I got a 4.0 this semester :) :) :) :)
Plus, no more Physics EVER!
I just feel like telling everyone.
Littlecupcake's Journal
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05/15/2006 12:29 #26535
yayCategory: school
05/14/2006 23:06 #26534
this is immature, but it's warrantedCategory: birthdays
On friday, I turned 20. I went out to dinner with my friends, had cake with them, got a dozen roses from my best friend from UB, and celebrated.
On friday, my boyfriend forgot my birthday.
He thought it was the 16th. After I TOLD him when it was. He did this last year too. He forgot my birthday last year, I thought he'd make it up to me this year, and he forgot it again.
Are you fucking serious?
Sometimes I doubt the decisions I make.
This weekend has been one FILLED with doubt.
Forgiveness isn't even an option at this point.
If he's not going to spend his time groveling for forgiveness, then he isn't worth my time :)
ps: my roses are pretty. thank you :)
On friday, my boyfriend forgot my birthday.
He thought it was the 16th. After I TOLD him when it was. He did this last year too. He forgot my birthday last year, I thought he'd make it up to me this year, and he forgot it again.
Are you fucking serious?
Sometimes I doubt the decisions I make.
This weekend has been one FILLED with doubt.
Forgiveness isn't even an option at this point.
If he's not going to spend his time groveling for forgiveness, then he isn't worth my time :)
ps: my roses are pretty. thank you :)
05/08/2006 12:52 #26533
meowCategory: pets
I got rid of my cats yesterday. :(
It's not that I didn't love them, but the gray one started picking fights with my dog. My dog happens to be a big baby and was terrified of a seven month old cat. The black cat and Reagan got along perfectly, but I knew I couldn't seperate them, so off they went.
It's not like they went far or anything (right next door).
But I still miss them. :(
On a semi happier note, my roomate and I are looking into getting another dog so Reagan will have a new playmate. Anyone know of any cute, toy breeds that get along well with other dogs? Or smaller breeds?
It's not that I didn't love them, but the gray one started picking fights with my dog. My dog happens to be a big baby and was terrified of a seven month old cat. The black cat and Reagan got along perfectly, but I knew I couldn't seperate them, so off they went.
It's not like they went far or anything (right next door).
But I still miss them. :(
On a semi happier note, my roomate and I are looking into getting another dog so Reagan will have a new playmate. Anyone know of any cute, toy breeds that get along well with other dogs? Or smaller breeds?
04/30/2006 23:51 #26532
::sigh::Category: love
Why do I always manage to hurt the people I love?
It's not that I'm a bad girlfriend.
I happen to think that I'm a good girlfriend. I'm funny, pretty.. I'd do anything for him. Literally, anything.
Maybe tonight that's up for discussion...
I don't want him to think I'm a mistake.
That we shouldn't happen.
Because if anyone knows how perfect we are for each other, it's him :P
It's just that my life is disgustingly dramatic. It's a lot like high school but the drama is so much more grown up.
Instead of the boy in your AP US class, it's the boy from the sketchy fraternity that you *just* realized is the the most disgusting person alive.
Instead of your parents preventing you from having sex in your house, it's your roomate, your dog, your cats...
I'm sorry.
I love you.
This summer I am nothing but yours :*
It's not that I'm a bad girlfriend.
I happen to think that I'm a good girlfriend. I'm funny, pretty.. I'd do anything for him. Literally, anything.
Maybe tonight that's up for discussion...
I don't want him to think I'm a mistake.
That we shouldn't happen.
Because if anyone knows how perfect we are for each other, it's him :P
It's just that my life is disgustingly dramatic. It's a lot like high school but the drama is so much more grown up.
Instead of the boy in your AP US class, it's the boy from the sketchy fraternity that you *just* realized is the the most disgusting person alive.
Instead of your parents preventing you from having sex in your house, it's your roomate, your dog, your cats...
I'm sorry.
I love you.
This summer I am nothing but yours :*
metalpeter - 05/01/06 18:29
All I will say is that Having your roomate there shouldn't stop you from having sex and neither should your pets. If the roomate is in the bedroom use the couch or vise versa. I wish you two the best of luck.
All I will say is that Having your roomate there shouldn't stop you from having sex and neither should your pets. If the roomate is in the bedroom use the couch or vise versa. I wish you two the best of luck.
04/26/2006 17:34 #26531
byebye spring 2006 :o)Category: school
I got a new laptop today! :D
It's a Dell XPS... very pretty and fast...
I have a bad history with laptops though. This is my third in three years, even though the first one going wasn't really my fault. I blame it on my freshman year roomate, who spilled pepsi all over it. The second one might be my fault, but only because I'm klutzy. And very hard on technology :P
Hopefully this one lasts longer than the other two combined. If it doesn't, I'll be upset, mostly because it would only prove that I'm a failure at life.
The end of the semester always makes me giddy. Giddy in a "wow-i-can't-believe-it's-almost-over" kind of way. Then there's the stress that follows the giddyness. In my stupidity, I took 22 credits this semester. It probably wasn't the best move, but I wanted to get some of the credits I'd lost in transferring back. Now I have all this work that somehow piled up in the last week (Yes, I procrastinate but all of except one paper only got assigned within the last 4 days). And my poor little blonde head might just explode.
Speaking of my poor little blonde head, now that I'm in pharmacy school the color of it gets me in more trouble than it used to. My physics II lab group thought I was the dumbest person in the world at the beginning of the semester, and once i proved them wrong, they proceeded to kiss my ass. Just because I'm blonde, wear letters occasionally, and like the color pink does not make me stupid. But it does make you LOOK stupid for thinking that I was :)
And because pictures make everything more fun, and no one really knows what I look like, here are two of me :)
me in a playground tunnel (and yes, I'm a red sox fan)

