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06/14/2006 23:06 #23879

Ok just to clarify on my last post (e:jenks,175) -

I certainly understand the pejorative use of 'gay'. I, unfortunately, say it all the time. "oh my god that's so gay". I generally use it regarding a place/thing/situation- but never a person I don't think. I'm not proud that I say it, but I do. I also call things "retarded" much more often that I should, which has gotten me in trouble with my friend whose sister has cerebral palsy. Sure, friends call each other 'fag' in jest, and it does not imply homosexual. Yes, I know all this. And while it is politically incorrect, and maybe it SHOULD offend me, it doesn't.

This craigslist thing seemed different though. This idiot was really calling this guy homosexual because he was disagreeing with him. That's what bugged me. Does that make sense? Let me find a quote.

ok here's part one:

Wow, who the frig wrote this? I have heard of 'out there' but this is way gone, and I'm a liberal too!

Liberals were in charge of WW2? Every president is measured against FDR? Bush's were in bed with Nazi's and are in business with Bin Laden now? Conservatives are fascists? Wow, not even gona bother with all that, LMFAO!

I think this guy is gay?


You're a fugin jackazz gay boy! Dems had Reps values back when FDR was Pres.
Dems in 2006 would want hugz and kisses and exchange flowers, candy and puppies with the enemy. So the fact remains Dems of Today are a bunch of wishy washy pansy ass cry babies. Go hug a fugin tree queer bait!

finally (this is a response to the quoted part below)-

The liberal is gay
Reply to:
Date: 2006-06-12, 6:28PM EDT

I no longer think the deranged liberal is gay, I know he is gay, LMFAO! No str8 guy gets this drama queenish!

You think he's gay? (but you don't THINK! he's gay, you THINK?? he's gay. Not quite sure, I guess.) What the FUCK does that have to do with ANYTHING?
You're a stupid fuck. (and for the record, he's not all that "out there"; he has some void points.)

Ok, so that totally didn't deserve a post.

06/14/2006 17:53 #23878

double standards
Ugh. So today was my last day as a PGY-3. I have spent the last several weeks not doing a hell of a lot. I usually sit around the office surfing the web "just in case" they need me, until I can't handle it anymore. Well so today I figured it's my last day, my boss isn't even in the hospital, I only have two patients (and they're only consults), there are no cases in the OR- screw it. I'm going home. I'll keep my pager on.

So the very first time I try to go home- my pager goes off for the first time all week. This guy "seems odd". So I do the right thing and go back to the hospital to check on him. He is, of course, fine.

But that's not really what pisses me off. I mean it's annoying, but it IS my job. What kills me is the fact that in the hour I was gone the UPS guy came and I missed him, and he's coming back tomorrow while I'm at work, and I prob can't get my package til next week- and I am massively impatient. grr.

But anyway re: the title...

So today I had lunch with "the boys". Or some of them. And they are pigs around me, but that's fine. I'd rather they be themselves then censor themselves or exclude me since i'm a girl. But they're talking about this hot chick at that hot chick, this one that was "ripe for the tapping", etc. And the boy that's been hitting on me left and right was rubbing my shoulders, asking if he can "touch my mammaries, even just a little" etc etc etc. Standard behavior really. I was totally blushing, which apparently is incriminating, so I think all the other guys think we're screwing now.

And one guy... i've never seen him in a group before and it totally changed my opinion. I always thought he was an ok guy. But he's no stud. he's 32, but looks more like 42. Kind of paunchy, salt and pepper, etc. going on about tapping this and knocking that. I was laughing inside. But yesterday he was badmouthing living downtown. Saying he lives in williamsville to avoid crime. So he lives all alone in his big house in his nice neighborhood with good schools. boooorrring. I said I'd rather be "where the action is". He then went on to say how living in brooklyn is NOT the same as living in manhattan. My point exactly....

but anyway, hearing these guys lusting over and objectifying these bimbo girls got me thinking. If women state what they'd like in an ideal guy (a brain, a personality, a job, maybe even some looks)- she is unrealistic and too picky and demanding etc. But who says that judging a woman only by her bra size is more admirable? Having NO standards is better how?

oh yeah and one more thing- I was reading the craiglist rants 'n raves on the buffalo page today... I don't know why I read them, they're so stupid. But anyway, currently there's a stupid left vs right/ lib vs con/ rep vs dem battle going on. Neither side is making very good points. But one guy keeps resorting to "wow.... that is so stupid... you must be gay. Only a fag would say such dumb stuff."


Stupid homophobia like that makes me so upset.

What the FUCK does someone's sexual orientation have to do with anything????? Oooh it gets me steamed. Seriously "i don't like your opinion, you must be gay"????? I have never heard anything so asinine.

but on a happier note, my mix is pretty much done, just need to figure out how to share it. :) Stay tuned.


