Ok, so I'm a little drunk and rambly (side note- I do not recommend eating at fanny's, even if for free)- but here's a story.
So... as you may know I'm applying for plastic surgery fellowships. It is very competitive, and I think I'll need all the help I can get. So there's this forum, on "studentdoctor.net" where people write about their application experiences, etc. But mostly it's a lot of med students bitching and moaning. So... I'm too lazy to cut and paste the whole convo, and besides it's too long. But this one little shit, who goes by "moola" was debating the pros and cons of plastics vs. ent- blah blah blah. But at the end he said "but all I want is to be a real moola doctor". I couldn't hold my tongue, and I told him I recommended he cool it with the moola shit; that it's offensive.
Well he came out and tore me a new one, saying that *I* was the offensive one, he grew up poor, wants to be a self-made man, blah blah. I couldn't care less, and I don't care how poor he is- I think most people already think doctors sit on their asses all day and do nothing but play golf and make millions, which is so far from the truth. He does not need to perpetuate that myth.
So I responded. He ripped into me again, at which point I decided I was done. But someone else ripped into me, saying "it's liberals like you..." which just made me laugh. Me, liberal?! hardy har.
But seriously- is it just me, or is it tacky and gross to hear someone talking about choosing their specialty based not on a love of the field, or the patients, but on "moola"?
I hate my job sometimes. Not my job, but that I have to be lumped in with douchebags like that.
Ok, done ranting. time for bed.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/24/2006 22:29 #23972
back me up here, peeps10/22/2006 20:37 #23971
girl stuff, and not for babiesCategory: makeup
Ok, so I just got this email from a friend:
I assumed it was a hoax, but it actually seems to be real... I went to the website, and everything really is listed as $1. (though there is also a little section that says they have nothing to do with bloomingdale's). So who knows if it's crap, but I figured there might be a few peepettes out there down with nearly-free makeup.
And just some randomness to close with-
These are these disinfectant super germ-killing wipes that are all over Roswell.
I just love the "no babies" warning on them.

Hope you all had a good weekend!
P.S. Go see The Prestige! It rawks.
Ladies -
> >
> >
> > Bloomingdale's is coming out with their own line of make-up called
> > ELF and they are selling it all online as a start up promotion for
> > $1!
> >
> >
> > I am not kidding you - you can get like $300 worth of makeup for
> > $30.
> > I just ordered a bunch of stuff.
> >
> >
> > Just thought I would pass it along. Happy shopping!
> >
> >
> > Here's the link:
I assumed it was a hoax, but it actually seems to be real... I went to the website, and everything really is listed as $1. (though there is also a little section that says they have nothing to do with bloomingdale's). So who knows if it's crap, but I figured there might be a few peepettes out there down with nearly-free makeup.
And just some randomness to close with-

I just love the "no babies" warning on them.

Hope you all had a good weekend!
P.S. Go see The Prestige! It rawks.
lilho - 10/23/06 09:30
hello people! they've been selling that shit at target for over a year. and of course, i have some. this is my review. buy it if you are looking for a quick cheap fix, i.e., you cant afford the good eyeliner this month. the lipgloss gets kinda weird, and it seems like it's targeted to teens. i bought a bunch of it for a teenage girl's bday, which i think is a great idea, since they shouldnt wear expensive or too much makeup anyway. i think i rambled, but really, i know way too much about makeup.
hello people! they've been selling that shit at target for over a year. and of course, i have some. this is my review. buy it if you are looking for a quick cheap fix, i.e., you cant afford the good eyeliner this month. the lipgloss gets kinda weird, and it seems like it's targeted to teens. i bought a bunch of it for a teenage girl's bday, which i think is a great idea, since they shouldnt wear expensive or too much makeup anyway. i think i rambled, but really, i know way too much about makeup.
pyrcedgrrl - 10/23/06 06:46
ELF is not from Bloomingdales, but it is real, pretty good and $1.00 each.
You can order it on-line or they have a selection of them at Target in the "minis" section (in the health and beauty aisle where they have the travel size stuff).
ELF is not from Bloomingdales, but it is real, pretty good and $1.00 each.
You can order it on-line or they have a selection of them at Target in the "minis" section (in the health and beauty aisle where they have the travel size stuff).
10/20/2006 19:44 #23970
long time no post(and by "long time" I mean- 3 whole days. whoa!)
