Toronto rocks. Every time we go, i remember how much i love that city. Not sure if i remembered how white the Danforth is. The train over the DVP still freaks me out. I suspect Mark will move once that huge condo building is up and running in the Polish working class 'hood he lives in. This morning, waking up, i can feel the smog in my hair.
Got a message from a job i applied for, asking if i was still interested and would i want an interview. I called back leaving a message saying yes. That is where the phone tag ends. Haven't received a call back. Wondering if i should call again to touch base....
Thanks for the luck, (e:Jenks) . I need all of it i can get.
Thanks, too, (e:Scott) , for confirming what i thought... eagerness for a job can't be a bad thing.
I did end up calling. Spoke to the man hiring. He was too busy at that time to schedule an appointment for an interview, he said and that he would call back. Still waiting for that.
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/09/2006 10:49 #25625
Play and Work -- Updated05/05/2006 16:33 #25624
CourageI had the bravery to get my camera out at Wegmans and take a coupla pics today. My motivation? I just had to share this with a certain someone who loves this stuff. You want your housewarming gift now or later, (e:Ladycroft) ?

ladycroft - 05/13/06 12:12
:) awwwwwwwww, thanks for thinking of me!
:) awwwwwwwww, thanks for thinking of me!
05/02/2006 14:27 #25623
Too Long For A CommentOK, all of this started out as a comment... until i realized it's too long for that, and better suited to a post.
I love those waffle thingies, too, (e:Paul,4319) . Aren't they yummy? I used to work in a mall in Hamilton that had a Dutch store across the hall that sold a brand of them i thought were the best... hell, i still think that. They used to be a quarter a waffle, then they put 'em in 4 packs for 1.99. Even now, i think they cost less than the brand at Wegmans and taste twice as good, if you ask me. Next time my mom is in town (probably this weekend), i will ask her to bring me some and i can give you a package.
Did you notice that the price of truffles went back down to 499.99/lb at Wegmans? Meant to take a pic of that...
Speaking of, i know what you mean by being shy, (e:Jenks,123) . Course, i am an old married lady now, so i don't have to worry about the dating aspects of shyness. But i so understand how you feel about approaching an (e:peep)! And taking pictures of things like you commented to (e:Paul). I wanted to take a picture of my lunch today, but i got freaked out about doing it in a small restaurant.... not like i got me a handy camera phone to make it look less obvious!
Lunch... oh my... for the second time at the Red Pepper up by the Boulevard, i had the most huge bowl of soup. Looked more like a pot. I've always wanted to try those big ole bowls of Vietnamese soup and recently, i found out that they will make a vegetarian version. Water based, with lots of noodles and tofu and veggies with the hot and sweet sauce to add along with limes, basil leaves and bean sprouts! So good. Took as much home as i ate there.... for 6 bucks, talk about a fab deal!
My mom is supposed to be visiting this weekend. If i can get better from this last cold and stay that way, and if the weather isn't too crappy, that is. I assume she wants to shop shop shop...
I love those waffle thingies, too, (e:Paul,4319) . Aren't they yummy? I used to work in a mall in Hamilton that had a Dutch store across the hall that sold a brand of them i thought were the best... hell, i still think that. They used to be a quarter a waffle, then they put 'em in 4 packs for 1.99. Even now, i think they cost less than the brand at Wegmans and taste twice as good, if you ask me. Next time my mom is in town (probably this weekend), i will ask her to bring me some and i can give you a package.
Did you notice that the price of truffles went back down to 499.99/lb at Wegmans? Meant to take a pic of that...
Speaking of, i know what you mean by being shy, (e:Jenks,123) . Course, i am an old married lady now, so i don't have to worry about the dating aspects of shyness. But i so understand how you feel about approaching an (e:peep)! And taking pictures of things like you commented to (e:Paul). I wanted to take a picture of my lunch today, but i got freaked out about doing it in a small restaurant.... not like i got me a handy camera phone to make it look less obvious!
