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Leetee's Journal

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06/25/2006 19:10 #25645

Ewwww.. Bugs!
Anyone know what these guys are?



Today, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i went to the Casellani Art Museum of Niagara University and the front of the building had a lot of these bugs.

On pillars.


On ceilings.


On signs.


Are they just hungry?


The museum itself was wonderful; we enjoyed it. Plan on going again, maybe even taking my mom, who likes these sorts of things, too.

theecarey - 06/25/06 21:16
I believe those buggers are called sand flies or may flies. They are really gross, attaching themselves to everything for a few days each year. Yuck. I recall walking into a sworm--*shiver*
I havent seen any in Youngstown (yet)..mostly Niagara Falls and Buffalo.

Here is link, enjoy ;)
boxerboi - 06/25/06 19:39
have you been downtown when those white flies invade chippewa? It's crazy. For a couple of days there are all these white bugs all over the place, then they go away. Has anyone else seen them?
kookcity2000 - 06/25/06 19:15
I ate a bug just like that once to prove a point.

I don't recall what the point was.

06/24/2006 09:58 #25644

At the Park
Our neighbour knocked on our door last night around 8pm and asked if we wanted to go for a walk around Hoyt Lake. (e:Uncutsaniflush) wanted to chill at home, so she and i headed out with the ever adorable Ava the pug in tow.

The sunset was breathtaking last night. My pictures hardly do it justice.



Ava was a little fireball, too. I don't think i got any pictures of her that aren't blurry. I need to use more features of our camera so i don't end up with so many unusable shots.

These 2, although blurry, look really cool, i think.

Here she is, flinging a piece of sea(pond?)weed around in her mouth.


And here she is, running through the shallow water.


leetee - 06/28/06 12:18
I wish i could say the pic was on purpose, (e:Theecarey) !

Wow... i didn't notice. A year. My, how time flies. I should have noticed, though, since i joined just after (e:Ajay) 's going away party and he recentlyy posted that it's been a year since he left Buffalo...
theecarey - 06/28/06 11:03
I came back to look at this bottom pic again!

I then noticed that this is your (e:strip) anniversary post. 1 year!
theecarey - 06/26/06 16:06
the bottom pic of Ava running through the water has a neat effect to it.

she is just so cute, incase I havent said that 500 times already :)
mike - 06/24/06 11:03
those pictures of Ava are so cool looking! i love 'em (and I hate dogs so that is saying something)

06/18/2006 10:02 #25642

Happy Dad's Day!
Happy Dad's Day to all (e:strip) dads, and of course, to all the dads of (e:strip)pers. :O)

For fathert's day, i baked my dad cookies. I did my cake mix cookies he loves so much. Used 3 cake mixes and made some black and white cookies (half white cake mix, half chocolate cookie mix, half a tablespoon of each, rolled together and baked), chocolate chip cookies (a white cake mix with some brown sugar and vanilla mixed into the batter), chocolate chocolate chip cookies and some chocolate cookies. Five dozen in all, 2 dozen of the chocolate ones, each dozen in a plastic baggie so he can freeze some for later if he wants to. I did all of these cookies last night... on a hot night and we have no a/c.

While baking (and sweating), i listened to cds... i thought of my favies -- Kate Bush or Morrissey, But since my dad hates both and i didn't want to get any Kate Bushyness or Morrisseyness baked into the cookies, i decided to listen to something else. Several something elses in fact. Some White Stripes. I doubt my dad knows who they are... And, what brought me to change my user sound. Some Elvis the C... (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding.

06/20/2006 23:57 #25643

Aaaand the survey says...
No probs, (e:Paul) . Here it is (e:News,874) .

1. How did you find out about/why did you become of estrip?

I found out about (e:strip) through my husband, (e:Uncutsaniflush) . He joined several months before i did. When (e:ajay) had a going away party at the Old Pink, we decided to attend. I think i joined the next day... or the day after that. I thought (e:strip) would be a good way for me to be slightly less shy than i can be, and a good way to meet a few locals. :O)

2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?

I have nothing to hide, so anyone that wants to read my journal is welcome. So, i'm as out as i could ever be.

I don't have co-workers or a boss, but i've told friends and family about (e:strip) and my journal... sent along links to it a few times when i was too lazy to retype info to send to them.