Nothing much here. Roswell is sucking the life out of me. But rather than make the best of it, I seem to prefer bitching about it. Good attitude!! Debating a date or two, though, which I guess is a good thing...
But a fun little game seems to be making the myspace circuit. Since I am too busy (or lazy) to make a new mix these days, I'll just copy this for you here instead. I didn't like my original result, so I redid it. (my original is with my whole music library- new and improved is from my "4-5 stars" playlist only. Problem is I've only assigned stars to a few hundred songs, and my taste seems to change rapidly)
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing- no cheating!
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Go burn your soundtrack!
[below is my lazy version]
Opening Credits:
Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
Waking Up:
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
First Day At School:
The Bordello - Pelican City [very cool mellow electronic-y stuff]
Falling In Love:
Encore - DJ Dangermouse [I love the Grey Album]
Breaking Up:
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
Your Woman - White Town [Talk about one hit wonder (and I am using the term "hit" loosely) but I always really liked this song.]
Life's Ok:
Rosy and Grey - Lowest of the Low [ahh, ex-boyfriend flashbacks... not as painful as they used to be, fortunately]
Mental Breakdown:
Blame the English - The Lovekevins [on my second mix, I believe. Available for download over there ---> ;) ]
Black Cab - Jens Lekman [ooh, love him. Jens, you crazy swede you!]
Trouble [big beat remix] - "Coldplay" [kick-ass techno remix]
Getting Back Together:
Pounding - The Doves
Birth of Child
Chicago - Sufjan Stevens
Wedding Scene:
Two Step - DMB [prob my fave DMB song of all time. Still love it, after all these years. Ahh, college memories.]
Final Battle:
Computer Talk - Coldplay vs Kraftwerk [cool mashup from BootieSF.com]
Death Scene:
Let's Just See - The Engineers
Funeral Song:
Caring is Creepy - The Shins
End Credits:
Banquet - Bloc Party
Nothing much here. Roswell is sucking the life out of me. But rather than make the best of it, I seem to prefer bitching about it. Good attitude!! Debating a date or two, though, which I guess is a good thing...
But a fun little game seems to be making the myspace circuit. Since I am too busy (or lazy) to make a new mix these days, I'll just copy this for you here instead. I didn't like my original result, so I redid it. (my original is with my whole music library- new and improved is from my "4-5 stars" playlist only. Problem is I've only assigned stars to a few hundred songs, and my taste seems to change rapidly)
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing- no cheating!
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Go burn your soundtrack!
- Extra credit [labor-intensive] version: don't do it on shuffle- actually pick the songs you feel are appropriate.
[below is my lazy version]
Opening Credits:
Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
Waking Up:
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
First Day At School:
The Bordello - Pelican City [very cool mellow electronic-y stuff]
Falling In Love:
Encore - DJ Dangermouse [I love the Grey Album]
Breaking Up:
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
Your Woman - White Town [Talk about one hit wonder (and I am using the term "hit" loosely) but I always really liked this song.]
Life's Ok:
Rosy and Grey - Lowest of the Low [ahh, ex-boyfriend flashbacks... not as painful as they used to be, fortunately]
Mental Breakdown:
Blame the English - The Lovekevins [on my second mix, I believe. Available for download over there ---> ;) ]
Black Cab - Jens Lekman [ooh, love him. Jens, you crazy swede you!]
Trouble [big beat remix] - "Coldplay" [kick-ass techno remix]
Getting Back Together:
Pounding - The Doves
Birth of Child
Chicago - Sufjan Stevens
Wedding Scene:
Two Step - DMB [prob my fave DMB song of all time. Still love it, after all these years. Ahh, college memories.]
