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05/25/2006 16:38 #25636

The Shaggs Rock
From (e:LeeTee,182) , (e:mrdt) wrote:

This comment has no relevance to your post but rather your user sound. I know you think U2 sucks for whatever reason but I have to say that I think a three year old could create a better avant gard musical composition.

Sorry Lee, I've wanted to get the off my chest for a while.

Are you actually asking why i think U2 suck, or is that just a dis on my taste? If you want to know why i think they suck, i am very willing to tell you. But if it's a dis, then i guess all i have to say about that is those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. From what you have directly told me about your own taste, you "like everything". I, unfortunately, can't say the same thing... since we have already noted i don't like U2.

As for my user sound -- they, The Shaggs, are not, never have been or will ever be an avant-garde musical group. Check out my journal, (e:LeeTee,159) and to find out about outsider music or the same journal and to find out about The Shaggs.

In case you aren't in the mood to, or are so inclinded to be able to click a link, this is part of my journal, (e:LeeTee,159) :

And now, as i type this, i am listening to Philosophy of the World by the Shaggs (thanks to (e:Uncutsaniflush) for downloading it!) and i am loving it so much. How could i not love the atonal enthusiasm!?! How could i not love a song called "My Pal Foot Foot"? I can't! Since the song was inspired by a pet cat, if i ever again have a pet cat, i now want to name him or her Foot Foot.

I would love to hear the 3 year old that you think could create a better avant-garde musical composition. That would so rock!

Hmm... should i have some Wesley Willis as my next user sound?

Oh, and for the record, folks, i still can't hear usersounds (ok, i could if (e:Uncutsaniflush) did his geek thing on this 'puter too), and i thank each and every one of you for mentioning what and who your usersound is when you change it, or just 'cause you want to! :O)
mrmike - 05/26/06 15:52
Sorry I never mentioned it. My current sound is "Never Said I Loved You" by the Payolas. On the hunt of a new tune....
leetee - 05/25/06 19:43
I decided to "make this a post" because, as you stated, it had no relevance to the post you were commenting on. Since you didn't comment to me in private via a post-it note or an email, i thought it might be interesting to have a open conversation about it. I was also curious if your comment to me about the band U2 was a further dis on my taste or genuine curiosity or even just an offhand remark about taste.

I am aware of the dictionary definition of avant-garde, but thanks anyway for writing it out. You said that a "a three year old could create a better avant-garde musical composition" and my only point was that the Shaggs are not avant-garde. Not even by the definition you wrote out. They are rather "out there" (hence the term "outsider music", i reckon), i agree and i can actually understand why the term "avant-garde" might come to mind.

That's what's so interesting about taste. By your definition of judging "music by its effect in moving me spirituallaly, emotionally, or physically", is pretty much the same as mine.. and that is what The Shaggs do for me. I adore the unabashed enthusiasm, the pureness of the energy and i can imagine these teenage girls, encouraged by their father to become rock stars, pouring into their creations with all they have in them. My gut reaction to them is what fuels my taste.

As for Mozart.. i don't know enough about him to comment too much. I liked Mozart well enough, little too... hmm.. how did Gary Oldman say it in "the Professional? Too light and frilly? Something like that. I've always been more of a Beethoven fan.

But, Mozart was creating this avant-garde music at age 5, though? Not 3? Ah, what's a coupla years, eh?

Luckily, taste is all in the eye of the beholder. I have always had sorta off taste. And i don't expect anyone to share it. I guess it would be safe to say if you don't make me listen to U2, then i won't make you listen to The Shaggs. I can't listen to user sounds (no, dear, that wasn't a hint, honest!), so even if your user sound is U2, then i am "safe". I don't know how to turn off user sounds, but i am sure (e:Paul) or some of the other (e:peeps) might be able to tell you how to turn them off (or mine? how does that work?) if you ask. :O)
mrdt - 05/25/06 17:58
Just out of curiosity, why did you make this a post?

