Forgive me in advance for this overly long and self-indulgent post, but it's been a freaky day. And I have to just write it all out.
But I have to back up to last night.
So last night I went to [somewhere] to study. And oh my god there were so many cute boys there!! I was so distracted I got like NOTHING done. But so I kept looking at this one guy, and I sort of thought we were making eye contact, and then he was talking to this girl, and I never got up the nerve to say hello.
I also saw a guy I thought was my ex. There with a girl, and his back to me- I thought sort of hiding. I didn't want to go up and see if it was him, in case it wasn't, or worse in case it WAS and he was on a date. (later found out it was not.)
So when I got home, I thought "what the hell", and I got on craigslist. I used to read it religiously, but buffalo's CL is so lame and boring I gave up a few months ago. But so I got home, and I posted a "Missed Connections" message. (
(e:twisted) you should be proud.) I posted (paraphrased):
[you were really cute, who are you? If you see this say hi]
Then work boy called me, and asked me to come over. at 11pm. and then fell asleep on the phone, while I was freaking out about my work meeting. Um, no.
So I went to bed.
Got all dolled up in the AM. Figured if I am going down in flames in this meeting, at least I'll look damn good. I wore a dress, and had straightened my hair (which I think may have thrown
(e:mike) for a loop last night.) And I made sure to have kleenex in my pocket for the inevitable crying. I hate that about myself. So the first hurdle of the day was to survive conference without being humiliated. check! I did. But first thing work boy says is 'what happened to your hair?" What HAPPENED to it? Gee thanks fuckhead!
Then later I get a text from him "stop by clinic when you're out of the OR, I have to tell you something really important." Oh great. I'm starting to freak, because people are already starting to buzz about the fact that I've been Called In To The Office. I'm trying to keep it secret, but apparently everyone knows. Then I see Work Enemy #1 aka Big Stinky aka Shrek (see
(e:jenks,136) ) and he says "how's it going... how are you.... things ok? I hear you have to repeat the year."
Repeat the year?! this is news to me. Why the fuck would he know that before me?? So now I'm really freaking. Is that what work boy has to tell me in clinic?
so with dread in my stomach I walk to clinic. Don't want to see the boss... but first I see my chief, who says "Damn girl! You're HOT today!! Is that bad that I want you?" (he's married with 2.5 kids). Probably counts as sexual harassment, but I'll take it as a compliment. next see work boy- his big secret is that he actually DID get into plastics. Everyone is giving me weird looks, apparently they all know about The Meeting. Even the ex is emailing me to wish me luck and telling me I'll kick ass and not to worry.
So the time finally comes, and I go to The Meeting. And it's better/worse than I expected. [incriminating details/mean things about work peeps edited at the sage advice of
(e:vincent) .] But so I did pretty well til the end, when for no good reason, I was crying. When I cry, I get horrible red blotch-face that lasts like an hour. And I couldn't go back into the OR looking like that, so I walked around outside for a bit. But I didn't escape unnoticed. The secretary paged me to ask if I was ok. The ex called to make sure I'm ok. Work Boy sent a message that said "btw even though you're stressed you look cute today." First NICE thing he's said to me, besides the half-joking/half-serious "wanna fuck" messages I get all the time. And then one of the chiefs calls to make sure I'm ok and tell me not to worry. It was a nice feeling to have everyone come out and support me. :)
OK, so that was fucking crazy thing number one of the day.
So now onto even crazier thing number 2...
So while waiting for The Meeting, I checked my email. Had a message that said 'this might sound crazy... but I was [there] last night..."
So I wrote back "well the guy I was looking at was xyz blah blah blah and was talking to this chick."
Then I got all wrapped up with The Meeting, and then my cases for the day.
So it was several hours before I checked my email again.
But I had a reply from the boy, who said, [paraphrased]:
Funny, I do remember seeing you. I felt a little bad for all the work you had in front of you. Looked like intense stuff. What are you studying?
The girl is actually a "friend" I see once in awhile. We are I guess what you call semi-attached, but are pretty open and fun if you want to hang out with us sometime, and are into things of that sort (blushing here).
then like an hour later there was another message
So that is a no lol
I didn't mean to skeez you out or offend you. You were cute.
So I didn't have time to answer him. Not sure what to say. I'm not sure if that's an invite for a threesome or what, but it kind of sounds like it to me...
So later I'm finally trying to get ready to go home, and the ex texts, asking how the meeting went. then says
So I was bored at work today.... And we all know that leads to going through CL.... And I have a feeling I saw a message from you...
What the fuck... I haven't been on CL in ages. Hadn't talked to him in ages, until recently. So I put up a message, and he not only sees it, but KNOWS IT WAS ME?! It wasn't that weird/unique/unusual...
I was tempted to deny it, but if he's that uncanny, he'd know I was lying.
I'm still kind of weirded out.
I mean that's just TOO MUCH craziness for one day.
So now I'm going to go eat for the first time in 24 hours, and try to learn about gallstone ileus. Fun fun fun.
nearly scandalous, but not quite. that's why i called them (e:paul) style.
ha ha, youre posting naked pics like paul!
almost scandalous photos jenks! I'm burned too, should have used waterproof lotion. The gulf of mexico is soooo warm now.
Those bumper stickers are a strange color they look orange but in pictures they look red, They look red in some of the pictures I took.
Funny, i didn't even notice the stairs were plastered with estrip bumpersticker magnets until we were leaving -- at, like 3.30am! Go me. And i wasn't even drunk!