thanks for the advice and comments you guys. you always make me smile. after i wrote that post i grabbed the only piece of paper i could find...a jet blue credit card application...and just wrote and wrote which always seems to help me. seems to help me organize my thoughts and figure out that being upset over someone who has caused me nothing but pain and anger and sadness in the last year is totally ridiculous, and there is actually no good reason whatsoever to be upset about the whole thing!
i DO like jason's comment as well. not to divulge too much information about myself but i've had my eye on this one guy in this choir i sing in. i don't believe i've ever been so attracted to someone in my life! maybe it's just been long enough...perhaps it's time i actually did something about it... ;)
Mk's Journal
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11/13/2006 21:54 #29326
done crying for now!11/13/2006 00:30 #29325
fuckSo here's what's not fun. Looking on Facebook and seeing your ex-boyfriend in his user picture with a girl. Granted the picture is so small that you can't see who it is but you're pretty damn sure it's a girl and you also know pretty well who it is and are not fucking shocked at all who it probably is. What's not cool is sitting in the middle of JFK. crying your eyes out around a bunch of strangers. What's cool yet embarassing is someone you don't even know giving you a packet of Kleenex. I want to just die right now. I just can't even stop crying and I don't know what to do with myself.
jason - 11/13/06 14:53
Ugh, I hate squelching the temptation to write disgusting filthy things but in consideration of the mood I have to do what's right!
Ugh, I hate squelching the temptation to write disgusting filthy things but in consideration of the mood I have to do what's right!
joshua - 11/13/06 14:10
My brother is so right here its not even funny - ignore the second thing he said but pay close attention to the first. It is fabulous advice - you will see. Holding a torch for an ex that has moved on is useless.
Anyway you are beautiful and talented. Time will repair how you will feel, like Lee says. There will be a guy that comes along and will give you what you need - don't worry so much and enjoy yourself in the meantime.
My brother is so right here its not even funny - ignore the second thing he said but pay close attention to the first. It is fabulous advice - you will see. Holding a torch for an ex that has moved on is useless.
Anyway you are beautiful and talented. Time will repair how you will feel, like Lee says. There will be a guy that comes along and will give you what you need - don't worry so much and enjoy yourself in the meantime.
hodown - 11/13/06 13:12
aww, im so sorry. we've all been there. heartbreak is the worst.
aww, im so sorry. we've all been there. heartbreak is the worst.
jason - 11/13/06 11:52
Another thing I've heard is the best way to get over a guy is to get under a guy, but hey I'm not in that position so I have no clue.
Another thing I've heard is the best way to get over a guy is to get under a guy, but hey I'm not in that position so I have no clue.
leetee - 11/13/06 11:20
((((( (e:MK) )))))) Heartache sucks. But that ole dumb line that time heals all wounds is true. Time will fade the pain. Hang in there!
And just think, if you were still with that guy, you might not be available for the wonderful beautiful charming guy that is going to come into your life!!
((((( (e:MK) )))))) Heartache sucks. But that ole dumb line that time heals all wounds is true. Time will fade the pain. Hang in there!
And just think, if you were still with that guy, you might not be available for the wonderful beautiful charming guy that is going to come into your life!!
museumchick - 11/13/06 09:35
I think Jason had some good advice- but I definitely know how you feel. Its as if someone churned your heart out and then stopped on it.
I think Jason had some good advice- but I definitely know how you feel. Its as if someone churned your heart out and then stopped on it.
lilho - 11/13/06 08:56
i feel your pain, and trust me, mine is probably multiplied by a million.
i feel your pain, and trust me, mine is probably multiplied by a million.
jason - 11/13/06 08:38
"I just can't even stop crying and I don't know what to do with myself."
One thing you can do is remember that he is one of many, and that he's not the first or last guy in the world. Ex's are ex's for a reason. It wasn't meant to be. What if you ran into a really great guy? Don't waste any opportunities because of an attachment that serves no purpose.
"I just can't even stop crying and I don't know what to do with myself."
One thing you can do is remember that he is one of many, and that he's not the first or last guy in the world. Ex's are ex's for a reason. It wasn't meant to be. What if you ran into a really great guy? Don't waste any opportunities because of an attachment that serves no purpose.
11/12/2006 23:52 #29324
Update on my stupid flight!Ok well now I'm at the airport. I can't believe I have another hour and half. Puke. AND to make matters worse, THEY TOOK MY HAIR GEL!!! My favorite hair gel that I can't even find in Buffalo and had to buy in Toronto. The jerks took it. This especially annoys me because I got through Buffalo security without anyone noticing or caring. I love that hair gel. Waaahhhhh.
I would like to hit up the airport bar actually but a) I'd have to drag everything with me and b) I already spent way too much money on this trip! But I got some good stuff so that's exciting. I bought new running sneakers which will hopefully motivate me to get back into running. A friend and I are going to run the Buffalo Half Marathon in May and then probably a marathon down in Long Island in September or October. I'm going to need a race before that though. A good 10K or something.
For anyone keeping track or keeping score, I've decided to stick around Buffalo for another year until I go to graduate school. So you are all stuck with me for another year. :D Mike, if you get that music school going, I will gladly apply.
Finally, the kitty in the picture in the last entry with me is not mine but my friend Lindsay's. I am totally and completely a dog person but I absolutely love this cat. His name is Reuben and he is soooooo playful and loving....unlike any cat I've ever met. He crawled right under me when I was lying on the floor playing with my laptop, hence the cute cute pictures of us together. I will put up one other, but then I have to put up pictures of my dogs because they are REALLY my favorites and I don't want them to feel neglected.