I don't use my real name, persay, but it's a nickname my husband calls me, so i reckon that kinda counts. It's really just a misspelling of a mispronunciation of my full given first name... also the short form of my first name, Lee and last initial, T.

I am currently using my real photo, but it's of me when i was an infant, so that's not really the same thing. I have used real photos of myself, old, new and semi-old as well as other pictures that amuse me.

3. How many epeeps have you met real life?

A fair amount, i reckon..hhmm... lemme start a list:
(e:Enknot) (although i am sure he won't remember *snicker*)
and an (e:Apology) to anyone i have forgotten!

4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?

Reading journals other people post has made me realize we all have the same fears, some of us just deal with them better. I try to be less shy about approaching people, both on and off line.

5. How has estrip affected you love life?

Well, hhmm.. i think i grabbed (e:Ladycroft) 's boob at (e:Theecarey) 's birthday party and (e:Terry) humped my husband's leg... and i think before that, i put some money down his pants. So, nope, nothing new. Same ole same ole...

6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?

None. Sorry (e:Paul)

7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?

Not from Buffalo. Moved here a year and a half ago, though.

1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?

None that i know of... check (e:Uncutsaniflush) 's survey answers for more info...

2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?

No mobile (e:strip) for me... would i get off line ever if i had it? Right now, the main reason is because i don't have internet service on my phone. Maybe someday...

1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?

I don't know if my surfing habits have changed all that much. Perhaps i am online more now. I check (e:strip) once or twice daily, if i can. If we're out of town, i don't check again until i'm back home. Lenght depends on how many posts there are... more journals, more time online. :O)

1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?

I try to read them all... some, i can't read even if i want to, even with my glasses on and one eye covered (please, peeps, paragraph breaks, pleeeease!!) and others, well, there are a couple of journals i just skip.

2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?

Sure have learned a lot about Buffalo reading (e:strip)... still learning in fact.

3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?

I don't think it has changed the way i spend my free time...

4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?

Sorta kinda... when we were looking at houses, we got advice from (e:peeps) on what and where to look and not to look. We still ended up in the unfashionable part of town, but we did it armed with more info than we had before.

5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?

No, not really. See answer to last question. Otherwise, i am pretty much an open book...

6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?

Fewer typos maybe?

7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?

No other journals.

8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work?

Don't have a work to get into trouble at...

9. If you have stopped using estrip, why?

Yeah. I still feel like a heel about it, (e:Paul). Every once in a while, i get all down in the mouth and feel like no one gives a rat's ass about me and end up venting in the wrong places. Really bad behaviour. I wouldn't want (e:Paul) or any other (e:strip)per to think that i am sending any sort of "fuck you" to them or (e:strip), so now when i feel this way, i seclude myself.

06/16/2006 14:46 #25641

Does anyone know a good place to eat anywhere in the city or 'burbs that would accomodate me, an ovo-lacto vegetarian as well as someone who wants to eat seafood? Our neighbour asked us if we wanted to hang with her tonight, and she wants to go to Red Lobster, but according to their website there is nothing i can eat there, including salads! Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
mrmike - 06/16/06 16:32
Lee, we've had decent luck with Marco's on Niagara Street. I've been in parties with seafood and vegetarians came and ate with nobody going home hungry. I never pressed them on vegan cuisine. It's primarily an Italian - meditteranean restaurant. Don't let the baseball cap minions at the bar deter you. The restaurant itself was really good, I just can't vouch for their vegan abilities, but in previous visits, the help was real accomodating.
chico - 06/16/06 15:20
Any answers will be of significant interest to (e:chicoschica) as well.

Leetee, your post is way way too reminiscent of an old Simpsons episode. Homer and Marge go to the "The Frying Dutchman" (the seafood restaurant) so Homer can get all-you-can-eat seafood, but poor Marge is allergic to fish. So she asks the waiter if there's anything on the menu without fish in it. No. Salads? Um, no, sorry. So she asks about the *bread* that comes free before the meal -- is there much fish in that? Waiter says, "Yes, I'm afraid there is." So Marge gives up and says, "I think I have some Tic-Tacs in my purse..." and the waiter says, "Excellent choice."

I dunno, it's not *that* funny, at least not for vegetarians going to Red Lobster. :-)