We've owned this mini-mansion for less than a year now, and earlier this week we finally had some drywall dust floating about. Our house used to have an in-law suite, or apartment, on the back upper side. Since neither (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i want to be the evil landlord, we thought we would prefer to have the apartment connected back to the rest of the house (other than having to march up the back staircase).
Here's the house side of the hallway before we did anything... including one with some junk there (ok, not junk, that room to room air conditioner is hardly junk..).

And here is the apartment side of the house. Looks like things were done and decorated around the late 60's, doesn't it?

And here we are with the apartment side partly done.. ugly tile board off, some of the drywall gone... The peeps that did it used insulation as what we assume was for soundproofing.

Here is the apartment side done... Studs and electrical box still there.

Here is the handyman himself, the one and only (e:Uncutsaniflush) !

This is a closeup of the baseboards. We are ever so grateful to the peeps that did this wall didn't damage the baseboards and took the extra time and effort to do the studs this way!

Drywall and electrical box gone, but studs still there...

Studs gone now... but lots of drywall dust in the air...

And cleaned up afters. One from the main part of the house looking into the apartment. Another from the apartment looking into the main part of the house. Eventually, we want to make it look less jarring, and perhaps move the stove somewhere else (damn, i adore the look of that range!). For now, i am happy to not have to go down the main stairs and all the way to the back of the house to pee in the night; now, i can just take the 30 or so steps from our bed to the apartment bathroom. Woo hoo.

Still wanna be our tenant, (e:Twisted) ?
I think that looks like it would be cool digs. You guys did a great job with it!
You bet I would! When the "big one" hits here, I'll come a-knocking on your door. And you can still use the bathroom in "my" pad any time -- day or night! ;-)
The not-so-mini mansion looks great! You've got to love renovators conscientious enough to make their updates reversible without scaring.
That is the cleanest demolition job I have ever seen!
That stove looks freakin cool!
That oven is so hot!
Thanks for your comments in the echat, leetee. My master's thesis was about blogs and hyperlinks, and I'm glad to see at least a small part of my degree go toward doing something worthwhile - working to improve an already fantastic (e:strip).
sweet! looks great!