I have to say that by far one of the best TV shows running right now is Battlestar Galactica on Sci Fi. Its an incredible dark drama and isn't your stereotypical science fiction show. Absolutely brilliant writing. Being a 24 addict, I would have to say that this show is very, very close to my beloved 24.
Ok - election tomorrow - go out and vote. Here are the candidates I'll likely vote for or otherwise endorse during this season.
Governor - Elliot Spitzer (D). He isn't really a liberal - (e:jason) says that he is a Republican in Democrat clothing. Ok, I can buy that. I admit that the guy has balls - Giuliani sized balls. I'm very comfortable voting for him this time around. I'm not terribly optimistic about NY shaking from the status quo, so Spitzer's propaganda is hollow for me until I see results. On his track record, this is by far my favorite Democrat running in any race - local, state, national and in between.
26th Congressional District - Tom Reynolds (R). While anybody that runs for Congress is likely to be a power hungry schmuck, its embarrassingly blatant for Jack Davis. The storm gave Reynolds a lucky and timely chance to display some leadership and tap into government resources, since he is an incredibly powerful congressman. The polls say this is a close race - as usual, I stick with the incumbents in cases like this if I have to predict who will win.
Junior Senator - John Spencer (R). I know that Shrillary will win, I simply will never vote for her. She isn't going to see her whole term through anyway.
NYS Comptroller - Christopher Gallaghan (R). Alan Hevesi (D), our current comptroller, would have likely won easily if he had not used and abused state resources on behalf of his wife. Hevesi will not stay in his office, even if he gets re-elected, because misuse of the state's financial resources is grounds for immediate removal. Even the NY Times, "with some trepidation," is endorsing Gallaghan, and Elliot Spitzer has withdrawn his endorsement of Alan Hevesi... which should say plenty.
NYS Attorney General - Andrew Cuomo (D). I cannot express in words how conflicted I am with this. In my estimation Ms. Pirro (R) has basically been smeared to death because of her extremely shady husband - the fact that her husband is a shady bastard says nothing about her ability to do the job and on those same grounds its fair to say that Hillary Clinton shouldn't be elected President when she inevitably runs. Andrew Cuomo worked in the Clinton administration, which normally is immediate grounds to vote for whoever the (R) is. However, Ms. Pirro has never really helped herself and Andrew Cuomo has been more precise in describing what he would do in office. When it comes to politicians, and make no mistake; this is a political office, I'll take the one that is more forthcoming about what he'll do. Its better to know and hope than to not know and wonder.
State Assembly, Senate, etc. - Whoever the alternative is to the Democrats. We know that the Democrats will win, but I cannot in good faith support Antoine Thompson or anybody like him. We cannot poison state politics by sending our clearly inept people from here to Albany. By the way, Antoine Thompson rubber stamped that incredibly bad Casino deal that everybody hates.
Nationally - Its going to be very close and Democrats are definitely in the position to take the House. Whoever gets the house will have a very, very slim majority and if the vote is split 50-50 Republicans will retain the House because as President of the Senate, the Veep Cheney will cast the deciding vote. Republicans will retain the Senate.
For those of you fringe kooks panting like a dog for Pelosi to begin impeachment if she is Speaker, you heard it here first - it WILL NOT happen.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/06/2006 12:38 #24691
Josh's Election Special! Plus TV.10/30/2006 11:10 #24688
WTF.New York State is about to announce that it has a $1BILLION dollar 'surplus' for the fiscal year -> 
This is NOT a 'surplus." It is overtaxation. It is not as if the state somehow miraculously came up with another billion as a result of clever schemes to earn profit - it is money taken directly out of taxpayer pockets. The money doesn't belong to the state and it never has, yet they are going to tuck it into a "rainy day" fund. Tax levels quite clearly need to go down, but this is New York State - expecting it any time soon?
This is one of many reasons why our state is atrocious and one of many reasons why I want out of here ASAP.

This is NOT a 'surplus." It is overtaxation. It is not as if the state somehow miraculously came up with another billion as a result of clever schemes to earn profit - it is money taken directly out of taxpayer pockets. The money doesn't belong to the state and it never has, yet they are going to tuck it into a "rainy day" fund. Tax levels quite clearly need to go down, but this is New York State - expecting it any time soon?
This is one of many reasons why our state is atrocious and one of many reasons why I want out of here ASAP.