Final Battle:
Computer Talk - Coldplay vs Kraftwerk [cool mashup from BootieSF.com]
Death Scene:
Let's Just See - The Engineers
Funeral Song:
Caring is Creepy - The Shins
End Credits:
Banquet - Bloc Party
mrdt - 10/21/06 02:37
Somewhat eccelctic mix for my friend Laura:
(Represents me well)
"Never Gonna Come Back Down" by BT Feat. M Doughty
"Ch-Check It Out" by Beastie Boys
"Magic Carpet Ride (remix)" by fatboy slim
"La Belle Et Le Bad Boy" by Mc Solaar
"King Without a Crown" by Matisyahu
"Somebody Needs You" by Lo-Fidelity Allstars
"Music" by Madonna
"Stayin Alive" by Wyclef Jean
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
"Mad About You" by Hooverphonic
"Lucky Man" by The Verve
"Bad" by U2
"Twentysomething" by Jamie Cullum
"Silence (DJ Tiesto's in Search of Sunrise Remix)" by Sarah McLachlan
"She's A Rainbow" by The Rolling Stones
"Shiver" by Coldplay
"MLK" by U2
Somewhat eccelctic mix for my friend Laura:
(Represents me well)
"Never Gonna Come Back Down" by BT Feat. M Doughty
"Ch-Check It Out" by Beastie Boys
"Magic Carpet Ride (remix)" by fatboy slim
"La Belle Et Le Bad Boy" by Mc Solaar
"King Without a Crown" by Matisyahu
"Somebody Needs You" by Lo-Fidelity Allstars
"Music" by Madonna
"Stayin Alive" by Wyclef Jean
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
"Mad About You" by Hooverphonic
"Lucky Man" by The Verve
"Bad" by U2
"Twentysomething" by Jamie Cullum
"Silence (DJ Tiesto's in Search of Sunrise Remix)" by Sarah McLachlan
"She's A Rainbow" by The Rolling Stones
"Shiver" by Coldplay
"MLK" by U2
10/17/2006 22:50 #23969
I just got this from my dad, with the caption "wow... I feel like a chump. Not a dry eye in the house".
Check it out:
(it's a story about a (75yo) dad who was run 85+ marathons, pushing his (45yo) disabled son in a wheelchair... then they finally rigged something up so the son could communicate, and he said all he wishes is that one day he could push his dad... Anyway, there's a video at the end, and it's a tearjerker.)
Ok, and on a TOTALLY unrelated note...
Can someone please tell me what 'hyphy' is? Context: now playing: "blah blah blah song: hyphy remix"
Apparently it's some new fad in music... but I'm lost. Even listening to it, I can't tell exactly what it is.
I just got this from my dad, with the caption "wow... I feel like a chump. Not a dry eye in the house".
Check it out:

(it's a story about a (75yo) dad who was run 85+ marathons, pushing his (45yo) disabled son in a wheelchair... then they finally rigged something up so the son could communicate, and he said all he wishes is that one day he could push his dad... Anyway, there's a video at the end, and it's a tearjerker.)
Ok, and on a TOTALLY unrelated note...
Can someone please tell me what 'hyphy' is? Context: now playing: "blah blah blah song: hyphy remix"
Apparently it's some new fad in music... but I'm lost. Even listening to it, I can't tell exactly what it is.
joshua - 10/18/06 12:00
Hyphy ("HIGH-fee")is a Bay-area based music and culture that is similar in ways to how "crunk" influenced the south. People in hyphy culture would probably try to draw distinctions but in essence they are parallel alternate hip hop cultures in opposite ends of the country.
Hyphy ("HIGH-fee")is a Bay-area based music and culture that is similar in ways to how "crunk" influenced the south. People in hyphy culture would probably try to draw distinctions but in essence they are parallel alternate hip hop cultures in opposite ends of the country.
kara - 10/18/06 08:28
that brought tears to my eyes.
that brought tears to my eyes.
jason - 10/18/06 08:17
Very inspiring!
Very inspiring!
ajay - 10/18/06 04:32
I have been suitably enlightened.
I have been suitably enlightened.
ajay - 10/17/06 23:32
"Hyphy" ? Probably they meant "Hi Fi" (short for "Hi Fidelity" )
"Hyphy" ? Probably they meant "Hi Fi" (short for "Hi Fidelity" )
10/15/2006 13:55 #23968
EgosSo, there's this girl at work... I've sort of never liked her. Probably b/c I'm jealous, but I'm not sure. She's very pretty, and very stylish. Very designer-everything, which is sort of the opposite of me. But we've been on call together for the last few weeks, and actually it was kind of fun and I realized she's not so bad. She gave me a ride home from work yesterday, and Paris Hilton's song came on the radio, and she said "ugh I hate Paris Hilton" and I mumbled something and she said "well I was dissed for Paris Hilton" and I asked what she meant, and she said that Nick Carter dumped her for Paris. She said she'd been wondering why he was being weird and not returning calls- and then she saw them on the tabloids in the checkout line or something.
But anyway, so yesterday she invited me out with her... I felt like the nerd who had been invited to hang out with the popular kids... I was kind of psyched. I even bought some sexy shoes, b/c my usual jeans and a sweater wouldn't cut it in her scene. (and I got compliments on the shoes (zebra striped stilettos) ALL night, even from girls. Score!)
