On Saturday, a dear friend from Knoxville, Chris, sent (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i an email letting us know about the passing of another dear friend of ours.
Maimie the african elephant at the Knoxville Zoo.

Some of the elephants at the Knoxville Zoo paint, Maimie included, and when it came time to choose one for myself, i decided on one by Jana, since i heard the matriarch was going back to the zoo she was from, in Louisville, KY. She was the first elephant i came to recognize and she was the most prominent, since she was taller than the other cows (but not the bull, Tonka, he is a giant!). I don't know if she ended up going back to Louisville.. we left before she did, and although i read the quarterly magazine, Wild Wonders, online, that the zoo publiushes,

Here's a pic from the article of Maime painting..

Here's the painting i have, done by Jana.

Because Saturday was such a nice day, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i thought we would go to Rochester, to the Seneca Park Zoo and we found out more sad elephant news. Seems the pregnant afriacan elephant there, Genny C lost her baby about a month before she was due.

Boss Mom
My mom's birthday is coming up next week. And the poor thing has to have oral surgery the day before! Not too long ago, she had some tooth pain. She went to her dentist and he said he couldn't figure out why she was having pain where she was having pain. Unlike me, my mom can pinpoint exactly where she has tooth pain. All i can ever say is that it is "around here somewhere and it hurts, please just make the hurt go away." My mom is brave when it comes to her mouth. Her dentist sent her to another one (scary when one specialist has to refer to another, if you ask me) and he took some xrays. Turns out that in a tooth with a crown that had a root canal in it, her mouth has decided to grow new side roots. They were infected. YIPES! She was (probably still is) on antibiotics and once the infection is clear, on to the surgery. She doesn't want to loose that tooth, or the crown, so they are going to root canal those side roots surgically. Cut open the gum and go in from the side. Oh, the thought just makes me queasy! Talk about a happy birthday f@ck you, eh? I think (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i are going to go visit her on Sunday.. we thought about surprising her on her birthday, but she might not be up for much visiting. So, we think it will be a more pleasant surprise on Sunday. Since she loves shopping when she is here, we won't be giving her much that would take away that fun. Instead, i thought it would be cool to give her food. Stuff she can't find easily in Canada... Mrs T. Pierogies, Triscuit Rye crackers, Duncan Hines Spice cake mix (the spice ones are really hard to find.. i mailed ordered one for her birthday before i moved here), Snickers Icecream bars, and some booze infused stuffed olives from Premier. She will have a chance to munch on these things before her surgery that way, too.
I think elephants are amazing, in every sense of the word. I am always in awe when I am at the zoo, or watch television documentaries.. on any animal, really.
I wasn't aware of artistic elephants. Thats great that you have a painting!
Your moms "root canaled" tooth grew new roots?!?! I am sitting here in horror at the thought of having to go back in-- through the gums for another root canal. Yikes!!
mmmm, yeh bring her some yummy food- before the oral surgery, of course :) I think I need to take a trip to Premier myself; find these booze infused olives you wrote about. Sounds fantastic!