Ok, but to the point of my post.
Have you ever had those dreams where you find a secret place? I love those dreams. Like I find a secret door in the back of my closet that leads to like another whole house that no one knows about... Or a secret attic... Stuff like that.
Well I kind of feel like that happened to me yesterday- AT WORK.
The OR and our little office is on the third floor. The door to the parking lot, the cafeteria, and medical records is on the first floor. I have very little reason to ever go on 2. I wanted to go from 3 to 1, so I started down the stairs. Then absentmindedly stopped on two. I was halfway down the hall when I realized I was on the wrong floor. But then all of the sudden I came across this door (apologies for camera-phone pix):

A little sign said "solarium". So I tried it... and it was unlocked! And it led to this room:

It's a neat room. I think it's built off an old exterior wall- because one wall is brick, with obviously filled-in windows.
And It had neat old furniture in it, including this desk/secretary.

Now I have always loved old desks with all their secret compartments... So I tried this one- it opened. And was full of old records.

And instructions.

Please tell me I am not alone in thinking this was an awesome discovery. I immediately went and got my books, then turned on the lights, kicked off my shoes, and curled on one of the couches to study. I *may* have even rocked out to my ipod for a little while. And talked on the phone. I am TOTALLY making that place my new secret headquarters. Assuming it's still there when I go back. ;) And the door is still unlocked.
Maybe I *am* Callie from Grey's- the 'fat' chick dancing around (though I was in more than underwear) in my secret room in the hospital. :)
Hope you all had a Happy Monday. I finally cooked for the first time in about a month, and got lots of little crap done around the house. Finally decided it's not longer A/C season. :(
Ok, back to work.
P.s. to my new reader- welcome, and thanks for stopping by. :)
That is a fantastic find!!--kinda dream-like; and your camera phone pics lends to this observation.
It is cool to dream about finding unknown rooms and spaces.. how cool that you really did experience this. What a great room!
That is sooo cool! I love finding things like that!
That is so neat!! I also love exploring old places and old furniture! I belong to 2 groups on LiveJournal called "abandonedplaces" and "found_objects" where people post pictures of interesting finds. :)
Very cool! Something about unexpectedly being able to hear Bobby Darin at the Copa to make a day. What a great space! Even without the audio treasures, that's a terrific find.