So, (e:Twisted,340), i cannot hear the oh so lovely sounds stylings of the oh so lovely Buzzcocks that you have as your usersound. How punk is that? So, i have no idea which song of theirs is your favorite. I have always been partial to Get On Our Own, but i like it when Pete Shelley's voice cracks. Love the orignal of Boredom with Howard Devoto on vocals... hell, any version of that song. Listened to a live cassette (yeah, that is how old it is... from a cassette box set, believe it or not) yesterday that had a great live version of Time's Up. I used to have a live Why Can't I Touch It? with Pete Shelley's voice breaking at least 3 times on the whyyyyyyyyyy.....
The first time i saw them was in 1991. I don't think that club is around any more. Great club. Just the right size. Not too big, not too small. Here's a pic of the ticket...

Funny how i have 2 from other shows that were signed by Pete Shelley and i can't find either of those...
Mike Joyce was the drummer at that show. There were just as many Smiths fans in attendance, i think. It was a big deal, that show. The comeback of the Buzzcocks. I had several brushes with local celebs at that show.
But oddly enough, it wasn't one of the ones i met Pete Shelley. In Asheville, NC, i left the Orange Peel to chase him down Biltmore, and around to Hillard Ave where the tour bus was parked. He was looking for a light for his fag. I gave him one.
At Lee's Palace, i ran into high school friends milling about in a group and it turned out they were all talking to Pete Shelley. I did too. That's when i found out he used to live in Toronto. During his "Homosapiens" days.
I saw him outside the CFNY studios with Steve Diggle once. They were there for an interview before a show at the Phoenix, but the doors were locked while the dj was talking, so they couldn't get in. I gave them both a cigarette. See? There are benefits to smoking! But i digress.
I swear, i am not a stalker.
But i will travel to see them, for sure.. to SanFran, of course, (e:Twisted)! And we have plenty of room here if you want to travel to see them around here. If (e:Paul) will let you stay anywhere else but his place, of course.. Will keep my eyes peeled for new old pics of the boys. Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for coming, it was nice talking with you!
I don't really know what St. Joesphs day is expect that it is the day after St. Patrciks day and that is a big holiday in Buffalo with lots of eating.