- NOTICE: This is part 3 of a series. To view in story telling format, go back to part one and work your way up! ***

the porch was overflowing with people

yvonne discovered an interesting trick: poke a guy in the belly with a blue lollipop....

.... and his pants fall down

more people trap me on my bed

i have to pee and the bathroom looks like hell

jill takes my place on the bed

more dancing

and grabbing

then rayn was rubbing his balls on my foot, and terry says "may i have this dance?'

yvonne the gangsta

i make myself a larson sandwhich

and take a nap with ryan, jen, mike & david

i snuggle between these two bunnies to make a mike & david sandwhich
but ryan says no sandwhich is complete without...

a big bite on the judy!!!!

i cry on libertad's shoulder

the kitchen is a disaster and it's time to go to bed
Thanks for coming! We had a fantabulous time. We're thinking All Hallow's Eve for the next one. Pudding wrestling anyone??? Ciao.
aww... he's beautiful. :) Congrats to Tonya (and you too of course)!
Congrats on aunthood again!
Little Ryan is too sweet - such a face!!
Best wishes to your family -
he is really stinkin cute!!!