10/29/2006 18:19 #24687
Favorite place to be?So, where are your favorite places to be? I have to say that mine is the shower. I love the water, the smell of the soap, the steam, the fact that its one of the few places you can be by yourself (normally). Its one of the few places where you can be yourself and still retain as much dignity as one can while being naked. Its also a good place to get some sweet, sweet lovin'. Whats not to love?
vincent - 10/29/06 20:02
Being at a "Hot" Craps table on Freemont St Casino in Las Vegas. There's nothing more than the intensity of say 15 people being "in the zone" making all kinds of noise and pumping the room full of energy.
Being at a "Hot" Craps table on Freemont St Casino in Las Vegas. There's nothing more than the intensity of say 15 people being "in the zone" making all kinds of noise and pumping the room full of energy.
ladycroft - 10/29/06 19:00
my bed. my big fluffy, canopy draped bed with the curtains closed. yah.
my bed. my big fluffy, canopy draped bed with the curtains closed. yah.
11/01/2006 09:39 #24689
Buffalo News protects another DemocratAs you may or may not have heard, John F'ing Kerry told students in California recently that they should get smart and continue their education, or they will get stuck in Iraq - video is here. 
Any thinking person would realize that he is once again attacking the military. Now he is claiming that it was a botched joke that was intended to criticize the policies of President Bush. Why is it that these prominent Democrats continue to impune and degrade the people who serve? What he is saying here is, "get an education or you are going to be stuck with those cretin neanderthal types who aren't as smart as YOU are to go to college and educate themselves."
But oh, no! Democrats are PRO-military according to them, particularly around election time. And now Kerry is further insulting the American populace by basically saying, "Oh no, you just didn't 'get it' - I was bashing Bush again!" There are three things that Democrats are getting 100% absolutely utterly wrong here, and its going to kill them next week when it looked likely that they would take one of the two houses in Congress. 1) Guys like Kerry are proving that Democrats are lying about their devotion to the troops and the armed forces; 2) this election is NOT a referendum on President Bush, since he is not on the ballot... Bush bashing will not grants results in local elections; 3) As a result of the first two, Kerry has reminded voters that Democrats are not to be trusted with defending the nation because of the constant contradictions - not that Kerry and/or Murtha alleging that our troops are essentially terrorists themselves is helping them at all - all of this is now coming back to light. Kerry refuses to apologize, which is only making this multiple times worse for him and his party.
Once in a while, you see Democrats say what is really on their mind, and once again John Kerry is seemingly trying to blow it for the Dems next week. Don't believe me? Thus far, as of today, his scheduled campaign stops in Iowa, Minnesota and Pennsylvania have been canceled by the candidates, and more are surely to come. Don Imus, prominent radio personality and Bush basher, is telling Kerry to keep his fucking mouth shut because he's going to blow it for the Democrats. Democrats are running as fast as they can away from Kerry right now.
Where does our local trash rag come into play here? Shameless and utter distortion of the truth in today's headline.
I Buffalo News - YOU ARE A FUCKING JOKE. Stop playing loose with your headlines. They are factually incorrect and shameless. At least in Rochester they call it the Democrat and Chronicle - perhaps the News needs a name change to more accurately reflect their politics.
Kerry did NOT attack the President with what he said about the troops. Nobody believes him except only for the most blindly partisan and rabidly anti-Bush contingency out there. Oh yeah, don't forget - he is a Vietnam vet! Trust me, the media won't let you forget it either. In any case, the reactions from the candidates themselves says all you need to know.

Any thinking person would realize that he is once again attacking the military. Now he is claiming that it was a botched joke that was intended to criticize the policies of President Bush. Why is it that these prominent Democrats continue to impune and degrade the people who serve? What he is saying here is, "get an education or you are going to be stuck with those cretin neanderthal types who aren't as smart as YOU are to go to college and educate themselves."
But oh, no! Democrats are PRO-military according to them, particularly around election time. And now Kerry is further insulting the American populace by basically saying, "Oh no, you just didn't 'get it' - I was bashing Bush again!" There are three things that Democrats are getting 100% absolutely utterly wrong here, and its going to kill them next week when it looked likely that they would take one of the two houses in Congress. 1) Guys like Kerry are proving that Democrats are lying about their devotion to the troops and the armed forces; 2) this election is NOT a referendum on President Bush, since he is not on the ballot... Bush bashing will not grants results in local elections; 3) As a result of the first two, Kerry has reminded voters that Democrats are not to be trusted with defending the nation because of the constant contradictions - not that Kerry and/or Murtha alleging that our troops are essentially terrorists themselves is helping them at all - all of this is now coming back to light. Kerry refuses to apologize, which is only making this multiple times worse for him and his party.
