10/30/2006 11:10 #24688
WTF.New York State is about to announce that it has a $1BILLION dollar 'surplus' for the fiscal year ->
This is NOT a 'surplus." It is
overtaxation. It is not as if the state somehow miraculously came up with another billion as a result of clever schemes to earn profit - it is money taken directly out of taxpayer pockets. The money doesn't belong to the state and it never has, yet they are going to tuck it into a "rainy day" fund. Tax levels quite clearly need to go down, but this is New York State - expecting it any time soon?
This is one of many reasons why our state is atrocious and one of many reasons why I want out of here ASAP.
10/29/2006 18:19 #24687
Favorite place to be?So, where are your favorite places to be? I have to say that mine is the shower. I love the water, the smell of the soap, the steam, the fact that its one of the few places you can be by yourself (normally). Its one of the few places where you can be yourself and still retain as much dignity as one can while being naked. Its also a good place to get some sweet, sweet lovin'. Whats not to love?
10/29/2006 17:45 #24686
Well thenI can't say that I had an evening as interesting as what my brother went through - in cases like this I use my instinct and do what I please.
Tonight is one of those nights where a warm beverage, my ipod and a book or a notepad are in order. This is my usual default thing to do when I have time, nothing to do and nowhere to be. I'm sorry that I haven't been particularly social with many people but I've been busy trying to make Chateau Larson tidier and being introspective and brooding and what not.
I have been home for a month straight and I have to say that its been the best thing for me in a long time. I've had time to finally slow down a bit, think things through and move forward with some things that I've been wanting to do. I totally forgot what it was like to have some time for yourself!
Anyhow, thats about it. Bai!
10/27/2006 15:20 #24685
Who is on our side?Who is on the Sabres side?
Can't argue with that!
10/25/2006 18:06 #24684
An AnecdoteBefore I get into this one, I have to say that for the weekends Halloween parties that I will not be dressing up, as I never do. I hope thats okay and if I am not let into Halloween parties because I'm not really a costume kind of guy, I'll just have to go to the bar!
A memory came back to me today while I was listening to Coldplay. Once upon a time (meaning 2 or 3 years back) I was having um, "relations" with a girl that lived around the block from Chateau Larson. I began to notice that I was falling for her, and I am utterly incapable of keeping my feelings to myself for too long. So, I decided to write her a poem and make a mix CD for her. A few days later I asked her if she got the package I sent to her, and she said to me that the some of the songs were kind of whiny on the CD - Coldplay was on the disc!
Her reaction shocked me a little bit, but I soon found some humor in it for some reason. Being a Gemini I am supposedly quick to find humor in all things, which for me is 100% true. I quickly realized that my efforts were wasted, which for me is perfectly okay - you are always better off letting people know how you feel rather than not giving it a go.
In all honesty, even though it didn't work out, I have a lot to thank that girl for. Firstly, she got me over the fact that the girl I thought I was going to marry cheated on me for the SECOND time (another story for another time) and she put my faith back into women. Secondly, she made me realize that I need to find cooler music to put on mix CDs. Thirdly, she taught me that life is meant to be enjoyed and to loosen up a bit. Fourthly, she made me look at myself and others in ways I hadn't before. I can honestly say that the experience has made me a better person and if I had the opportunity I'd definitely buy this girl a drink... she doesn't know that she had a positive impact on me and probably thinks that she hurt me.
All of this from her reaction to a Coldplay song!
Exaaactly. Don't stash it, pay down the debt.
This "surplus" is like finding $20 under the mattress, when you owe the credit card company $2000
I agree that it is overtaxation; but it should be used to pay down the debt.
I hate the government in Albany as much as you do, BTW.
lets us rise, and march on albany with pitchforks, torches, pick axes and shovels. we'll burn the capital and bury the pols! albany is a dump anyways. we can turn it into parking for the park and ride to buffalo. i am sure the "control board" would think it is an economically viable proposal! f' these "peaceful revolutions" every election year.
Yes - as of March 31 '06 the state has a total obligation of around $80 billion. I don't see the state using this "surplus" as a means to pay down debt at the moment; instead they are pocketing it for a "rainy day." This puts the "rainy day" fund up to about $3B - nearly the total value of the issued obligation itself. If the state isn't going to use this money to put itself into better financial shape then it should go back to where it belongs - us - rather than tucking it away for some yet to be determined use.
This speaks to a larger problem - the fact that the state treats its tax receipts as if the money belongs to them. It doesn't and it never has. The state has been mismanaged for decades.
Ah, if only the politicians could read this
When taking into account our actual debt, that "surplus" is really nothing :(
We have the shittiest government money can buy!