I had a dream last night. I was on an expedition with a dozen people. I was not necessarily the leader but it was apparent I held some authority in the group. We machete our way through lush jungle. The air is heavy and moist, presperation on every square inch of my skin. Foreign insects buzz in my ear and the songs of mysterious birds echo under the canopy. Arms aching from navigating the vegetation we rest only moments when an accidental footstep reveals a narrow staircase leading down into the earth. We light our torches and decend into the unknown.
A gentle breeze begins to blow, turning colder and strengthening with every step, until the breeze becomes a wind, and the wind becomes a gust that extinguishes our flames. 'Why didn't I bring that glow stick!? Fuckity fuck-fuck-fuck'. No sooner does the explicative escape my lips when a faint glow transpires at our feet. A silvery mist of liquid silk surrounds us and we drift into weightlessness. I see Jason. 'Jason what are you doing here?'. He takes my hand and replies, 'I told you to take control of your dreams'. The mist diminishes and we are at the entrance of a great temple.
Great trees groan, their vines swaying gently, leaves falling like summer snow. Pillars of blue Verdite with veins of green support a stone carved peak. Ornate metal work adorns a lone wooden door. We enter a sanctuary and it is still, so still. I cannot hear my footsteps. Our mouths move forming words on our lips yet no sound escapes them. It is scerene, it is peaceful but it is tainted.
A glimer of yellow catches my eye from a distant corner. I yell for everyone to climb, climb anything they can find, but my words fall silent in the mysterious air. A stampede of mad cow-like creatures charges from a darkened corner. Their eyes are a brilliant yellow with red pupils. Their teeth are long and sharp. As if someone hit a switch everything becomes slow motion. Every movement requires great effort. I manage to scrabble onto a stone tomb. One of the beasts glairs into my eyes. This time when I shout, my words are clear, 'I need a screw driver!'. A yellow screwdriver appears on my hand and I jump and stab the beast in the eye. Then I woke up.
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/11/2006 13:35 #25428
bovine demonsCategory: dream
07/08/2006 11:01 #25427
andrew dan-jumbo!Category: celebrity sighting
I arrived at the most chaotic Thursday at the Square to see India Arie. It was PACKED. I was standing in the back corner in an attempt to locate Paul when I look up and see this beautiful man walking my way. Then the facial recognition kicks in...HOLY TOOL BELTS BATMAN, THAT'S ANDREW DAN-JUMBO!!!
OMG that man is so fine. I couldn't even speak, my arms just started flailing in the air in some feeble attempt to grab my phone and take a pic. It just caught me so off guard and I wasn't able to snap a shot before he disappeared into the crowd. Sigh..was a wonderful random celeb sighting. If you have no clue who Andy is, let me show and tell you.
Have you ever watched 'While You Were Out'? He's the talented carpenter/designer on the set. I'm not alone in my vote for sex appeal as he was named in People Magazine's '50 Most Beautiful People' in 2003.

Anyhow, what's very interesting, is that he lives in Buffalo! He was born in Nigeria and raised near London, England. In 1991 he returned to the U.S. and co-founded Eurotek (a commercial and residential construction company that specializes in historic restorations and new home developments in Buffalo) with his brother. (e:PMT)...if you need help with your new mansion, for the love of single women in Buffalo, call him!
OMG that man is so fine. I couldn't even speak, my arms just started flailing in the air in some feeble attempt to grab my phone and take a pic. It just caught me so off guard and I wasn't able to snap a shot before he disappeared into the crowd. Sigh..was a wonderful random celeb sighting. If you have no clue who Andy is, let me show and tell you.
Have you ever watched 'While You Were Out'? He's the talented carpenter/designer on the set. I'm not alone in my vote for sex appeal as he was named in People Magazine's '50 Most Beautiful People' in 2003.

Anyhow, what's very interesting, is that he lives in Buffalo! He was born in Nigeria and raised near London, England. In 1991 he returned to the U.S. and co-founded Eurotek (a commercial and residential construction company that specializes in historic restorations and new home developments in Buffalo) with his brother. (e:PMT)...if you need help with your new mansion, for the love of single women in Buffalo, call him!
07/07/2006 15:38 #25426
animal house, part IIICategory: photos
- NOTICE: This is part 3 of a series. To view in story telling format, go back to part one and work your way up! ***

the porch was overflowing with people

yvonne discovered an interesting trick: poke a guy in the belly with a blue lollipop....