Once in a while, you see Democrats say what is really on their mind, and once again John Kerry is seemingly trying to blow it for the Dems next week. Don't believe me? Thus far, as of today, his scheduled campaign stops in Iowa, Minnesota and Pennsylvania have been canceled by the candidates, and more are surely to come. Don Imus, prominent radio personality and Bush basher, is telling Kerry to keep his fucking mouth shut because he's going to blow it for the Democrats. Democrats are running as fast as they can away from Kerry right now.
Where does our local trash rag come into play here? Shameless and utter distortion of the truth in today's headline.

Kerry did NOT attack the President with what he said about the troops. Nobody believes him except only for the most blindly partisan and rabidly anti-Bush contingency out there. Oh yeah, don't forget - he is a Vietnam vet! Trust me, the media won't let you forget it either. In any case, the reactions from the candidates themselves says all you need to know.
ajay - 11/01/06 14:51
So let me get this straight: Kerry botches a joke, and you get all hot under the collar.
And the REPUBLICANS cut veterans benefits :::link::: and you're OK with that?
Once again, the Republicans are all talk while stabbing the veterans in the back.
Remember: actions speak louder than words. And so far the Republicans actions have been nothing but a massive slap in the face of every veteran who has ever served.
Speaking of serving: Kerry served. Bush dodged. Case closed.
So let me get this straight: Kerry botches a joke, and you get all hot under the collar.
And the REPUBLICANS cut veterans benefits :::link::: and you're OK with that?
Once again, the Republicans are all talk while stabbing the veterans in the back.
Remember: actions speak louder than words. And so far the Republicans actions have been nothing but a massive slap in the face of every veteran who has ever served.
Speaking of serving: Kerry served. Bush dodged. Case closed.
jason - 11/01/06 14:04
And, anyway, the suggestion that this group is non-partisan, or that they represent hundreds of thousands of American war veterans is flatly false, especially in consideration of the fact that they put out TV ads with the Center for American Progress!!
That being said, do their opinions matter, and should we listen to them? Yes, of course.
And, anyway, the suggestion that this group is non-partisan, or that they represent hundreds of thousands of American war veterans is flatly false, especially in consideration of the fact that they put out TV ads with the Center for American Progress!!
That being said, do their opinions matter, and should we listen to them? Yes, of course.
jason - 11/01/06 13:52
Kara, the IAVA agrees with Josh that John F'n Kerry's comments were awful and that he should apologize.
"Senator Kerry should issue an immediate apology for his misguided and inappropriate remarks," said Paul Rieckhoff, an Iraq War veteran, and the founder and executive director of IAVA. "His comments, and his refusal to offer an apology, have angered many troops and veterans, and have become an unfortunate distraction from the real issues that face this nation."
Kara, the IAVA agrees with Josh that John F'n Kerry's comments were awful and that he should apologize.
"Senator Kerry should issue an immediate apology for his misguided and inappropriate remarks," said Paul Rieckhoff, an Iraq War veteran, and the founder and executive director of IAVA. "His comments, and his refusal to offer an apology, have angered many troops and veterans, and have become an unfortunate distraction from the real issues that face this nation."
kara - 11/01/06 12:25
I will direct you to the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association) rankings of congressional members based on their support of veterans' issues, including benefits and healthcare.
A blogger put together a table of Senate rankings:
Compare his results with the IAVA site, if you'd like.
That list is a stark reminder that when it comes to supporting our troops - truly supporting them during and after their dedicated service to our country - there are politicians who walk the walk and there are politicians who talk the talk.
I will direct you to the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association) rankings of congressional members based on their support of veterans' issues, including benefits and healthcare.
A blogger put together a table of Senate rankings:
Compare his results with the IAVA site, if you'd like.
