Going back to the beginning of the month, there was my 2 day helping (e:Ladycroft) move adventure.
Sorry, (e:Jason) , if you make a face like that while i have my camera out, i may just publish it!

Full Aqua Mouse and phone calls still must be returned!

At the end of day 1, after the 3 hour bed is finally together, (e:Ladycroft) sooths herself with her Dr Pepper pillow.

Day 2 started with this box as a top priority. Gaming... and all it's bits.

The tears are not dry from the womp (e:Ladycroft) 's head took from that 2 x 4 i accidentally dislodged from the door it was proping up. I had no idea that thud it made behind me wasn't it hitting the floor. Once again, Dr Pepper sooths ills (along with some ibuprofen i had in my purse, thank goodness!).

Moving on to this weekend...
It started with a wonderful walk in Tifft Nature Preserve on Friday. (E:Uncutsaniflush) really should take credit for these pics, though. His hand was stead enough to take the camera out of my backpack and manage to not scare these deer away.

I love the silhouette of this one.

This lil baby was trying to hide.. but you can just barely make out one of his eyes peering at us through the grass.

And then, on Saturday... my mom did something she hasn't done... well, since as long as i can remember. She... oh, so hard to even mention it... she... took the bus!

We had a few problems with the schedule, though. What's the point of having one if the driver is early and we miss it? We were on time, even early, and there it goes, zipping by, more than 5 minutes before it is due. Worse on the way back... ah well... We had a nice time anyway. Saw (e:Metalpeter) at Music is Art festival. We even had some chips and salsa at Salsarita's.. and the hot garden salsa was too hot for my mom. Big wow factor there.
Sunday, i went to the Allentown Art Festival with our neighbor and her cute pug, Ava. That dog got so much attention. I swear, talk about a man magnet... she might just land a husband with that dog, yet!
In the car on the way there.

We decided to take a load off and we found a chunk of grass. Between the Holiday Inn and Walgreens on Delaware. I suspect i saw (e:Mike) and (e:Jill) walk by, with some others i think might have been (e:peeps) but i just couldn't yell loud enough, nor could i run fast enough to get to them before they folded back into the crowd. Got in a walking by hey is that you kinda hello to (e:Jenks) , however. :O)
Did, however, have fun with Ava and her human. Ava much prefered the powdered sugar all over the ground to the fancy shmancy dog biscuts that were purchased for her.

After the crowds, we went to Sahara Grill's patio for some eats. They make really good food and i know they have a sign saying they are hiring, but geeze, it is so obvious the people that own it are supremely disorganized. Even after asking for service, we got ignored... the wait staff was really good, once her boss told her that we were there. Not sure how long the place will last if they keep it up. I can't tell you how many people we saw go in, then come out a minute later, obviously grumbling... or people that sat down outside and gave up and left.
I got a nice shot of Ava wearing my hat, though. :O)

that's kinda cute.
That is insane! On the tree hugging thing. Shouldn't Forever Elmwood take down their holiday lighting rather than have electrical cords strangling them year after year? I dunno maybe I'm crazy like that sweater making tree girl.