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04/12/2006 01:20 #25615

Day Trippers
Today, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i decided to take advantage of the beautiful day and go for a short day trip. I was in a picture snapping mood...

The dash screen of our lovely Toyota Prius, a mere 15 minutes into our journey. Love love love what the temperature reading was telling us.. and the MPG -- 52.2! Woo hoo!


The New York State Thruway... gotta love them tolls.


This guy is telling us we are going the right way...


Right on in to PA...


We stopped for lunch.. but i am so sorry, (e:Paul), i forgot to take pics of our eats.

On our way to the Erie Zoo, we see this structure. It looks like an air traffic controllers tower. Once closer, we saw a sign that it is a plastics factory of some sort, but i can't imagine the length of plastic they make in which they would need a tower like that!


Ah, cute kitties will solve all the world's problems.. unless you are on a lower level of the food chain...


These birds, blue and gold macaws, to be more precise, were inside a building that had exhibits in it, but when we went inside, there was a door saying "Employees Only"... i hope they get paid more than just bird seed!




And there were also plants in the small greenhouse...




And Polar Bears playing... awwee...


And gay giraffe. Both of these giraffe are males. Tried my best to get pictures of them having fun, but oral sex was about the closest i could get.


Also tried to get some examples of just how large an errect giraffe penis is (did anyone know they acutally unfold. not just slide out?!?), but this guy was camera shy, i think...


On to more wholesome things... in the kids part, swimming penguins. Usually, when we are there, they are fussing about on land. Finally, we saw them swim!


Orangoutangs. Adorable baby...


Beautiful mommy...


A drive around Presque Isle was so nice in weather like this. I forgot to take a snap of the entrance, so this will just have to do...


Nice sandy beach on the windward side of this Lake Erie barrier island...


And out of Erie, PA. We saw a lot of these frogs about town today. I guess they are like the buffalo seen about town here, the bears about town in Knoxville and the hideous giant moose that Toronto had a few years back...


And finally, back home...


imk2 - 04/12/06 21:10
there's that sign! AN ALL AMERICA am i missing something here? where's the "n" on "america"
metalpeter - 04/12/06 17:48
:-) Yes I have Finaly found a site for Gay Zoo Animal Sex, kiding of course. Nice pics glad you two had a nice time on a great day.
leetee - 04/12/06 09:47
Hahaha... actually, (e:Zobar), we reset it every time we get gas (which isn't very often, thank goodness). We also spent a boatload of cash for a repair.... so we are thankful to get some of that back in good mileage!
zobar - 04/12/06 07:27
Hey! No fair resetting your mileage odometer the instant the weather turns warm. ...when going downhill. a parking lot. (-:

- Z
ajay - 04/12/06 03:22
I think it's only a matter of time before Erie surpasses Buffalo. I have seen that city grow so much in the last 18 years.

Presque Isle is a lot of fun. In summer, it's a great place to sit and watch the sunset. :)
paul - 04/12/06 01:59
I love the star trek ambiance of your electric cars statistics panel.

04/10/2006 00:45 #25614

Thanks, (e:Theecarey,139) for reminding me how much i adore British comedy.

So, i started surfing. Got sucked into the BBC Blackadder site.

I found the quote generator very amusing.

The interview clips are as well. Wish they had some from Stephen Fry since i find his voice so soothing (i sometimes listen to his biography on tape when i am at the dentist!). Some more from Hugh Laurie would have been nice, too.

Ah, give me a dark, sarcastic, sardonic British comedy any day of the week...

04/08/2006 10:30 #25613

Tank Ye
Much appreciated, all the fussing about you did to get me some Wesley Willis, (e:Jenks,106). Once the gather number was corrected, i managed to scoop it up just fine and boggied the night away...

Thanks, too, (e:Zobar) for the Wesley Willis you posted in a comment to my journal, (e:LeeTee,159).

Then, (e:MrMike,47) posted a Paul Weller live accoustic version of That's Entertainment (thanks again!). I wonder if i can find the Morrissey version of that song... i found it interesting, but then again, i am a Morriessey fan (new cd, Ringleader of the Tormentors is quite good)

Now that i got this gather stuff figured out, i might become addicted. Yipes. Addcitions are bad. Because, as Emo Philips would say, "someday it will be my turn to treat".
leetee - 04/08/06 15:08
Thanks (e:Terry)!
terry - 04/08/06 11:56
here ya go lee

TRACKING NUMBER: 0009387001144511731

05/28/2006 16:55 #25612

Few Pics From Impromtu Party
(e:enknot) starts off his evening with a shout out...