But anyway the music I heard whether the band classifies themselves as it or not is avant-garde. By definition avant-garde is described as original - being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of; "a truly original approach"; "with original music"; "an original mind." Maybe a lot of bands bang on instruments to make noise and yell some lyrics into the microphone with out any melody, harmony, rhyme or meter. Sure you could argue that a lot of bands lack one or two of those components but the song I just heard lacks them all which makes it "original" and "unusual." Maybe it's not avant-garde enough to be avant-garde, I don't know, just sounded that way.

As far as this music rocking, I have to say that it doesn't do it for me but that's just my taste. I usually judge music by its effect in moving me spirituallaly, emotionally, or physically.

Lastly, at the age of three Mozart's music ability became noticed when he started to create musical composition that could not have been taught to him. At age five he published his first works of Andante and Allegro, which at the time were both considered avant-garde.

05/25/2006 10:22 #25635

Clear up Those Cluttered Patios
Now, smokers no longer have to go outside for a quick drag. Forget about freezing your arse off when you are drinking and need to leave and go out on the patio for a smoke!

A Frosty Brew to Help Smokers Quit?
July 13, 2005

STUTTGART, GERMANY -- How about the taste of combining beer with nicotine?
A new beer has been launched by German company Nautilus that claims to help smokers kick the habit by infusing nicotine into the brew.

Here's the whole story...
mrdt - 05/25/06 14:21
This comment has no relevance to your post but rather your user sound. I know you think U2 sucks for whatever reason but I have to say that I think a three year old could create a better avant gard musical composition.

Sorry Lee, I've wanted to get the off my chest for a while.
sbrugger - 05/25/06 11:47

libertad - 05/25/06 10:33

That is insane!

05/23/2006 10:08 #25634

Bank Recomendations?
We hate out bank. I would like to say that the time some dude on the phone called me a fucking bitch was the last staw, but no, it was just the beginning. There was also the monthly call for about 6 months that i had to make because they took out 14 bucks too much for service charges. The manager also had the balls to ask my husband why he called when they didn't follow up on a timely issue. So, no more M&T Bank on Elmwood for us...

Anyone have an horror stories for a bank or branch we should stay away from? Or somewhere they are decent?
leetee - 05/24/06 10:40
Thanks, everyone, for the input... :O)
imk2 - 05/23/06 17:25
i worked for bank of america for a while, and will have to tell you to stay away. the way it usually works is, the bigger the organization the worse the customer service, but cheaper services, and the smaller the company is, the better the service, but more expensive. i would try one of the smaller banks like greater buffalo, but i dont know how much free stuff they offer. good luck lee!
zobar - 05/23/06 16:28
I've been using an online bank :::link::: for a while, with mixed reviews. My checking account gets crazy interest, but their service leaves something to be desired.

I've also had HSBC for a while. I wouldn't consider them to be either exceptionally good or exceptionally bad in any particular way - which is just about what I want from a bank.

- Z
shawnr - 05/23/06 15:06
I'm with the Hong-Kong/Shanghai Banking Concern (HSBC -- gotta love those opium war residuals...). We heard horror stories about M&T when we moved here, and HSBC has been good so far -- everything online for free. The people at my branch, on the corner of my street, are really nice, and I do GF! stuff thru them, too.

Of course, if Washington Mutual (I think they're rebranding as WaMu, haha) come to town, then that's probably the way to go-- everyone I've ever known with them loves it and they've gone national.
mrmike - 05/23/06 10:46
I did M&T for awhile - They managed to lose a direct deposit check -- bad times. All are sort of evil, but I hear good things about Greater Buffalo Savings Bank. I'm marooned at HSBC and they max out any services charges -- Satan's financial advisor

05/18/2006 18:19 #25632

Rocking Chair, e:Matthew?
Are you still looking for a rocking chair, (e:Matthew) ? (E:Uncutsaniflush) and i saw this one today and i didn't know if you would be interested or not. It's an unusual chair, and of course my photo hardly does it justice. Anyway, we saw it at a place called Niagara Frontiers (is that what it was called, Dear, you know how i am with names!) at the Summit Mall, if you're intereted, (e:Matthew) .


