So I had a semi-productive day.
I put a new faucet in my bathroom sink.
And afterwards realized, it's no bigger than the old one, which was the whole reason I wanted to replace it. Oops. oh well, at least it looks better. And so far, no leaks.
Then I went to Spot to try to study. Got there at 8:59, only to find out they closed at 9 tonight for "renovations". So I went to Caffe Aroma. Which is just not the same. It's ok, but a little too dark to study... and it's really small. Free wireless is nice, but at the same time, a large part of the reason I leave to study is to get AWAY from the damn computer...
About 5 of my friends are moving tomorrow. Leaving Buffalo... And they're all meeting at Faherty's. And I was going to go. Then I pussed out and decided not to- mostly b/c I'm bad at goodbyes, and chances are high I will cry. I'd rather just talk to them next week, ask how the move went, and ask when they're coming home... Avoid that whole moment of goodbye.
But then I just got another call "what are you doing?!" "nothing... just got home from studying... was going to get ready for bed..." "No. We're going drinking. Faherty's. Now!" And since I suck and always cave to peer pressure, I guess I'll go have a beer. But I guess it's ok... I got some studying done, and don't have too much to do tomorrow at work so it's ok if I'm tired.
And while I'm digging Gnarls lately, I'm rapidly becoming unhealthily obsessed with a new CD- Alligator, by The National. It totally kicks ass. A little melancholy, but I love it. My user song is now "Baby We'll Be Fine" (Gather: 0166480001149563381) And another fave is Mr. November (Gather: 0211560001149625360)
Happy listening! (seriously- download them. I'm hooked.)
[oops, sorry. The Gather for Mr. November doesn't work. I'll fix it when I get home.] [ok, all fixed.]
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/05/2006 23:16 #23869
Alligator06/03/2006 00:57 #23868
"left handed"Category: nerd stuff
So this article 
caught my eye in the little NPR feed box (thanks paul!)
It's about chiral (right/left handed) amino acids and a theory on why it is that most things on earth tend to consist of the left-handed forms...
Anyway it's totally geeky, but it made me think of a chemistry lecture in college... we were learning about chirality. And I think we were talking about how lactose (the sugar in milk) has R and L forms. And as I remember it, one of them is totally toxic, but the other is not. And they are the same molecule, just but the atoms are arranged in mirror image.
Ok but to the point, the prof said that Lewis Carroll (who wrote Alice in Wonderland) was also a brilliant scientist. And that in "Through the Looking Glass" there's a part where Alice tells the cat not to drink the milk "in the mirror" b/c it will make him sick. A reference to the R/L chiral lactose.
I dunno, I always thought that was neat.
Ok but I just got totally distracted by the news feeds. I checked out boingboing which I'd never even heard of, and they have some guy who makes molecular models out of balloons. Like a huge DNA balloon animal... God, the last thing I need is more ways to waste time online!!
p.s. new user song- Gone Daddy Gone, covered by Gnarls Barkley

caught my eye in the little NPR feed box (thanks paul!)
It's about chiral (right/left handed) amino acids and a theory on why it is that most things on earth tend to consist of the left-handed forms...
Anyway it's totally geeky, but it made me think of a chemistry lecture in college... we were learning about chirality. And I think we were talking about how lactose (the sugar in milk) has R and L forms. And as I remember it, one of them is totally toxic, but the other is not. And they are the same molecule, just but the atoms are arranged in mirror image.
Ok but to the point, the prof said that Lewis Carroll (who wrote Alice in Wonderland) was also a brilliant scientist. And that in "Through the Looking Glass" there's a part where Alice tells the cat not to drink the milk "in the mirror" b/c it will make him sick. A reference to the R/L chiral lactose.
I dunno, I always thought that was neat.