.... and his pants fall down

more people trap me on my bed

i have to pee and the bathroom looks like hell

jill takes my place on the bed

more dancing

and grabbing

then rayn was rubbing his balls on my foot, and terry says "may i have this dance?'

yvonne the gangsta

i make myself a larson sandwhich

and take a nap with ryan, jen, mike & david

i snuggle between these two bunnies to make a mike & david sandwhich
but ryan says no sandwhich is complete without...

a big bite on the judy!!!!

i cry on libertad's shoulder

the kitchen is a disaster and it's time to go to bed
Thanks for coming! We had a fantabulous time. We're thinking All Hallow's Eve for the next one. Pudding wrestling anyone??? Ciao.
paul - 07/08/06 12:13
The was my lollipop.
The was my lollipop.
mike - 07/08/06 00:40
I love your pics. I love the storytelling format, it really made them interesting!!! It perfectly captured the fun and debauchery of the party!
I love your pics. I love the storytelling format, it really made them interesting!!! It perfectly captured the fun and debauchery of the party!
jenks - 07/07/06 19:12
Wow!! Awesome pix. And some of that makes me say- where the hell was I when all that debauchery was going on?! I swear I was there....
Wow!! Awesome pix. And some of that makes me say- where the hell was I when all that debauchery was going on?! I swear I was there....
metalpeter - 07/07/06 18:34
Nice Pics I still have a couple more posts to look through. All I will say about Pudding wrestling is that is amazingly messy and if you think you place got trashed from this party that is nothing compared to pudding wrestling, from what I understand. :-) However I have never heard of Pudding Wrestling In Halloween costumes that would be verry differant glad everyone had fun.
Nice Pics I still have a couple more posts to look through. All I will say about Pudding wrestling is that is amazingly messy and if you think you place got trashed from this party that is nothing compared to pudding wrestling, from what I understand. :-) However I have never heard of Pudding Wrestling In Halloween costumes that would be verry differant glad everyone had fun.
mrmike - 07/07/06 16:37
Quite the time! Nice pics
Quite the time! Nice pics
07/07/2006 14:03 #25425
animal house, part ICategory: photos
(I have around 80 photos, so I'll split them up into a few posts to make it easier on the viewing)
Holy Moses what a party! It's always fun to walk into your house and not know a single person. Well, I did recognize that one guy from the library. THAT guy who followed you around all night, literally. If you're female you probably know who I'm talking about. It was a spectacular evening full of music, laughter, 'rave' straws, bonfires, and blue tongues. Enjoy!

start of the evening

libertad is so handsome!

lori and hung


josh hitting the hay early

the requisite jenks & ladycroft shot

larson photo bomb

roommate love

matthew enjoying the 'rave straws'



did you meet (e:des)?

back in the house.....

mike & jill found the blue lollipops

me and lori, miss her so much!


tuna anyone?

more smurf murders

richard, scott and some guy
Holy Moses what a party! It's always fun to walk into your house and not know a single person. Well, I did recognize that one guy from the library. THAT guy who followed you around all night, literally. If you're female you probably know who I'm talking about. It was a spectacular evening full of music, laughter, 'rave' straws, bonfires, and blue tongues. Enjoy!

start of the evening

libertad is so handsome!

lori and hung


josh hitting the hay early

the requisite jenks & ladycroft shot

larson photo bomb

roommate love

matthew enjoying the 'rave straws'



did you meet (e:des)?

back in the house.....

mike & jill found the blue lollipops

me and lori, miss her so much!


tuna anyone?

more smurf murders

richard, scott and some guy
07/07/2006 15:11 #25424
animal house, part IICategory: photos

view from the landlord's bedroom door!

mike, jill and sarah raided my wardrobe

making use of the grocker

ryan made an 'ice cream sandwhich' on wheat and shared it with me

it was disgusting so we made sal eat the other half

will the smurf murders never end?

carey shows up

and spends five hours talking to paul on my bed

meanwhile, the smooching begins

terry willed someone to get smores product

low and behold, mike and jill came bursting into the backyard with elements of s'mores

scott (our landlord) and his pal jonathan were clueless in the front room
ladycroft - 07/07/06 20:25
(that's alex with me and terry)
(that's alex with me and terry)
metalpeter - 07/07/06 18:42
I thought the Sandwich incident was funny I saw some of that but I see pics of stuff I had no idea about and people on the porch I never saw thanks for sharing.
I thought the Sandwich incident was funny I saw some of that but I see pics of stuff I had no idea about and people on the porch I never saw thanks for sharing.
nejifer - 07/07/06 18:22
Holy shit! I totally don't remember kissing Josh. And is that my sister kissing Terry with you?? I missed all the madness...and I was fucking there!
Holy shit! I totally don't remember kissing Josh. And is that my sister kissing Terry with you?? I missed all the madness...and I was fucking there!
Did you wake to find you were poking the pillow with a pencil?>
haha that's funny...bovine demons!