05/19/2006 19:17 #25633

I'm A Food Geek
Last time we were in Toronto, i picked up a brochure for the Toronto Vegetarian Assoctiation. Thought it would come in handy next time we are in the city and looking for new or different places to eat. It had a section saying their website had a fast food report. It was interesting to see how veggie friendly some of the fast food places are... or aren't. I saw the section on Subway and thought i would email Subway and ask about the ingredients in the veggie patties they sell here and in some regions. They don't carry them in Canada at all, as far as i can tell. I ended up emailing the Toronto Vegetarian Association and they changed the report slight to read

Updated May 2006. Leette emailed us to say: "Here in the US, in some random locations ... there are veggie patties."
I called their toll line, (800) 888-4848, and was told that they are testing these new products in rotating locations. Some Toronto locations are carrying them. The two new additions are the Gardenburger that contains cheese and egg white and the VegiMax that contains egg white. Subway emailed us the ingredients. There is no mention yet of the new veggie products on their website.
They have a vegan Veggie Delite described as: "a crunchy combination of garden fresh lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, onions, olives and pickles and your choice of condiments served on freshly baked bread. It's like a salad sandwich." All of Subway's breads are egg and diary-free except three cheese breads that contain rennet of unknown origin. Their special sauces all contain egg yolk and/or milk ingredients except for the fat-free Sweet Onion Sauce. Their cookies all contain egg and milk products but are otherwise vegetarian.
See the AllergenChart.pdf (Canadian version at AllergenChartCAN.pdf) and ingredient list (Canada | US) for more information. See their website for more regions. You can call them at (800) 888-4848 to request more veggie options in your home town.

I also have another phood photo essay for ya'll. Yesterday, i tackled another one of my food fears. I have always wanted to try to make homemade lasagna. I know, some of you might think it's not that challenging to make. Well, for some reason, i was scared of trying and we always ate frozen ones. Not anymore. I must say, i am rather proud of the fact that, wihtout a recipe and just some basic ieads, i made a very yummy vegetarian 3 cheese lasagna.

And emptay pan, some dry noodles and a jar of sauce (well, you didn't think i was going to do the whole thing from scratch, did ya?)

The vegetables...

And the chopping begins...

Boiling noodles... i thought about a no boil recipe, but i just wasn't brave enough my first go round.

Oh, how clever; i just thawed the frozen spinach using a measuring cup and some of the boiling water from the pasta...

Noodles done.

Let the sauteing begin...

The 3 cheeses -- Low Moisture Mozzarella, Aged Provalone and Pecorino Ramano from Guercio's.

Ready to assemble. Cooled noodles, cooling veggies, cheeses and tomato sauce.

Assembled lasagna and messy kitchen (thank you again, (e:Uncutsaniflush) for being my chief bottle washer!)

Gotta let it rest for at least 5 minutes, more like 10 before cutting into it...

Finally. After about 3 hours, we can eat my creation.

leetee - 05/20/06 12:32
I've never had a sub at either place, (e:zobar). Guess i always thought that it would be a lettuce tomato and cheese sandwich... never even been inside a DiBella's.

Thanks, (e:boxerboi)... i bet you could do a lasagna if you wanted to. I found it super easy and i don't know why i was scared of making on in the first place...

I so used to be the same, (e:Theecarey).. when i lived alone, i made more basic meals. But lasagna can always be fozen.. that way you wouldn't be stuck with eating it all week! :O)
theecarey - 05/19/06 21:21
omg I am starving. I am sitting here, waiting for food to arrive. I am too tired to cook, or even open a can of anything, so I ordered a sub and jumped on estrip. Your lasagna looks wonderful!!!!!!!! I rarely make stuff like that as I dont have anyone to immediately share it with, or when I do make something, I know that I will be eating it for a few days in a row. Not that I mind :)
boxerboi - 05/19/06 21:08
Holy smoke that looks so good. You're very inspiring. I can't cook, but your pictures make it very encouraging.
zobar - 05/19/06 19:55
Vegetable subs: DiBella's :::link::: / Wegman's :::link::: all the way. The vegetables are both fresh and plentiful on all their subs. I guess at some time somebody realized that they put so much extra crap on them that you could take out all the meat and nobody would notice. Most places I wouldn't think once about ordering their veggie subs; more often than not when I get a Di B's sub I'll say to myself, 'you know, I think this would taste the same without any meat...'

- Z