Ok but I just got totally distracted by the news feeds. I checked out boingboing which I'd never even heard of, and they have some guy who makes molecular models out of balloons. Like a huge DNA balloon animal... God, the last thing I need is more ways to waste time online!!
p.s. new user song- Gone Daddy Gone, covered by Gnarls Barkley
06/02/2006 09:50 #23867
Breaks my heart...Category: work
So I just went to check on a patient. Frankly, the guy freaks me out a little. He's like a homeless Hep C positive crack addict with scary eyes who probably hadn't eaten in two weeks... So I try to check on him without waking him up. So I was just tiptoeing out of the room, when this sweet little old man peeked in the door... He was this mild mannered little old guy, a little hunched over, in a cute little blazer... and he said "i'm from pastoral care... I hope i'm not interrupting... oh I'll come back later!" and I said no not at all, go right ahead. And I walked out as he walked in. And I heard him say to my delightful patient "Hi I'm Mr. Jones from Pastoral Care... Would you like to take communion this morning?" and Mr. Scary just sort of snarled at him like "don't come near my food". Such different worlds... but somehow it just made me sad that this cute little old man is trying to do something nice in the hospital, and nearly gets his head ripped off.
And last week I had some 70-something year old guy who had just found out he has lung cancer that has spread to his brain. They'd already done brain surgery, and he came to us to have lung surgery. And something about it just struck a chord. This old man, sitting there naked on the edge of the OR table, with his saggy old man boobs, waiting for his epidural... I almost cried. He seemed pretty resigned to everything, but all I could think was how terrified he must be. (fortunately the surgery went fine and he did well and went home shortly thereafter).
So these things nearly make me cry, but it doesn't really bother me to tell someone we have to amputate their leg. What is my problem...
And of course today is the one day this week that i have a case to do. When is my case? 3pm today. That is if it goes on time, which nothing ever does. And of course this is the one day I'm trying to leave early, since I'm supposed to leave for rochester at 5 (and need to go home to shower/change first) for a graduation/going away party for a friend. Fucking great, I probably won't be able to go. :(
So I just went to check on a patient. Frankly, the guy freaks me out a little. He's like a homeless Hep C positive crack addict with scary eyes who probably hadn't eaten in two weeks... So I try to check on him without waking him up. So I was just tiptoeing out of the room, when this sweet little old man peeked in the door... He was this mild mannered little old guy, a little hunched over, in a cute little blazer... and he said "i'm from pastoral care... I hope i'm not interrupting... oh I'll come back later!" and I said no not at all, go right ahead. And I walked out as he walked in. And I heard him say to my delightful patient "Hi I'm Mr. Jones from Pastoral Care... Would you like to take communion this morning?" and Mr. Scary just sort of snarled at him like "don't come near my food". Such different worlds... but somehow it just made me sad that this cute little old man is trying to do something nice in the hospital, and nearly gets his head ripped off.
And last week I had some 70-something year old guy who had just found out he has lung cancer that has spread to his brain. They'd already done brain surgery, and he came to us to have lung surgery. And something about it just struck a chord. This old man, sitting there naked on the edge of the OR table, with his saggy old man boobs, waiting for his epidural... I almost cried. He seemed pretty resigned to everything, but all I could think was how terrified he must be. (fortunately the surgery went fine and he did well and went home shortly thereafter).
So these things nearly make me cry, but it doesn't really bother me to tell someone we have to amputate their leg. What is my problem...
And of course today is the one day this week that i have a case to do. When is my case? 3pm today. That is if it goes on time, which nothing ever does. And of course this is the one day I'm trying to leave early, since I'm supposed to leave for rochester at 5 (and need to go home to shower/change first) for a graduation/going away party for a friend. Fucking great, I probably won't be able to go. :(
mrmike - 06/02/06 21:52
I was goin for a joke and may have missed. Sorry about that
I was goin for a joke and may have missed. Sorry about that
jenks - 06/02/06 18:15
yeah thanks. it's 6:10. I'm still in the hospital. so much for ro-cha-cha. Oh well. A lot of driving for a few hours anyway. Or that's what i'm telling myself.
(and, I write well "for a doctor" huh? Gee thanks a lot! hahaha) (but you should see my handwriting. THAT I do in true doctor form.)
yeah thanks. it's 6:10. I'm still in the hospital. so much for ro-cha-cha. Oh well. A lot of driving for a few hours anyway. Or that's what i'm telling myself.
