Wow... I am astonished at what a mess this storm has turned out to be. I mean, i was thinking "wow, it's snowing, that sucks." Had no idea how serious it is! Now they're saying we're going to run out of water! Last I heard there are 400,000 people without power. A guy at work was calling around to look for a hotel to stay in since he has no power/heat. I didn't realize how lucky I am to still have power.
It took me an hour to get in to work this morning, and I was still the first one here. Reluctantly, I admitted defeat and left my poor little car in the snow, and accepted a ride in my landlord's big mean SUV. I guess being stuck in a place with heat, power, showers and internet is not so bad. But get this- since the hospital is in disaster mode, all "non-essential" employees don't have to come in. Apparently the cafeteria is non-essential. So not only is there nothing for employees to eat- they're not even making food for the patients!! i guess they're just feeding everyone cereal and boxed lunches.
the trees make me sad though. When I was coming in this morning, around 6:30, it was still a mess. It was like an obstacle course... we kept having to re-route to get around roads blocked with trees, and downed power lines. And there were abandoned cars all over. Even in a 4WD truck we were slipping and sliding. But we ended up going down, what is it, Lincoln parkway? Into the circle bye gates, then down delaware. But a lot of the gorgeous old trees in the middle island are all broken and splintered. :(
Well peeps, I hope you are all warm and safe.
P.S. (e:ajay) did you make it to town? did you make it to goodbar last night? i did not. sorry if I missed you!
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/13/2006 18:22 #23965
storminess10/09/2006 18:40 #23964
oh crap...Just when I think "enough is enough. I need to spend less time on the computer, and more time studying," I find this dumb quiz-
How will you be defined in the dictionary
And here's my answer.
<center><table background="#FFFFFF" border="0" style="border: 1px solid black;"width="450"><td align="center">
<b><font size="+1">Alexis --</font></b><br />
<font size="+1">[noun]:</font><br /><br />A master blogger
<br /><br />
<a style="color: #FF0000;" href="">'How will you be defined in the dictionary?'</a> at <a href="" style="color: #FF0000;"></a></td></table></center>
I think it's a sign.
Hmm. Ok, well I guess cutting and pasting the code doesn't work.
But it says:
How will you be defined in the dictionary

And here's my answer.
<center><table background="#FFFFFF" border="0" style="border: 1px solid black;"width="450"><td align="center">
<b><font size="+1">Alexis --</font></b><br />
<font size="+1">[noun]:</font><br /><br />A master blogger
<br /><br />
<a style="color: #FF0000;" href="">'How will you be defined in the dictionary?'</a> at <a href="" style="color: #FF0000;"></a></td></table></center>
I think it's a sign.
Hmm. Ok, well I guess cutting and pasting the code doesn't work.
But it says:
Alexis: n: A master blogger.
10/06/2006 19:41 #23962
OH MY GODOk, I've joked before about being a drama magnet- but this is getting out of control.
I talk to my family all-the-time. But generally I call them. And I never use my home phone. So when my home phone rings, it's usually not good news. Usually a telemarketer. But when my home phone rings and it's my family- I always get a lump in my throat and my heart speeds up and I fear the worst. My latest fear is that one of the dogs has died. Of course, usually there's no bad news. Usually mom saw something funny on tv, or heard a good joke or something. But last summer when mom called it was because my aunt had just been killed in a car accident.
And today, my dad and brother are at motorcycle racing school.
So when the phone rang, and I saw Mom on caller ID, I thought "oh crap". Then I thought "settle down... see what she has to say..." And she starts out "al?" and I can already tell her voice is wobbly, and panic rises again... She's slow spitting it out, and all I'm thinking is "dad and wood are dead... dad and wood are dead..." and I'm hoping "well maybe just injured. Please just be injured. Anything but dead."
Well, after all that build-up - the good news is, no one is dead. Or even (physically) injured.
And the truth is probably too private to post.
All I can say is... my sister fucked up. Big time. And I just hope she can fix it.
I called her when I got off the phone, but she's crying so hard she can't form words. Will try again later.
I'm not a praying person, but this deserves a prayer. :(
God help you sis.
But I love you anyway.
[and to my unwelcome guest- maybe you don't care about this 'fat fuck', but I think some of my friends do. Either man up and talk to my face (and sign your name), or don't talk at all, you little chicken shit. And know this is the last response you will get from me.]
I talk to my family all-the-time. But generally I call them. And I never use my home phone. So when my home phone rings, it's usually not good news. Usually a telemarketer. But when my home phone rings and it's my family- I always get a lump in my throat and my heart speeds up and I fear the worst. My latest fear is that one of the dogs has died. Of course, usually there's no bad news. Usually mom saw something funny on tv, or heard a good joke or something. But last summer when mom called it was because my aunt had just been killed in a car accident.
And today, my dad and brother are at motorcycle racing school.