That list is a stark reminder that when it comes to supporting our troops - truly supporting them during and after their dedicated service to our country - there are politicians who walk the walk and there are politicians who talk the talk.
libertad - 11/01/06 11:57
sorry to comment again. On reviewing his original comment as well as what he had meant to say I don't think he was saying what I thought he was. Yes I think what he said was offensive, but he didn't mean for it to come off that way. If he really were saying what I thought he was in my first comment, than I would have more respect for him. This article explains it a little further. :::link:::
Aparently what he was saying was that Bush didn't do his homework before going in. I thought he was trying to say more or less that the underprivileged were getting stuck in Iraq. Sorry.
sorry to comment again. On reviewing his original comment as well as what he had meant to say I don't think he was saying what I thought he was. Yes I think what he said was offensive, but he didn't mean for it to come off that way. If he really were saying what I thought he was in my first comment, than I would have more respect for him. This article explains it a little further. :::link:::
Aparently what he was saying was that Bush didn't do his homework before going in. I thought he was trying to say more or less that the underprivileged were getting stuck in Iraq. Sorry.
libertad - 11/01/06 11:28
I don't like Kerry so I'm not exactly trying to defend him. Isn't there a grain of truth in what he said? What is the overwhelming motivation for people joinging the military today? Of course I don't think it is because they are too dumb to get an education, but is it really because they believe in the war in Iraq or is it out of desperation? Some people are angry over what he said. Why aren't people angry that the majority of people dying are poor? People should be angry about the situation we are in and not about some stupid comment that actually does have much truth. I don't think Kerry has disrespected the troops in his comment and I don't care that it scares other democrats. They shouldn't be such pussies all the time anyways.
I don't like Kerry so I'm not exactly trying to defend him. Isn't there a grain of truth in what he said? What is the overwhelming motivation for people joinging the military today? Of course I don't think it is because they are too dumb to get an education, but is it really because they believe in the war in Iraq or is it out of desperation? Some people are angry over what he said. Why aren't people angry that the majority of people dying are poor? People should be angry about the situation we are in and not about some stupid comment that actually does have much truth. I don't think Kerry has disrespected the troops in his comment and I don't care that it scares other democrats. They shouldn't be such pussies all the time anyways.
10/29/2006 17:45 #24686
Well thenI can't say that I had an evening as interesting as what my brother went through - in cases like this I use my instinct and do what I please.
Tonight is one of those nights where a warm beverage, my ipod and a book or a notepad are in order. This is my usual default thing to do when I have time, nothing to do and nowhere to be. I'm sorry that I haven't been particularly social with many people but I've been busy trying to make Chateau Larson tidier and being introspective and brooding and what not.
I have been home for a month straight and I have to say that its been the best thing for me in a long time. I've had time to finally slow down a bit, think things through and move forward with some things that I've been wanting to do. I totally forgot what it was like to have some time for yourself!
Anyhow, thats about it. Bai!
Tonight is one of those nights where a warm beverage, my ipod and a book or a notepad are in order. This is my usual default thing to do when I have time, nothing to do and nowhere to be. I'm sorry that I haven't been particularly social with many people but I've been busy trying to make Chateau Larson tidier and being introspective and brooding and what not.
I have been home for a month straight and I have to say that its been the best thing for me in a long time. I've had time to finally slow down a bit, think things through and move forward with some things that I've been wanting to do. I totally forgot what it was like to have some time for yourself!
Anyhow, thats about it. Bai!
Exaaactly. Don't stash it, pay down the debt.
This "surplus" is like finding $20 under the mattress, when you owe the credit card company $2000
I agree that it is overtaxation; but it should be used to pay down the debt.
I hate the government in Albany as much as you do, BTW.
lets us rise, and march on albany with pitchforks, torches, pick axes and shovels. we'll burn the capital and bury the pols! albany is a dump anyways. we can turn it into parking for the park and ride to buffalo. i am sure the "control board" would think it is an economically viable proposal! f' these "peaceful revolutions" every election year.
Yes - as of March 31 '06 the state has a total obligation of around $80 billion. I don't see the state using this "surplus" as a means to pay down debt at the moment; instead they are pocketing it for a "rainy day." This puts the "rainy day" fund up to about $3B - nearly the total value of the issued obligation itself. If the state isn't going to use this money to put itself into better financial shape then it should go back to where it belongs - us - rather than tucking it away for some yet to be determined use.
This speaks to a larger problem - the fact that the state treats its tax receipts as if the money belongs to them. It doesn't and it never has. The state has been mismanaged for decades.
Ah, if only the politicians could read this
When taking into account our actual debt, that "surplus" is really nothing :(
We have the shittiest government money can buy!