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03/27/2006 19:25 #25604

The Truth Hurts
(e:LeeTee,151) I lied. I did it. Bugs me. But i want this job. I will admit to lying if they ask me directly. Dropped off the application today. Hope to hear soon. Will keep you updated... if anyone cares to know.


(e:Imk2,54) i can't comment to your journal, so i will do it here.

I know exactly what you mean about sharing a moment. Maybe he will drop his young bimbo when he realizes you aren't taken! I would have assumed a hot chick like you was taken... maybe he did too?

I had a moment with Lux Interior. Who's that ya'll ask? Well, the one and only singer of The Cramps. (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i went to see them at Blue Cats in Knoxville. A small enough venue to get right up close. And i did. Lux was sweating on me... and performing some of his trademark moves looking right at me. Now who would not be impressed by a 50 something year old junkie able to deep throat a mic?


leetee - 03/27/06 22:51
Thanks, Ladycroft. :O)
ladycroft - 03/27/06 20:14
well..i know it's weird, but i'm glad you did. i hope you get the job!

03/26/2006 15:15 #25603

Decisions, Decisions
Right now, i am filling out a job application. In the past, i have always been totally, 100% honest. When i have mentioned it to others, they have told me to lie. I don't know if i want to. Do i say yes or no to the graduated high school question? The truth is no. But will that mean i can't ever get a part time job in the US? *sigh*
leetee - 03/26/06 19:39
Thanks for the input... i have filled out everything on the application except the high school diploma section. Still not sure what i want to do...

I have looked into gettting a GED, Paul, thanks for the suggestion. I am sure i would need to take classes, though. Not much American history taught in my Canadian classes. lol

You have a good point, Ladycroft. I am not saying that i have a degree that is make or break for the job. Hopefully, i am smart enough for the job...

I just hate the thought of lying. Damn, i am such a PollyAnna.

I do wonder if my honesty is why the Co-Op didn't hire me. Or maybe it was my fat neck.
ladycroft - 03/26/06 19:11
if you were saying you had a PsyD and you didn't, that would be a negative...but really, you're just looking for part-time work and you clearly have a head on your shoulders...i know it's a dilema to not want to lie, but it's one of those technicalities that keeps holding you back... good luck lee :)
paul - 03/26/06 17:05
I would just lie seeing as they are never going to check that or you could get a GED. It's probably really easy.

03/24/2006 19:09 #25602

An Eeyore Kinda Day
Category: blah
I switched my userpic to Eeyore today... feels like that kinda day. For me, at least.

I try to remain possitive.

Couldn't sleep well last night. I couldn't get a thought out of my head. Something i really shouldn't even dwell on right now. Something that i feel like i can't handle. (E:Uncutsaniflush), the sweetie that he is, keeps telling me i can handle it. That i have faced worse and that i have done well to face fears in the past. He's right... in my head, i know this. Now, if my heart could follow that, all will turn out great.

I picked up a job application today. Somewhere i think i would like to work. The Co-Op didn't want me, maybe this place will. The application asks if the applicant is a US citizen. Never been asked that before. Then again, this is only the second job application i have filled out in the US...

Funny how something so big can be so invisible..
theecarey - 03/25/06 12:03
  • hug*
jason - 03/24/06 22:25
"It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily.
"So it is."
"And freezing."
"Is it?"
"Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately."
ladycroft - 03/24/06 19:34

03/22/2006 11:05 #25601

Buzzcock Tease
Category: music
Yeah, that is so you, (E:Twisted,346)...

Harmony In My Head is a great song. One of the 3 that i like by Diggle. As much as i love the Buzzcocks, i just think Steve Diggle is a weenie. He handed out Steve Diggle promo pictures of himself near the end of the gig at Lee's Palace in Toronto... he was throwing them out into the crowd. I think i threw mine back at him.

I dunno if i have those Pete Shelley signed tickets safe anywhere... i know they can't be in our current safe deposit box. I have moved at least three times since i got them signed. If we see them together some day, i will find a way to meet Pete Shelley... we will hunt him down.

You're welcome for the invite to stay here. We have plenty of room. And i would be pleased as punch to have you. I think i knew you like our house... i think (e:Uncutsaniflush) told me that when we first made an offer, back before i was an (e:Stripper). Should we not connect the back apartment to the rest of the house because you want to move to Buffalo? lol

And thank you so much for your offer to be a tour guide and a hostest with the mostest. Might take you up on that some day.

We sorta almost went to San Fran in February. I like to go away on my birthday, and we considered going farther than Toronto this year. SF came up in the convo. Then, the car needed repairs and that all went out the window. Our wee lil Prius hybrid is a good car, it saves us tons on gas, but when it needs repairs, they ain't cheap.
twisted - 03/22/06 21:05
Hybrid! Cool! My next car will be a hybrid -- or a scooter. If my VW Golf ever gives out, that is. My Dad put more than 300k miles on his last two VW Rabbits, and I think he may top that with the Jetta. I was behind a Jetta today with a "bio-diesel" bumper sticker. I don't know what bio-diesel is but maybe I can convert mine. There are tons of enviro-friendly vehicles around here -- I think all the cop cars and seems like most of the cabs, and of course the buses. And some parking garages/lots have special spots to plug in your hybrid. You'd be right at home.

03/21/2006 17:32 #25600

There's A First For Everything
Today, when i emerged, (e:Uncutsaniflush) said i was smiling! Smiling?!?! After being in a chair at a dental office? The hygenist is really nice... she was quick and gentle. She even told me a few jokes and i left with a smile. To top it all off, i don't need a crown in a tooth i thought i may have, i only have 2 (or did the doc say 3?) cavities. Two?? Or even three!?! That is the lowest ever. Talk about firsts!!

The Weekend

We spent Sunday night/Monday morning at my parents place unexpectedly. We went to visit my mom and take her out to dinner. We thought about surprising her today, on her actual birthday, but she had to have oral surgery yesterday (surgical root canal sounds like the worst birthday pressie ever to me, how about ya'll??), so we didn't think she would be up for too much other than pudding... The place she decided she wanted to go for dinner was an interesting choice.... a good place to eat, but the service is rather slow. Not because it is high end, or because the staff isn't very good. But because it's homey and everything is done from scratch. So, my mom called and made a reservation, sometime between 6 and 6.30pm. I think we left at about 9pm... (E:Uncutsaniflush) didn't feel like driving home, so we crashed at there. Without any of the creature comforts i am used to... like clean underwear and deoderant. Ah, well, there is a first for everything.

Something that wasn't a first this weekend was the good time i had at an (e:Strip) party. Thanks for the invite. I am happy to hear you had a good time, (e:Matthew), since it was your birthday! I took some pics... but it seems as though i only thought to take the camera out of my pocket when there was drama. Got lots of you having your pants torn off, (e:Mike)! Sorry we didn't say bye to... well, anyone. We called a cab and they said it would take 20 minutes. Thought that would be enough time to make the rounds to say bye, but the cab was early. They called my cell and told me the cab was there, just as (e:Hodown) was coming back in to tell me the same thing!