(and, I write well "for a doctor" huh? Gee thanks a lot! hahaha) (but you should see my handwriting. THAT I do in true doctor form.)
mrmike - 06/02/06 17:38
I don't think you have the problem. You work in a field when you need things to be as cut and dried as is possible. The amputee is a more direct issue since in most general terms, it's pretty absolute. The old men you wrote about (I could see it, for a doctor you write well)have a degree of uncertainty about most everything about them. That alone is imagination fodder let alone a science let down. I think those cases must be harder because of that. Hope this is making sense, but I think that is what keeps you human in the face of all the possibilities. Good luck with the 3pm case
I don't think you have the problem. You work in a field when you need things to be as cut and dried as is possible. The amputee is a more direct issue since in most general terms, it's pretty absolute. The old men you wrote about (I could see it, for a doctor you write well)have a degree of uncertainty about most everything about them. That alone is imagination fodder let alone a science let down. I think those cases must be harder because of that. Hope this is making sense, but I think that is what keeps you human in the face of all the possibilities. Good luck with the 3pm case
06/02/2006 00:27 #23866
I win.Ok, so of the choices of activities for the evening tonight, I definitely chose well.
Thurs in the square- eh. Seemed grey and rainy.
Sabres game- probably glad I didn't see it.
Tony Bennett at Fallsview Casino?! ding ding ding I win!! Good excuse to get all dolled up and hear a legend. He did a good job. Hearing those songs reminded me of dinnertime growing up. Sigh... such simple good old love songs. You took that part that once was my heart, so why not take all of me? Sometimes I wonder if our generation is missing out.
Then a walk down to see the falls at night, all lit up.
And then a little stalking of (e:ladycroft) and (e:leetee) on the way home- the estrip bumper stickers were the giveaway!
It was a nice evening.
Thanks for thinking of me, (e:vincent).
And you'll just have to take my word for it, but this is Tony Bennett (I learned that his real name is Antonio (something) DiBenedetto or something like that). Terrible pic b/c I didn't want to be obnoxious and use the flash:

And here's a terrible recording from my phone: Or not. Hmmm
And finally, a terrible pic of the falls at night.

Terrible media all around, my apologies.
And without further ado, I am off to bed.
Thurs in the square- eh. Seemed grey and rainy.
Sabres game- probably glad I didn't see it.
Tony Bennett at Fallsview Casino?! ding ding ding I win!! Good excuse to get all dolled up and hear a legend. He did a good job. Hearing those songs reminded me of dinnertime growing up. Sigh... such simple good old love songs. You took that part that once was my heart, so why not take all of me? Sometimes I wonder if our generation is missing out.
Then a walk down to see the falls at night, all lit up.
And then a little stalking of (e:ladycroft) and (e:leetee) on the way home- the estrip bumper stickers were the giveaway!
It was a nice evening.
Thanks for thinking of me, (e:vincent).
And you'll just have to take my word for it, but this is Tony Bennett (I learned that his real name is Antonio (something) DiBenedetto or something like that). Terrible pic b/c I didn't want to be obnoxious and use the flash:

And here's a terrible recording from my phone: Or not. Hmmm
And finally, a terrible pic of the falls at night.

Terrible media all around, my apologies.
And without further ado, I am off to bed.
05/29/2006 22:46 #23865
Ahhhhh, summer.I had an amazing revelation today: if I leave my house, I meet people! Wow!
Last night went to Cozumel. Ran into a girl from work. Got introduced to her h-o-t friend (who is leaving friday for 4 months on a fishing boat in alaska. of course)
Then today I spent 7 hours at Spot. I think it might be the epicenter of the universe. Or at least Buffalo. Or, more likely, I am just finally starting to know people in town, and see them out.
I'm on "home call" which means I can't really go far, etc, so I figured I'd at least hang out and get some studying done. So I went and camped out with my books. As usual didn't get much accomplished. But I enjoyed people watching, and my cinco shake. And my jet tea. And my tall house. Watched one guy get up and switch seats three times (getting progressively closer with each move), and then actually come over and say hi. That was a (pleasant) first... Then I saw (e:mrmike) for a split second. The later (e:joshua) . Then (e:decoyisryan) . Then three people from work. Then my friend Kristen who moved to NYC.
