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04/29/2006 22:36 #25622

Yesterday and today left me coughing and gasping for breath.... Stuck on the sofa, feeling like crap, watching the nice days go by wishing i could be outside. Or maybe that's why i am sick in the first place? Please don't tell me i have Buffalo allergies!!

Normally, i would be a bit bummed being sick, but the fact that i really wanted to go on the Historic Linwood Avenue Homes Tour as (e:Matthew,724) posted about makes it even more annoying ( sent you a post-it, (e:Matthew) ).

  • pout*
  • cough*
  • sniff*
ladycroft - 04/30/06 19:49
get better!

04/26/2006 19:26 #25621

So yum yum yummie! Today, we went to Wegmans and got our first corn on the cob of the season.. So sweet and juicy.... gave me the sugar energy for this post!

I also went for my first bike ride of the season. Had to give the tires a wee pump and (e:Uncutsaniflush) gave the chain a spray of WD40. Then, i was off to the races... Pedalled up Bird to Claremont to Delavan, then over to Elmwood, back along Bidwell to Richmond then along Potomac to Grand and back down Bird to home. Not a long ride, but it was windy. East and north were far easier than west or south. And there is no sense getting bike butt the first day out!

OK, now i gotta go floss and watch Amazing Race...

04/24/2006 12:46 #25620

Rosie Weeekend
Just thought i would post the pic i took of Rosie, my brother's dog. I haven't seen her since she was a puppy, a few years ago. Last summer, she barked loudly, freaking out, while my brother slept as his house was burning down. No one was home but him and the dog. Least she was paying attention.

The first thing i said to her was 'thanks for saving my brother's life' (oh, after greeting the humans in the household, of course).

Doesn't look like she can manage doing much, eh?


Didn't get any pics of Chloe, my sister in law's sister's dog. Very active Boston puppy... may not have gotten anything that wasn't a blur anyway.

Despite (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s very bad allergies, we did have a nice weekend at my brother's place, up north in Ennismore, Ontario. The new house they built is quite nice. I was expecting to not like it (my brother, sister in law and i don't have the same taste), but i liked it.

Went to one of my neice's dance recitatls... her and her dance troupe got a gold for their performance. Not the typical way to spend a Sunday morning, but it was interesting. Some of the cute 8 year olds were adorable. One of the older groups did an interesting routine to Vivaldi and Marilyn Mason.

We left a bit early and didn't get to see my neice doing her jazz or hiphop routines. But (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s health is more important. That damn clean pollen filled country air!

Got some bread from my brother, who works for Dimpflmeier. Even picked up a few loaves for you, (e:Matthew) -- they have gluten free breads!!
littlecupcake - 04/25/06 17:36
vivaldi and marilyn manson? sounds like an interesting combination...

the dog's very cute. he looks expressive.. heh.
leetee - 04/24/06 16:14
You're welcome for the thought, (e:Matthew). The bread is in our freezer if you want to try it... just let me know an i will bring it over.

Love to join (e:you), (e:paul) and (e:terry) for the Linwood Homes tour! Thanks for the personal invite.
matthew - 04/24/06 13:24
Gluten-free bread?!?! :) I tried gluten-free rice bread a few years back, but it tasted like a brick. So i haven't tried it since. Thanks for the thought, that was very sweet of you. Are you going to be around sunday? It's the Linwood Homes Tour, and if you're free you are more than welcome to come with (e:paul) , (e:terry), and (e:I).

04/21/2006 00:38 #25619

[strike]Pears[/strike] and Pansys
Correction -- Just goes to show i know so little about plants and trees. That one there is not a pear tree... our neighbour has one... i think... and maybe, if i got the conversation right (never can tell with me!), that tree we have is a crabapple tree. I still think, whatever it is, the blossoms are nice, but the tree needs to be chopped down...

Our poor lil leaning pear tree. Beautiful blossoms it gets. No wonder someone did all that work trying to save it....




We got flower boxes for the front porch.. and planted pansys. Yay!


04/18/2006 08:13 #25618

oh, how i wish i could sleep normally. i wish...

that i didn't have to be so tired i can barely make it up the stairs just to fall asleep. that i could just be tired, or assign myself a bed time and just get in bed and fall asleep. that my tired, aching legs that like to run marathons in my sleep didn't wake me up. that waking up in the early hours of the morning just to pee and run back to bed wouldn't wake me. that if any of that happened, i could still nap mid-day so i am not dragging my ass around feeling like i have a hangover without the fun the night before.
leetee - 04/18/06 19:17
Thanks, (e:Libertad), i have seen the ad for Restless Legs Syndrome... just seeing it makes me all twitchy! I know my uncle was told he has RLS and was given meds.. i should email him again and ask him about it. Last time i did, he didn't reply.

Thanks so much for the kind words of support, (e:Theecarey) and (e:Jason)!

I totally agree that sleep is supposed to be restorative.. i think i can count one time in which i remember it being that way.. (e:Uncutsaniflush) might remember it, too. I woke up one morning and said, "wow, i slept better last night than i have ever slept." and i can't remember that happening since. If memory serves me correctly, i think that was about 2 or 3 years ago.

Thanks for the idea, (e:Jason), but sadly, i am way too easily distracted. Had a tv in my room many many years ago... i slept even less than i do now.

Thank goodness stuff like this goes in spells. Hopefully, this spell will be short... very short.
jason - 04/18/06 13:53
I'm so sorry to hear about it. I know the ills of horrible sleep patterns as well. I wish I knew a good remedy for you. I listen to my podcasts and fall asleep to them. I don't know if that would work for you or not. Good luck!!
theecarey - 04/18/06 10:39
I've seen the commercial-I was about to mention the restless leg syndrome, it is real; and I hear it really disrupts sleep. Awe Lee, sleep should be restorative.. not a physical and psychological challenge!
libertad - 04/18/06 08:46
Has anyone seen that commercial for restless leg syndrome? I can't remember if it was for real or not, but they claim to have a drug for people who can't stop moving their legs.