Oh, how i hate to quote Bono (sorry, U2 fans out there.. can't help it, i think they suck, but i hear they are really nice guys), but it is such a great day out today. Nice cool breeze with a warm sun. Those are the kinda days that make me think of spring!
We had some errands to do today. Mostly, we needed to go downtown to pay our User Fee bill at City Hall. This time, we wanted to make sure we did not do it last minute, when everyone else is there. And, avoid lunch hour. Another big mistake. We also decided, on such a nice day, why drive there and back. Why not take the bus? We're right between 2 routes that would get us there in about 15 - 20 minutes.
City Hall was all decked out with tables selling what we assumed to be Mother's Day crafts on the main floor hallway. Nothing much there for my mom... and i already got and gave her the gift she's getting (dvd of the film The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill

We thought about going up to City Hall's observation tower.
(E:Matthew)'s pictures inspire me to want to face that fear of heights i have. But alas, it is closed due to construction...
We hung around for a while, trying to figure out why there were so many cops and firefighters milling about, not letting cars drive on certain streets along Niagara Square. Eventually, i asked someone. Seems the courthouse received a bomb threat today. Yipes!
We walked around a bit. Too early for an
(e:peep) sighting of
(e:lilho) at a hotdog cart. But we were getting hungry.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) mentioned a restaurant that sounded cool... "california mexican", i think is what he called the cuisine. After eating there, i agreed. It's on the corner of Chippewa and Delaware, street level in the Hampton Inn. Called Salsarita's. I had the most giantestest burrito i have ever seen (in real life.. but it looked similar to one i saw Ozzy eat on an episode of The Osbornes). Veggie choices are plenty, as are all menu options. I think that's their shtick. The place got packed. And, when i looked them up later while at home (yeah, i know,
(e:Paul) i could have done it on the go if i had the right mobile device!) it turns out they aren't Californian at all! Place started in Charlotte, North Carolina.

I should have taken pictures, but i didn't think of it until mine was almost half gone!
We walked some more, and decided to head to the bus stop.. and the one we ended up at was a mere block away from the restaurant... and had choices. We decided to take the next bus that came. Either the Elmwood or the Grant. One is way closer, but we thought the extra walk wouldn't do us any harm if the Elmwood bus came first. And it did. We even had an
(e:peep) sighting, but i thought it would have freaked out the whole bus if i yelled out "Hey Matthew!!" the tiny window up top.... Only took us 15 minutes to walk from Elmwood and Bird down to our place between Grant and Niagara.
After putting our feet up for a bit, we decided to do a bit of yard work before the promised rain storm gets here. Thank goodness we packed it in and had dinner or we would still be out there toiling.
Those look seriously good, and they are rooled so nicely! Awesome job.
(e:libertad) --We actually call them Pigs in the Blanket too!
Great post! I had to call my mother to ask her about this, because I remembered she used to make them. Now she hates cooking and I had to beg her to show me how to make them when I go to see her for Memorial Day. She called the dish Holupki or pigs in a blanket. I thought the pigs in a blanket were the little cocktail weenies with croisant rolls baked around them, but I was wrong. She got the recipe from my Great Grandma Swartwood. I'm going to ask my Lithuanian Grandmother if she has a recipe too.
That is awesome! My Dad's wife, Jean (maybe I should refer to her as my step-mom here, but for reasons I have absolutely no basis for, I'm not ready for that yet) is making a family recipe book for her grand-daughter who is getting married next month. It includes all the traditional family recipes for Thanksgiving and Christmas, plus other family favorites, with pictures of the family member most associated with certain recipes. It's a great idea as a gift for someone about to become the head of their own household. Jean is really good at stuff like that. I have a feeling from her side of the family it may seem "pushy," but from my perspective, I can appreciate it. Isn't that always the way?
My family put together a family recipe book about 10 years ago which I still refer to. Jean is definitely taking it to the next level. Maybe by the time my niece gets married I'll be ready to take on the challenge. ;-)
Have you thought of using celery seed to enhance the celery flavor? Or instead of more tomator soup, a fresh ripe tomato or some canned diced tomatoes?
I am a closet food network junkie.
Sorry to make you hungry, (e:Kara). They took about an hour, maybe an hour and a half for Walt and i to make them... but we didn't make that many... I got to rambling, so i emailed you our basic recipe. :O)
I don't know how to spell Polish words either, (e:Theecarey)! I wish i had a childhood memory of having or making cabbage rolls. My mom does, though... and i pumped her for info today!
Veggie Shepherds Pie just uses meat substitute, (e:Metalpeter)... like the Boca stuff in my pictures of the cabbage rolls. It's made from wheat and soy type stuff.
Even though you didn't make it I love Shepards pie. What is better then ground beef covered by potatoes. It is hard for me to imagine a vegatarian version of that. As much as I try I just can't seem to grasp what it would be. I know at the verry least I would like the potatoe part.
Yum! Looks good, Lee :) We have gulumpkies (sp) once or twice a year. Actually, my mom makes them and I eat them, as she has been a vegetarian for 15+ years. While the meat alternative is good, this is the one time I truly prefer ground beef or turkey. As she used to eat meat cabbage rolls, having it any other way just isnt the same for her, so yeh, she usually makes it just for me. I need to learn the recipe and how exactlty to make them.
Making cabbage rolls is a fond childhood memory--and its really quite a process!! The whole house would smell of cabbage and we would make so many that that is all we'd eat for days (and giant platefuls at that!)--but not complaining, hehe.
Its a great cold weather food, so I better try to make some (with guidance of mom) before it gets hot out there!!
Those look incredible, and relatively easy to make. What seasonings do you use? Are they a leetee-family secret? And why does the sauce look tomato-y?
You made me hungry again and I just had dinner.