On our way back from visiting my parents last weekend,
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were listening to Alan Cross' The Ongoing History Of New Music

on 102.1 The Edge.
The subject was outsider music
(WIKIPEDIA - Outsider music) and i was ever so grateful to be making the hour drive when this show was on. It was a highly entertaining episode. Since then, there have been a few songs i haven't been able to get out of my head.
And now, as i type this, i am listening to Philosophy of the World by the Shaggs
(WIKIPEDIA - The Shaggs) (thanks to
(e:Uncutsaniflush) for downloading it!) and i am loving it so much. How could i not love the atonal enthusiasm!?! How could i not love a song called "My Pal Foot Foot"? I can't! Since the song was inspired by a pet cat, if i ever again have a pet cat, i now want to name him or her Foot Foot.
I am also very much interested in hearing more Wesley Willis
(WIKIPEDIA - Wesley Willis), an interest i am not sure
(e:Uncutsaniflush) shares.. at least not as much. Sadly, the only sample of his music was a song about Dave Grohl (ok, so shoot me, i think the Foo Fighters suck).. one in which we originally thought was about some chick named April. Aaaappppriiiillll... Daaaaaavvveee Grohhhllll.. You can hear the similarites, can't you?
Since i can't have a usersound at this time, i leave you with lyrics..
My Pal Foot Foot
My pal's name is Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
He always likes to roam
My pal's name is Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
I never find him home
I go to his house
Knock at his door
People come out and say
Foot Foot don't live here no more
My pal Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
Always likes to roam
My pal Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
Now he has no home
Where will Foot Foot go
What will Foot Foot do
Oh, Foot Foot
I wish I could find you
I've looked here, I've looked there
I've looked everywhere
Oh, Foot Foot
Why can't I find you?
Foot Foot, where can you be?
Foot Foot, why won't you answer me?
Foot Foot, Oh Foot Foot
Wherever you are
I want you to come home with me
I don't have time to roam
I have things to do
I have to go home
Oh, Foot Foot, where are you?
If Foot Foot didn't like to roam so well
He would still have a place to dwell
Foot Foot, please answer me
I know where you are
You're behind that tree
Foot Foot, please come to me
Foot Foot, now that you're here
Won't you come home
Foot Foot, promise me this
That you will never again roam
damn I definitely left too early. I missed (e:pills), I missed terry on the stairs, I missed upside down paul... Man...
If I only knew there were going to be (e:pills)!
ohh, the (e:pill) and (e:strip)orgies will make for a good time!
I should be a hand model..or not, haha. hehe (e:strip)orgies turned out so well! hilarious.. We came up with some really good stuff. It was great being silly with you :)
Nice pics thanks for putting them up. I didn't relise how red I am. I didn't feal that red but that is what happens when you go out and it is overcast and then you walk someplace in bright sunshine with out sunscreen.