I would like to hit up the airport bar actually but a) I'd have to drag everything with me and b) I already spent way too much money on this trip! But I got some good stuff so that's exciting. I bought new running sneakers which will hopefully motivate me to get back into running. A friend and I are going to run the Buffalo Half Marathon in May and then probably a marathon down in Long Island in September or October. I'm going to need a race before that though. A good 10K or something.
For anyone keeping track or keeping score, I've decided to stick around Buffalo for another year until I go to graduate school. So you are all stuck with me for another year. :D Mike, if you get that music school going, I will gladly apply.
Finally, the kitty in the picture in the last entry with me is not mine but my friend Lindsay's. I am totally and completely a dog person but I absolutely love this cat. His name is Reuben and he is soooooo playful and loving....unlike any cat I've ever met. He crawled right under me when I was lying on the floor playing with my laptop, hence the cute cute pictures of us together. I will put up one other, but then I have to put up pictures of my dogs because they are REALLY my favorites and I don't want them to feel neglected.

11/12/2006 20:03 #29323
jet blueSo I was supposed to leave at 10:40 pm from JFK tonight and now my flight is delayed until 1:10 AM. I feel terrible because someone has to pick me up at like 2:30 in the morning. And I think it's only because of stupid rain. Ugh I'm so mad at Jet Blue.
But in the meantime look at this cute kitty!!!

But in the meantime look at this cute kitty!!!

ih8gates - 11/12/06 23:07
Just try to avoid betting on any arrival and departure times with fellow travellers.
Just try to avoid betting on any arrival and departure times with fellow travellers.
vincent - 11/12/06 20:56
Time to hit the Airport Bar!!!!
I had a blast leaving LaGuardia on a Sunday night 2 months ago when the bar was closing up. It is the the time between their last call and your take off is the problem.
Time to hit the Airport Bar!!!!
I had a blast leaving LaGuardia on a Sunday night 2 months ago when the bar was closing up. It is the the time between their last call and your take off is the problem.
11/10/2006 12:43 #29322
Another mini-vacationSo last week I was in Boston and now I am in (on?) Long Island visiting a few of my friends until Sunday evening. Right now I'm staying at my friend Laura's. Since she's not as lucky as me and has a normal job that doesn't have off today, she's at work while I'm hanging around her apartment. I think she feels bad but I'm honestly thoroughly enjoying just having the morning to myself. Soon my friend Mary Beth who is student teaching somewhere near here is picking me up and we're going to get some lunch. I think we'll go see a movie later or something with Laura after she gets out of work. I feel a little like I'm invading everyone's life and that I'm annoying because I don't have a car. (p.s. I ate BLUE potato chips on my flight here and they were delicious.) I want to go into the city tomorrow but Laura has some shoot in the morning and Lindsay, another friend of mine, lives about an hour away from where I am now, which means like an hour and a half from New York, and I don't know if she'll want go at all, let alone be there in time to really do anything. I would actually really like to see Rent while I'm here. I know you can do the whole rush ticket thing beforehand so that would be neat if that works out. I won't be totally bummed if we don't go to the city but it would be nice. I usually really enjoy New York City when I am here, especially when I actually have a plan and am not just hanging around. So we'll see what happens. I think I'm going to go enter grades online now. I lead a very exciting life!!!!
codypomeray - 11/11/06 00:26
hope you have fun on the island, to bad the weather was not better, you could go to the beach. you stayin close to the city?
hope you have fun on the island, to bad the weather was not better, you could go to the beach. you stayin close to the city?
hodown - 11/10/06 14:45
let me know if you need nyc suggestions!!
let me know if you need nyc suggestions!!
enknot, just for the record, i was definitely not crying because she is prettier than me because she is not! she is also very boring and has no personality. i honestly would have said the same thing before. so there's no way that i'm worried she's better than me in any department! ok she's skinnier than me. she looks anorexic. i suppose some would say that's an advantage??!!
Hey MK. I Haven't read many of your posts, so excuse me if I seem a bit outta the blue, but in a really twisted kinda way it's really awsome that you can hurt about this situation.
Lemme explain. If you didn't have real feelings for this dude you wouldent care... ok maybe it's something more shallow and baseless like you thought she was prettier than you so your crying about it, but I'll just give you the benefit of doubt.
When I broke up with my ex (ok it was more mutual than that) I was glad she was gone and I missed her presence more than her. Actually I hated her. She was pretty selfish and really sucked in general, but that's enough dirt.
My place is still rather empty with just me in it, but at least I like all the occupants and none of the are cats, which I miss, but am deathly allergic to.
Either way I look at your situation, you win, since you had something real even if your ex didn't share your joy. Wish I could say that much about Becky. Now that your not with him you can find someone who cares about you as much as you cared about him.
Besides, I bet that even with a turtleneck on your still rather atractive, so have a few more good crys then go get that chior boy he don't know what he's in for!
Well I think you should definitely show some interest. I mean why not? I was told by my friend last weekend that this one chick thought I was cute, but hell if I knew, she more or less just broke my balls.
can't wait to hear more about him. And holy boobs in your user pic!