So my other friend and I went to Blu Mirage. She picked the place and said she'd meet us there, so we went there. Well she didn't show. She called from Soho instead, and said to come there, but we didn't feel like walking that far. So the nerd got stood up by the cool kids, again. Ugh. But we had fun anyway.
It was an interesting night... Ended up at Mother's til 5am. Some girl tried to strangle my friend for talking to her boyfriend. Like seriously left scratch marks on her throat.
And I got introduced to these two guys, Andrew and Ryan. I didn't think much of it, they didn't seem interested in me, and I wasn't so interested in them. But girls were all over them all night....
I learned later their last names are Peters and Miller, and they are Sabres. I don't think they liked that I didn't know who they were, and didn't fawn all over them all night. Whatever.
Then some guy bought me a drink, and we talked most of the night. He was cute. And it turns out that he's good friends with my Work Crush #2- who later showed up. Small world. People kept telling me all night how into me he was. And he had no power/heat, and was kind of hinting about needing a place to stay. Everyone was giving me winks and nudges. So I said he could crash at my place. So he did. And we didn't even smooch. He ended up leaving a little while ago, and didn't even ask for my number. Hmm. I was kind of surprised, b/c I had definitely been getting the feeling that he was interested.
I wish I wasn't so socially retarded... I just don't know how to play the game. At all. I can't flirt to save my life. I mean I don't know that I'm super into this guy or anything, but he was cute and nice and I would have let him call me, but I think I gave him totally cold vibes, without meaning to. Blah...
Ok, back to my regularly scheduled hangover.
Sorry I'm so chatty (yet boring) lately...
But anyway, so yesterday she invited me out with her... I felt like the nerd who had been invited to hang out with the popular kids... I was kind of psyched. I even bought some sexy shoes, b/c my usual jeans and a sweater wouldn't cut it in her scene. (and I got compliments on the shoes (zebra striped stilettos) ALL night, even from girls. Score!)
So my other friend and I went to Blu Mirage. She picked the place and said she'd meet us there, so we went there. Well she didn't show. She called from Soho instead, and said to come there, but we didn't feel like walking that far. So the nerd got stood up by the cool kids, again. Ugh. But we had fun anyway.
It was an interesting night... Ended up at Mother's til 5am. Some girl tried to strangle my friend for talking to her boyfriend. Like seriously left scratch marks on her throat.
And I got introduced to these two guys, Andrew and Ryan. I didn't think much of it, they didn't seem interested in me, and I wasn't so interested in them. But girls were all over them all night....
I learned later their last names are Peters and Miller, and they are Sabres. I don't think they liked that I didn't know who they were, and didn't fawn all over them all night. Whatever.
Then some guy bought me a drink, and we talked most of the night. He was cute. And it turns out that he's good friends with my Work Crush #2- who later showed up. Small world. People kept telling me all night how into me he was. And he had no power/heat, and was kind of hinting about needing a place to stay. Everyone was giving me winks and nudges. So I said he could crash at my place. So he did. And we didn't even smooch. He ended up leaving a little while ago, and didn't even ask for my number. Hmm. I was kind of surprised, b/c I had definitely been getting the feeling that he was interested.
I wish I wasn't so socially retarded... I just don't know how to play the game. At all. I can't flirt to save my life. I mean I don't know that I'm super into this guy or anything, but he was cute and nice and I would have let him call me, but I think I gave him totally cold vibes, without meaning to. Blah...
Ok, back to my regularly scheduled hangover.
Sorry I'm so chatty (yet boring) lately...
Agreed. Yes, doctors are well compensated. I won't pretend I don't know that (and don't like it)- but I have to say I think we deserve it (well most of us). But at the same time- I think if all you care about is money, there are many easier (and more lucrative) ways to go than medicine.
Its a well known fact that doctors make a ton of cash, just like lawyers and other professionals. I've never doubted that for some a primary motivator has been the money. Who wants to go to school for so many years and NOT make alot of money?
I wouldn't worry about it so much. After all, your heart is in the right place and you'll be a better doctor for it.
Happens more often than not I suppose. Think about how quickly we are to judge others. You work long hours and it's not like school was a 4 year party for you. I guess some are just out for the money and others really want to help. Can't categorize everyone as one or the other. I know you want to do it to help :)
"... and do nothing but play golf ..."
Obviously it's far from the truth. We all know you don't play golf.