(my best friend from geneseo and i on my old dorm room bed

It's a Dell XPS... very pretty and fast...
I have a bad history with laptops though. This is my third in three years, even though the first one going wasn't really my fault. I blame it on my freshman year roomate, who spilled pepsi all over it. The second one might be my fault, but only because I'm klutzy. And very hard on technology :P
Hopefully this one lasts longer than the other two combined. If it doesn't, I'll be upset, mostly because it would only prove that I'm a failure at life.
The end of the semester always makes me giddy. Giddy in a "wow-i-can't-believe-it's-almost-over" kind of way. Then there's the stress that follows the giddyness. In my stupidity, I took 22 credits this semester. It probably wasn't the best move, but I wanted to get some of the credits I'd lost in transferring back. Now I have all this work that somehow piled up in the last week (Yes, I procrastinate but all of except one paper only got assigned within the last 4 days). And my poor little blonde head might just explode.
Speaking of my poor little blonde head, now that I'm in pharmacy school the color of it gets me in more trouble than it used to. My physics II lab group thought I was the dumbest person in the world at the beginning of the semester, and once i proved them wrong, they proceeded to kiss my ass. Just because I'm blonde, wear letters occasionally, and like the color pink does not make me stupid. But it does make you LOOK stupid for thinking that I was :)
And because pictures make everything more fun, and no one really knows what I look like, here are two of me :)
me in a playground tunnel (and yes, I'm a red sox fan)

(my best friend from geneseo and i on my old dorm room bed

libertad - 04/26/06 18:18
You are so cute! I love the movie Legally Blonde. Found one of my favorite quotes:
Enrique Salvatore: Don't stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey.
Elle: They're last season?
[looks down and gasps]
Elle: He's gay!
I was trying to think of a title for a movie that was about you (being blonde) going to school to be a pharmacist, but I can't think of any. Oh well.
You are so cute! I love the movie Legally Blonde. Found one of my favorite quotes:
Enrique Salvatore: Don't stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey.
Elle: They're last season?
[looks down and gasps]
Elle: He's gay!
I was trying to think of a title for a movie that was about you (being blonde) going to school to be a pharmacist, but I can't think of any. Oh well.
ladycroft - 04/26/06 17:42
i heart the red sox!!!
i heart the red sox!!!
well that wasn't the only reason... 1) my landlord didn't like the idea in the first place 2) we were told they were girls, when we took them to the vet they were boys (wouldn't be an issue except for spraying) 3) they kept hurting my roomates 6 year old sister (grant it, it was mostly the sisters fault, but my roomate is super protective). Plus, SBRugger was willing to take them and we can still see them whenever we want :)
I'm not sure if getting another dog is a good idea what if it picks on your current dog and you have to get rid of it also.
you just have the urge to get smacked, don't you? :P
Looks like I'll be getting a dog in 7 months......