I should go to work soon, but I'd rather post. Paul's pix of the protestors made me think of this bit about jesus by David Cross... SO funny. I spent a while last night trying to find it. When/if I do, if I can trim it down and make it post-able, I will.
On to pictures...

Two of the main reasons I go home...

This is Alice. She's 10 (but this pic is a few years old.) We made fun of those dog show names, so her "real" name is [hidden from google] Though I heard my dad say once she's named after me, which I never knew.

This is Gus. We got him a year later. He's 9. His name is [hidden from google], after my great-great-(great?)-uncle [hidden from google] (whose wife was our [HFG]).

My bro several years ago (i just like the pic).

My REAL house. Built in '78 I think, first architecture project of one of dad's college classmates. Don't be deceived- it's smaller than my apt in Buffalo. The whole left side is a garage, and the little box on the top is my room. Those big windows have all broken a few times in hurricanes, and the chimney fell off once too (so it is now extra-huge and extra-reinforced.)


See, it snows outside of Buffalo too.
So a few years ago my dad succumbed to his obsession with all things fast, and got a helicopter license. So here are some aerial shots. My friend Dan (more pix in my links on the right) took the first two. I took the crappy hazy ones. (but it was SO COOL to get to fly around! I always wanted to go on Mercy Flight- but I bet this was much cooler than having a trying-to-die person crammed in there with us! We waved at mom, and (gasp) even used our cell phones in flight!)

"My" beach. Second, or Sachuest, Beach in Middletown. That's the ocean on the left and "the res" (reservoir) on the right. I'm sure I am going to die of skin cancer since I spent every day of every summer as a kid there. (sometimes against our will. Aww mom... do we HAVE to go to the beach again??) And the parking lot is where I learned to drive.

I love this pic. The beach again.

My house again. Those trees going off the screen on the right are gingkos... I remember planting them when I was little... They were tiny... Now they're big enough that there's a hammock hanging between them. Makes me feel old... Oh yeah, and the pine trees on the left are actually some of our old christmas trees. And that's a fire hydrant in the back yard, sitting on the cover of the well. Dad "found" it (sure) and brought it home for the dogs. Keeps saying he's going to paint it bright red one day. I think it's funny.

This is the Clambake Club, where my sister got married. Gorgeous.

I don't know if that's an aircraft carrier (or two) or what, but I just know it's some big-ass navy ship(s).

Ida Lewis Yacht Club. Great place to watch 4th of July fireworks. But that dock was a loooong walk as a kid.

ILYC. That rock/island it's on I believe is called Lime Rock, and Ida Lewis used to live out there and keep boats from crashing into it, save people from drowning, etc. There was no dock at the time and she used a little rowboat.

Fort Adams. Newport still has a pretty big Navy presence, and that's a cool old Fort. And a lot of the Navy Housing is out there too. The Naval War College is in town too. The Navy always meant classes full of "Navy Brats"- but to me it just meant half the time my new best friend would up and move after a year or two. :(

I forget which boat that is, but I think it's a famous one. Endeavor maybe? I think it's one of the America's Cup boats. No scale in that pic, but it's HUGE.

Finally back on the ground... my sister and dad looking all pilot-y.
Ok, off to work then Allentown!
Human memory is selective. We _do_ forget the nasty parts and just remember the good ones.