So when the phone rang, and I saw Mom on caller ID, I thought "oh crap". Then I thought "settle down... see what she has to say..." And she starts out "al?" and I can already tell her voice is wobbly, and panic rises again... She's slow spitting it out, and all I'm thinking is "dad and wood are dead... dad and wood are dead..." and I'm hoping "well maybe just injured. Please just be injured. Anything but dead."
Well, after all that build-up - the good news is, no one is dead. Or even (physically) injured.
And the truth is probably too private to post.
All I can say is... my sister fucked up. Big time. And I just hope she can fix it.
I called her when I got off the phone, but she's crying so hard she can't form words. Will try again later.
I'm not a praying person, but this deserves a prayer. :(
God help you sis.
But I love you anyway.
[and to my unwelcome guest- maybe you don't care about this 'fat fuck', but I think some of my friends do. Either man up and talk to my face (and sign your name), or don't talk at all, you little chicken shit. And know this is the last response you will get from me.]
10/05/2006 19:30 #23961
super-randomfirst- can I just say how awesome Lost is?
I just watched last night's premiere, and I am so pissed that i have to wait a whole week for it to be on again.
And secondly- random question for you guys:
Have you ever heard of deodorant BLEACHING clothes?? I mean, I've heard of the pits of white shirts getting yellowed out over time... but today I'm wearing this cute blue tshirt that I just got... it was fine when I put it on... and i just noticed the mirror- the armpits are WHITE. Like bleach stains.
WTF! All I can think of is deodorant... but it's never happened before. But I think my shirt is ruined. I'm so mad!
I just watched last night's premiere, and I am so pissed that i have to wait a whole week for it to be on again.
And secondly- random question for you guys:
Have you ever heard of deodorant BLEACHING clothes?? I mean, I've heard of the pits of white shirts getting yellowed out over time... but today I'm wearing this cute blue tshirt that I just got... it was fine when I put it on... and i just noticed the mirror- the armpits are WHITE. Like bleach stains.
WTF! All I can think of is deodorant... but it's never happened before. But I think my shirt is ruined. I'm so mad!
zobar - 10/05/06 22:44
Switch to herbal deodorant :::link::: - no pit stains. All it does is Smell More Than You Do, but that, and a good vegetable-oil soap :::link::: :::link::: work really well together. They're relatively inexpensive, and available in the hippie section at Wegman's between the patchouli and the cod liver oil.
- Z
Switch to herbal deodorant :::link::: - no pit stains. All it does is Smell More Than You Do, but that, and a good vegetable-oil soap :::link::: :::link::: work really well together. They're relatively inexpensive, and available in the hippie section at Wegman's between the patchouli and the cod liver oil.
- Z
10/12/2006 19:40 #23963
Seriously!!Ok, so I'm really not amused by this snow. Took this from my back window around 5pm. Maybe I'm not crazy to turn the heat on after all.

And aside from that, what a lame day. A shithole thursday, perhaps.
(though this article (about Londoners "flashmobbing" in the subway to their ipods) is amusing
Speaking of ipods- the day started with our "office" at work getting burglarized. My bag was stolen, and then later recovered by the elevators- sans ipod. :( However two co-workers fared worse- one girl had her purse including wallet and keys stolen- the empty purse was later found across the street in the psych ward, and one guy had his whole bag, including suit and shoes for an interview tomorrow, not to mention kes/wallet/ipod taken. Some clothes recovered later.
I mean what the fuck. Shit like that makes me so ANGRY. I mean, who just thinks it's ok to steal people's stuff?? Either it was an "inside job" by someone who has access to the room, or someone didn't close the door all the way. But even if the door was open, the room is quite off the beaten path, and no one has any reason to be there- especially from 6-8 am, which is when it happened.
But when the guy called his credit card to cancel it- they said it had already been used 4 times in a 20 minute period at the delta sonic up the street- which has cameras all over... If the BPD can get off their asses and do their job, they should be able to find him on the tapes. They could also try to get prints off the glossy leather portfolio that was moved to get at the other girls wallet. BPD said they were sending a detective, but somehow I'm not holding my breath.
So while I'm bummed to be out an ipod (and fancy headphones, too), it's nothing irreplaceable. At least I got my research files, jump drive, etc back.
So that was the start to my day. Made me miss my only case, too.
Then I had a meeting with the boss... had no idea if I was in trouble or what. Fortunately I am not, and it went fine, but that was stressful.
Then the guy at work that tries to flirt with me, tried to flirt with me some more, and denied his relationship with his GF. Shady.
Then an email that the ex is looking to buy a house with my successor. That hurt a little. Shouldn't but it did. They've been together for a shorter time than we were- and I could barely get him to spend the night. Ah well.
DID have a bit of a civil chat with 'the boy' though. not sure if that's a good thing or not. I should have let it go, but I couldn't help myself. But he was civil, and I'm much more at peace with it all now. Not sure if that makes it easier or harder to move on.
Then I walk out to my car and get shoes full of slush. My parents said it's supposed to hit 70 in RI today- freak heat wave. Guess I will have to ask the landlords to clear their golf clubs out of my side of the garage a little earlier than I expected.