(e:imk2) multitasks with a phone, a pen and a fork... now there is some dedication!


(e:Metalpeter) chugs one down.


(e:eeyore) even got a bumper sticker!


(e:Mike) , fresh from a trip to Toronto, must be describing a cooking or a shopping adventure...


(e:Terry) ... uhm... being (e:Terry) !




Upside down (e:Paul)


(e:Terry) 's chosen bed for the night


(e:Theecarey) and i reckon that next time, the party might be more widely attended if it was advertised as...

jenks - 05/29/06 12:06
damn I definitely left too early. I missed (e:pills), I missed terry on the stairs, I missed upside down paul... Man...
libertad - 05/29/06 08:19
If I only knew there were going to be (e:pills)!
imk2 - 05/28/06 21:22
ohh, the (e:pill) and (e:strip)orgies will make for a good time!
theecarey - 05/28/06 20:53
I should be a hand model..or not, haha. hehe (e:strip)orgies turned out so well! hilarious.. We came up with some really good stuff. It was great being silly with you :)
metalpeter - 05/28/06 19:02
Nice pics thanks for putting them up. I didn't relise how red I am. I didn't feal that red but that is what happens when you go out and it is overcast and then you walk someplace in bright sunshine with out sunscreen.

04/07/2006 19:08 #25611

Outsider Music
On our way back from visiting my parents last weekend, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were listening to Alan Cross' The Ongoing History Of New Music on 102.1 The Edge.

The subject was outsider music (WIKIPEDIA - Outsider music) and i was ever so grateful to be making the hour drive when this show was on. It was a highly entertaining episode. Since then, there have been a few songs i haven't been able to get out of my head.

And now, as i type this, i am listening to Philosophy of the World by the Shaggs (WIKIPEDIA - The Shaggs) (thanks to (e:Uncutsaniflush) for downloading it!) and i am loving it so much. How could i not love the atonal enthusiasm!?! How could i not love a song called "My Pal Foot Foot"? I can't! Since the song was inspired by a pet cat, if i ever again have a pet cat, i now want to name him or her Foot Foot.

I am also very much interested in hearing more Wesley Willis(WIKIPEDIA - Wesley Willis), an interest i am not sure (e:Uncutsaniflush) shares.. at least not as much. Sadly, the only sample of his music was a song about Dave Grohl (ok, so shoot me, i think the Foo Fighters suck).. one in which we originally thought was about some chick named April. Aaaappppriiiillll... Daaaaaavvveee Grohhhllll.. You can hear the similarites, can't you?

Since i can't have a usersound at this time, i leave you with lyrics..

My Pal Foot Foot

My pal's name is Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
He always likes to roam
My pal's name is Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
I never find him home

I go to his house
Knock at his door
People come out and say
Foot Foot don't live here no more

My pal Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
Always likes to roam
My pal Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
Now he has no home

Where will Foot Foot go
What will Foot Foot do
Oh, Foot Foot
I wish I could find you

I've looked here, I've looked there
I've looked everywhere
Oh, Foot Foot
Why can't I find you?

Foot Foot, where can you be?
Foot Foot, why won't you answer me?
Foot Foot, Oh Foot Foot
Wherever you are
I want you to come home with me

I don't have time to roam
I have things to do
I have to go home
Oh, Foot Foot, where are you?

If Foot Foot didn't like to roam so well
He would still have a place to dwell
Foot Foot, please answer me
I know where you are
You're behind that tree

Foot Foot, please come to me
Foot Foot, now that you're here
Won't you come home
Foot Foot, promise me this
That you will never again roam
leetee - 04/07/06 23:45
Zobar -- thanks for the Wesley Willis on gather. I was looking at the Alternative Tentacles site yesterday and it seems as though not all of his songs were as upbeat as the Dave Grohl one... "Suck a Polar Bear's Dick" and "Sorry I Got Fat" being good examples...
jenks - 04/07/06 23:31
1- yeah I hate the foo fighters too.
2- did you see my last post? I was saying I should put up some wesley willis. Maybe I will, maybe I will...
jessbob - 04/07/06 23:30
I love Ongoing History. I am listening to old episodes online right now
zobar - 04/07/06 20:10
Forgot the most disturbing one: "Doin Time In Jail" about the time some guy shanked him on the bus. gather:0096698001144455043

- Z
zobar - 04/07/06 20:01
I guess Wesley Willis was occasionally in a band called the Wesley Willis Fiasco; I found a couple of these songs on the Inter Nets a little while ago. Casper the Homosexual Friendly Ghost is in gather:0250004001144454365 and Jesus Is the Answer is in gather:0307665001144454365 .

- Z