Lunch... oh my... for the second time at the Red Pepper up by the Boulevard, i had the most huge bowl of soup. Looked more like a pot. I've always wanted to try those big ole bowls of Vietnamese soup and recently, i found out that they will make a vegetarian version. Water based, with lots of noodles and tofu and veggies with the hot and sweet sauce to add along with limes, basil leaves and bean sprouts! So good. Took as much home as i ate there.... for 6 bucks, talk about a fab deal!
My mom is supposed to be visiting this weekend. If i can get better from this last cold and stay that way, and if the weather isn't too crappy, that is. I assume she wants to shop shop shop...
mrdt - 05/02/06 21:49
truffles are cheaper cause this and the in fall are the times of year when mushrooms grow the best. they need cooler damp climates.
truffles are cheaper cause this and the in fall are the times of year when mushrooms grow the best. they need cooler damp climates.
metalpeter - 05/02/06 18:53
Just a thought. Don't be affrid of taking pictures of your lunch. If someone from the resturant says something to you then just say something like I'm writing about resturants and for the piece I want pictures of the food I order. You would be telling the truth and they may assume they might get some free publicity. If they ask who you write for say, I can't say becasue I have no controll over what aritcles get published, if your resturant is used we will contact you and let you know. Just an idea. I know I have felt weird about taking pictures in a supermarket.
Just a thought. Don't be affrid of taking pictures of your lunch. If someone from the resturant says something to you then just say something like I'm writing about resturants and for the piece I want pictures of the food I order. You would be telling the truth and they may assume they might get some free publicity. If they ask who you write for say, I can't say becasue I have no controll over what aritcles get published, if your resturant is used we will contact you and let you know. Just an idea. I know I have felt weird about taking pictures in a supermarket.
04/29/2006 22:36 #25622
SickiesYesterday and today left me coughing and gasping for breath.... Stuck on the sofa, feeling like crap, watching the nice days go by wishing i could be outside. Or maybe that's why i am sick in the first place? Please don't tell me i have Buffalo allergies!!
Normally, i would be a bit bummed being sick, but the fact that i really wanted to go on the Historic Linwood Avenue Homes Tour as (e:Matthew,724) posted about makes it even more annoying ( sent you a post-it, (e:Matthew) ).
Normally, i would be a bit bummed being sick, but the fact that i really wanted to go on the Historic Linwood Avenue Homes Tour as (e:Matthew,724) posted about makes it even more annoying ( sent you a post-it, (e:Matthew) ).
- pout*
- cough*
- sniff*
ladycroft - 04/30/06 19:49
get better!
get better!
04/26/2006 19:26 #25621
Corn!!So yum yum yummie! Today, we went to Wegmans and got our first corn on the cob of the season.. So sweet and juicy.... gave me the sugar energy for this post!
I also went for my first bike ride of the season. Had to give the tires a wee pump and (e:Uncutsaniflush) gave the chain a spray of WD40. Then, i was off to the races... Pedalled up Bird to Claremont to Delavan, then over to Elmwood, back along Bidwell to Richmond then along Potomac to Grand and back down Bird to home. Not a long ride, but it was windy. East and north were far easier than west or south. And there is no sense getting bike butt the first day out!
OK, now i gotta go floss and watch Amazing Race...
I also went for my first bike ride of the season. Had to give the tires a wee pump and (e:Uncutsaniflush) gave the chain a spray of WD40. Then, i was off to the races... Pedalled up Bird to Claremont to Delavan, then over to Elmwood, back along Bidwell to Richmond then along Potomac to Grand and back down Bird to home. Not a long ride, but it was windy. East and north were far easier than west or south. And there is no sense getting bike butt the first day out!
OK, now i gotta go floss and watch Amazing Race...
If you're ever wondering about whether to call twice about a job, the answer is "yes". I don't think anyone's ever been turned down for a job for being "too persistant".
good luck lee!