Supposed to meet ajay tonight since I can't make it tomorrow, but I dunno what my motivation will be like. Hot mulled cider and cozy pjs on the couch with grey's is sounding pretty good right about now...
Oh great. My fucking power just went out and I'm running on backup.
Guess i'd better hit publish!
oh yeah, the backup doesn't run the wireless. But power is back already. Just off long enough to make the clocks blink 12:00.
Think I should go nonetheless.
Enjoy the snow, peeps! :/

And aside from that, what a lame day. A shithole thursday, perhaps.
(though this article (about Londoners "flashmobbing" in the subway to their ipods) is amusing

Speaking of ipods- the day started with our "office" at work getting burglarized. My bag was stolen, and then later recovered by the elevators- sans ipod. :( However two co-workers fared worse- one girl had her purse including wallet and keys stolen- the empty purse was later found across the street in the psych ward, and one guy had his whole bag, including suit and shoes for an interview tomorrow, not to mention kes/wallet/ipod taken. Some clothes recovered later.
I mean what the fuck. Shit like that makes me so ANGRY. I mean, who just thinks it's ok to steal people's stuff?? Either it was an "inside job" by someone who has access to the room, or someone didn't close the door all the way. But even if the door was open, the room is quite off the beaten path, and no one has any reason to be there- especially from 6-8 am, which is when it happened.
But when the guy called his credit card to cancel it- they said it had already been used 4 times in a 20 minute period at the delta sonic up the street- which has cameras all over... If the BPD can get off their asses and do their job, they should be able to find him on the tapes. They could also try to get prints off the glossy leather portfolio that was moved to get at the other girls wallet. BPD said they were sending a detective, but somehow I'm not holding my breath.
So while I'm bummed to be out an ipod (and fancy headphones, too), it's nothing irreplaceable. At least I got my research files, jump drive, etc back.
So that was the start to my day. Made me miss my only case, too.
Then I had a meeting with the boss... had no idea if I was in trouble or what. Fortunately I am not, and it went fine, but that was stressful.
Then the guy at work that tries to flirt with me, tried to flirt with me some more, and denied his relationship with his GF. Shady.
Then an email that the ex is looking to buy a house with my successor. That hurt a little. Shouldn't but it did. They've been together for a shorter time than we were- and I could barely get him to spend the night. Ah well.
DID have a bit of a civil chat with 'the boy' though. not sure if that's a good thing or not. I should have let it go, but I couldn't help myself. But he was civil, and I'm much more at peace with it all now. Not sure if that makes it easier or harder to move on.
Then I walk out to my car and get shoes full of slush. My parents said it's supposed to hit 70 in RI today- freak heat wave. Guess I will have to ask the landlords to clear their golf clubs out of my side of the garage a little earlier than I expected.
Supposed to meet ajay tonight since I can't make it tomorrow, but I dunno what my motivation will be like. Hot mulled cider and cozy pjs on the couch with grey's is sounding pretty good right about now...
Oh great. My fucking power just went out and I'm running on backup.
Guess i'd better hit publish!
oh yeah, the backup doesn't run the wireless. But power is back already. Just off long enough to make the clocks blink 12:00.
Think I should go nonetheless.
Enjoy the snow, peeps! :/
kookcity2000 - 10/12/06 21:05
getting ripped off is always maddening
In school I got ripped off while brushing my teeth one morning. Took a wad of book cash I spent the summer earning; a lot of blood and sweat and chlorine and piss and some dude just walked away with it.
so anyways I feel for ya
getting ripped off is always maddening
In school I got ripped off while brushing my teeth one morning. Took a wad of book cash I spent the summer earning; a lot of blood and sweat and chlorine and piss and some dude just walked away with it.
so anyways I feel for ya
metalpeter - 10/12/06 19:58
Wow what a shitty day. But don't let your bad day effect Ajay I'm sure you two can still have a great time. On a side note nice picture and I can't belive it snowed I bet the gods felt like snowing on Ajay and know they can't get him in CA :) Hope you two have a great time.
Wow what a shitty day. But don't let your bad day effect Ajay I'm sure you two can still have a great time. On a side note nice picture and I can't belive it snowed I bet the gods felt like snowing on Ajay and know they can't get him in CA :) Hope you two have a great time.
vycious - 10/12/06 19:51
what a bum day! im going to take the opportunity to take some pics of the snow, if i can, before its too late. at least the bad parts of the day are over?
what a bum day! im going to take the opportunity to take some pics of the snow, if i can, before its too late. at least the bad parts of the day are over?
Leette --
Smells like teen spirit
Leette --
Benevolent to a fault
Jason - Smelling like turnips at all times. I'm a guy, so clearly this isn't true. I'll take the compliment however. =)
Haha mine was Mike: a lewd street performer...i guess pretty accurate
Apparently, I'm an adjective
Michael --
Fuzzy to the touch