I have to say that by far one of the best TV shows running right now is Battlestar Galactica on Sci Fi. Its an incredible dark drama and isn't your stereotypical science fiction show. Absolutely brilliant writing. Being a 24 addict, I would have to say that this show is very, very close to my beloved 24.
Ok - election tomorrow - go out and vote. Here are the candidates I'll likely vote for or otherwise endorse during this season.
Governor - Elliot Spitzer (D). He isn't really a liberal -
(e:jason) says that he is a Republican in Democrat clothing. Ok, I can buy that. I admit that the guy has balls - Giuliani sized balls. I'm very comfortable voting for him this time around. I'm not terribly optimistic about NY shaking from the status quo, so Spitzer's propaganda is hollow for me until I see results. On his track record, this is by far my favorite Democrat running in any race - local, state, national and in between.
26th Congressional District - Tom Reynolds (R). While anybody that runs for Congress is likely to be a power hungry schmuck, its embarrassingly blatant for Jack Davis. The storm gave Reynolds a lucky and timely chance to display some leadership and tap into government resources, since he is an incredibly powerful congressman. The polls say this is a close race - as usual, I stick with the incumbents in cases like this if I have to predict who will win.
Junior Senator - John Spencer (R). I know that Shrillary will win, I simply will never vote for her. She isn't going to see her whole term through anyway.
NYS Comptroller - Christopher Gallaghan (R). Alan Hevesi (D), our current comptroller, would have likely won easily if he had not used and abused state resources on behalf of his wife. Hevesi will not stay in his office, even if he gets re-elected, because misuse of the state's financial resources is grounds for immediate removal. Even the NY Times, "with some trepidation," is endorsing Gallaghan, and Elliot Spitzer has withdrawn his endorsement of Alan Hevesi... which should say plenty.
NYS Attorney General - Andrew Cuomo (D). I cannot express in words how conflicted I am with this. In my estimation Ms. Pirro (R) has basically been smeared to death because of her extremely shady husband - the fact that her husband is a shady bastard says nothing about her ability to do the job and on those same grounds its fair to say that Hillary Clinton shouldn't be elected President when she inevitably runs. Andrew Cuomo worked in the Clinton administration, which normally is immediate grounds to vote for whoever the (R) is. However, Ms. Pirro has never really helped herself and Andrew Cuomo has been more precise in describing what he would do in office. When it comes to politicians, and make no mistake; this is a political office, I'll take the one that is more forthcoming about what he'll do. Its better to know and hope than to not know and wonder.
State Assembly, Senate, etc. - Whoever the alternative is to the Democrats. We know that the Democrats will win, but I cannot in good faith support Antoine Thompson or anybody like him. We cannot poison state politics by sending our clearly inept people from here to Albany. By the way, Antoine Thompson rubber stamped that incredibly bad Casino deal that everybody hates.
Nationally - Its going to be very close and Democrats are definitely in the position to take the House. Whoever gets the house will have a very, very slim majority and if the vote is split 50-50 Republicans will retain the House because as President of the Senate, the Veep Cheney will cast the deciding vote. Republicans will retain the Senate.
For those of you fringe kooks panting like a dog for Pelosi to begin impeachment if she is Speaker, you heard it here first - it WILL NOT happen.
Speaking of "defeat is unthinkable"- did anyone see the clip of Faith Hill NOT winning at the country music awards? it was circulating at work today. They have the camera on her, and as they say "and the winner is" you see her smile and start to stand up, and they say "Carrie Underwood" and you see this RAGE flash across her face and she screams "WHAT? WHAT!"
And then totally denies it and says she was joking.
Nice one.
Yet another reason to avoid country music. ;)
Don't Pelosi for having a legal team in place for a potential contest. That's been standard practice by BOTH parties for ages. Only the nonsense of the 2000 presidential election put it further into the public eye.
Crazy Californians?? Shit, these people elected Arnauld. The looney flies both directions out there.
If you haven't seen the HBO documentary "Hacking Democracy" yet, it's worth seeing if you haven't. I don't blame ANY candidate for contesting a count (Republican, Democrat or whoever)
(Personally, I think political parties are the worst thing to happen to the country, ever)
Shit, I picked up Jane Harman in fantasy congress thinking she would have some pull. Time to change the lineup!