(and by "long time" I mean- 3 whole days. whoa!)
Nothing much here. Roswell is sucking the life out of me. But rather than make the best of it, I seem to prefer bitching about it. Good attitude!! Debating a date or two, though, which I guess is a good thing...
But a fun little game seems to be making the myspace circuit. Since I am too busy (or lazy) to make a new mix these days, I'll just copy this for you here instead. I didn't like my original result, so I redid it. (my original is with my whole music library- new and improved is from my "4-5 stars" playlist only. Problem is I've only assigned stars to a few hundred songs, and my taste seems to change rapidly)
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing- no cheating!
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Go burn your soundtrack!
- Extra credit [labor-intensive] version: don't do it on shuffle- actually pick the songs you feel are appropriate.
[below is my lazy version]
Opening Credits:
Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
Waking Up:
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
First Day At School:
The Bordello - Pelican City [very cool mellow electronic-y stuff]
Falling In Love:
Encore - DJ Dangermouse [I love the Grey Album]
Breaking Up:
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
Your Woman - White Town [Talk about one hit wonder (and I am using the term "hit" loosely) but I always really liked this song.]
Life's Ok:
Rosy and Grey - Lowest of the Low [ahh, ex-boyfriend flashbacks... not as painful as they used to be, fortunately]
Mental Breakdown:
Blame the English - The Lovekevins [on my second mix, I believe. Available for download over there ---> ;) ]
Black Cab - Jens Lekman [ooh, love him. Jens, you crazy swede you!]
Trouble [big beat remix] - "Coldplay" [kick-ass techno remix]
Getting Back Together:
Pounding - The Doves
Birth of Child
Chicago - Sufjan Stevens
Wedding Scene:
Two Step - DMB [prob my fave DMB song of all time. Still love it, after all these years. Ahh, college memories.]
Final Battle:
Computer Talk - Coldplay vs Kraftwerk [cool mashup from BootieSF.com]
Death Scene:
Let's Just See - The Engineers
Funeral Song:
Caring is Creepy - The Shins
End Credits:
Banquet - Bloc Party
hello people! they've been selling that shit at target for over a year. and of course, i have some. this is my review. buy it if you are looking for a quick cheap fix, i.e., you cant afford the good eyeliner this month. the lipgloss gets kinda weird, and it seems like it's targeted to teens. i bought a bunch of it for a teenage girl's bday, which i think is a great idea, since they shouldnt wear expensive or too much makeup anyway. i think i rambled, but really, i know way too much about makeup.
ELF is not from Bloomingdales, but it is real, pretty good and $1.00 each.
You can order it on-line or they have a selection of them at Target in the "minis" section (in the health and beauty aisle where they have the travel size stuff).