbyCategory: movies
12/02/2006 23:26 #29333
one year and look at me now!I realized yesterday that it has been one year that I have been single. I can't believe that it's already been that long. When I think back to that night, to the end of that awful semester, and about how devastated I was...and I think how I am today, and it makes me feel really good. Virtually every aspect of my life has improved since then, and in general I am very proud of myself, both in how I handled the situation and the person I have become. Sure I have made some mistakes, I probably said some things I shouldn't have, or NOT said things I should have (that is for sure!), but overall, I was mature and adult about the whole thing, and I can't believe how I didn't call him ONCE, not ONCE!!!! I never called or went to him crying or begging him to come back. And I really think he expected it, and I DIDN'T DO IT! I think it made such a difference in the whole process. I mean I really can truly say that I'm....over it....!! Wow! I mean granted, if I went in a room with him and his new (ugly...seriously she is) girlfriend, I'm sure I would be uncomfortable and a bit unhappy, but I think that is probably natural. But the fact that I can think about it anytime and never feel sad or jealous is something I'm very happy about! Because I realize there is totally nothing to be sad about and I know things are working out for me in very good ways. I hate to sit here and toot my own horn or whatever, but I just wanted to say that I can't believe it's been a year and look how far I have come. Well you don't have to really. But I am looking and I am very happy about it. And thank you to my friends and all the estrippers who have helped and made me laugh and smile and think with your comments and responses to my previous journals. Everyone has really been great. I am so proud of me!!!!
mrmike - 12/03/06 07:28
good for you :)
good for you :)
12/02/2006 23:17 #29332
NostrilsSo I was shooting a video with my lap top and I leaned over to check something on the screen, causing my nostrils to block out almost the entire screen. It makes me laugh every time. I hope you enjoy.
gryta - 08/30/07 23:58
Literally made me almost wake my mother because I laughed so loud.
Literally made me almost wake my mother because I laughed so loud.
codypomeray - 12/03/06 03:19
that is an awesome up your nose shot. your laugh after is great to. hahahahah.
that is an awesome up your nose shot. your laugh after is great to. hahahahah.
12/02/2006 17:11 #29331
Pablo12/02/2006 12:04 #29330
paul - 12/02/06 13:09
Thanks for catching that problem. I updated it so that gather :::link::: works properly in safari. I didn't realize the browse button wasn't working before in safari. Use it to upload the video and then send me the tracking number so I can pick it up.
Thanks for catching that problem. I updated it so that gather :::link::: works properly in safari. I didn't realize the browse button wasn't working before in safari. Use it to upload the video and then send me the tracking number so I can pick it up.
What really pisses me off is that they tore down The Ambassador Hotel a couple of years ago :-[