I think someone should do a sociology study on that place. It's like everyone there knows everyone. Seriously I'd say 2 out of 3 people that walk through to door know someone working there, or just hanging out. It's pretty cool.
But I finally had to leave b/c, well for one I'd been there forever, but also b/c I was wearing a little tank top, and after the sun went down, and my sunburn kicked in... well I was really cold. And when I went to the bathroom I do I put this... it was quite obvious I was cold. I felt indecent. It was kind of embarrassing.
So I came home, and my little frog is dead. :( I'd noticed he wasn't really eating... I don't know what happened. Poor little guy... All the fish are fine, and I never noticed them bothering him... and I tested the water. I feel like a murderer...
Well anyway, time to get ready for work tomorrow. Hope you all enjoyed the holiday weekend!!
Last night went to Cozumel. Ran into a girl from work. Got introduced to her h-o-t friend (who is leaving friday for 4 months on a fishing boat in alaska. of course)
Then today I spent 7 hours at Spot. I think it might be the epicenter of the universe. Or at least Buffalo. Or, more likely, I am just finally starting to know people in town, and see them out.
I'm on "home call" which means I can't really go far, etc, so I figured I'd at least hang out and get some studying done. So I went and camped out with my books. As usual didn't get much accomplished. But I enjoyed people watching, and my cinco shake. And my jet tea. And my tall house. Watched one guy get up and switch seats three times (getting progressively closer with each move), and then actually come over and say hi. That was a (pleasant) first... Then I saw (e:mrmike) for a split second. The later (e:joshua) . Then (e:decoyisryan) . Then three people from work. Then my friend Kristen who moved to NYC.
I think someone should do a sociology study on that place. It's like everyone there knows everyone. Seriously I'd say 2 out of 3 people that walk through to door know someone working there, or just hanging out. It's pretty cool.
But I finally had to leave b/c, well for one I'd been there forever, but also b/c I was wearing a little tank top, and after the sun went down, and my sunburn kicked in... well I was really cold. And when I went to the bathroom I do I put this... it was quite obvious I was cold. I felt indecent. It was kind of embarrassing.
So I came home, and my little frog is dead. :( I'd noticed he wasn't really eating... I don't know what happened. Poor little guy... All the fish are fine, and I never noticed them bothering him... and I tested the water. I feel like a murderer...
Well anyway, time to get ready for work tomorrow. Hope you all enjoyed the holiday weekend!!
libertad - 05/30/06 07:43
The frog may not have survived regardless of how well you were taking care of your tank. I got two Dwarf frogs. One died and the other has been around for a long time now. I can not study at Spot. As soon as I sit down I see someone I know.
The frog may not have survived regardless of how well you were taking care of your tank. I got two Dwarf frogs. One died and the other has been around for a long time now. I can not study at Spot. As soon as I sit down I see someone I know.
mrmike - 05/29/06 22:50
Condolences on the frog. I promise to give at least a full second next time ;)
Condolences on the frog. I promise to give at least a full second next time ;)
Well "sinistra" means left in Latin. (as dextra is right).
Wonder what the prof would say about this shop I passed in Toronto on my last trip. It's solely filled with left handed designed devices. The store's name "The Sinister Shop."
I like learning about stuff like this...nice user sound btw
My chemistry professor used Thalidomide as his main exmaple of chiralty, but he also mentioned spearmint and dill as another such example. Ever since hearing his lecture, I've wondered whether you could take a food that's traditionally used in one such recipe and substitute it with a food that is its chiral opposite (e.g. dill chewing gum, spearmint rolls) and not have it turn out a total disaster.
yeah! I was just listening about the DNA handedness stuff on NPR yesterday. I love that shit.
Also, Violent Femmes to the max
That's crazy! I love alice in wonderalanda though. And now with secret science messages I tink I love it even more!
I know this has little to do with most of your journal entry, but I am obsessed with gnarls barkley's song and video for crazy. I don't know if you have seen it but it is great and I highly recommend it.
I didnt expect this. ha..very cool. I love thinking/learning about this sort of stuff.
The left-handedness is critical. Prions, the culprits behind CJD (mad cow disease) are right-handed, and cause the "normal" amino acids to unravel.
online is like crack. I wonder if our lives would be better w/o it? I can't remember.