Oh and I just remembered the funny thing I saw on my way in this AM... Driving down high st towards BGH I saw this guy... first thought he must just be crazy. Then got a little closer and realized he's wearing scrubs. Then realized it's a resident, I know him. Kind of a hippie weirdo, but whatever. But he was riding a razor scooter, and had a german flag tied around his neck like a cape. On his way to work. He looked like a nut, but it made me laugh.
sbrugger - 06/15/06 08:55
Is it any better for women to objectify men's bank accounts? ( we all know that's not the case with ME..but I objectify women's bodies...women go after men's bank accounts (or at least that's probably how it's going to work in the 'old boy's club' of surgeons)..such is the way of the world for some people. I'd wager that the vast majority of these guys are going to wind up marrying young trophy wives who spend all their money and sleep with their personal trainers on the weekends while the surgeons are out golfing.

On a brighter note..there ARE other guys out there...but you may not find them in certain circles. Don't give up hope...he (or she...if you decide to go THAT route...;) ) is out there somewhere. :)
mike - 06/14/06 23:42
I want to see someone in scrubs/german cape/on a scooter/hippie/resident!! I think I could die happy after seeing that.
twisted - 06/14/06 22:38
That's it! WorldCupCrusaderHippieScooterDude! I'll split the credit with you. ;-)
chico - 06/14/06 22:26
Apology NOT accepted, (e:twisted)! ...jk ;-) I actually think your version is far superior.

So was it a World Cup thing? Is that why he was wearing the German flag like a caped crusader?
twisted - 06/14/06 22:19
You can't possibly say you'd rather be "where the action is" and not check out GermanSuperHeroHippieScooterDude! (Apologies to (e:chico), but I had to adapt my own version.) I mean seriously! You work with that guy? Go tell him you saw him! What's his story?

Oh, and that mammaries line was gross the first time you quoted him and even grosser every time he repeats it. That has got to be discouraged. Or at the very least, not encouraged. Not that it's my place to tell you what to do, but double "ewwwww."
mrdt - 06/14/06 21:26
I think you can call UPS and tell them that you'll pick it up in the store. (Hertel & Elmwood??)
boxerboi - 06/14/06 20:55

I need a cape & a vespa and I'll be all set. maybe we all need vespas
metalpeter - 06/14/06 20:37
I think I should touch on the "Gay" "fag" "queer" "Sissy" thing. Those insults among stright friends is a dise and that is it really. It is a way of saying you are less of a man or are femine. The way it works is that you assume that they find that a put down. It is also a way of saying that they arn't one of the guys. You can say that stuff and not have any problems with people being gay. That dosn't mean that if you know some one who is gay that you don't like them. You are really using a stigma as an insult. It is simalur to saying ah blow me. I'm sure if someone in the group was gay it would upset them. Yes a lot of people who do say it are homophobic but they all arn't.
mrmike - 06/14/06 19:04
Not all 42 yr olds are lonely knuckleheads....(Okay, we are, I just felt compelled to speak up on behalf of potentially cool old farts)...I actually like living where the action be.
jenks - 06/14/06 18:53
what, you got a problem with my mammaries? ;)
libertad - 06/14/06 18:37
that is so nasty "can I touch your mammaries?" ewwwww
imk2 - 06/14/06 18:31
so are you saying that hippies are weirdos? huh? huh?

just pulling your leg...hee hee
chico - 06/14/06 18:23
On the "gay" thing: the last time I ever used the word gay as a pejorative (as in, "Gawd, that's SO gay") I stupidly said it in front of a lesbian who would later become one of the dearest friends of my life. She looked at me with disgust and said, "What are you, in the fourth grade?" and walked away. Point taken.

btw I so wish you had your camera with you to snap a photo of SuperGermanResidentMan on his scooter.

06/13/2006 11:33 #23877

Category: music
Stay tuned peeps. I am working on The Best Mix In The World this week, and when it is ready I will share. It might even have to be a double disc, we'll see. Maybe I can .zip it and put it on gather? or (e:twisted) , how did you do that bittorrent thing for your (e:valentine) cd? (part of my inspiration to share, i will admit.)

haven't made a mix in a long time. but i have so much new awesome music lately i can't not do it.

yay. hopefully i won't be at work all freaking night again.

(but had a yum-yum-yum dinner/martini at cecelia's last night, and met (e:cocoloco) . It was awesome. Thanks (e:mike) / (e:libertad) )

twisted - 06/14/06 06:16
Ajay's mash-up CD used bittorrent. I just zipped mine and posted it on my own web server back in the pre-gather days. You may be able to post yours on gather depending on file size limitations. Can't wait to hear it!

06/12/2006 14:17 #23876

what is he doing to me?
Category: boys
So as I mentioned (e:jenks,161) I saw my ex the other night. We're friendly these days, but don't talk much, and still never see each other. Well I was having a shitty night and in a moment of weakness I texted him, and we went back and forth a bit... he asked if there was anything he could do, and invited me to come meet them. (shocking, since i rarely/never got to see his friends when we were together.) And he said he misses me. That is the kind of thing that fucks with my head big time. Because try as I might, deep down I'm not really over him. I mean I know we don't really work... but still he was like my best friend for a year. And over time I manage to forget the shitty parts, and focus on the good. So of course I miss him. So for him to say that, even though I'm sure he was just trying to be friendly, gives me all sorts of crazy false hope.

So then today I got this email:

A little note to say hello and hope you are having a good day. Don't let silly boys get you down, we are animals and don't deserve any tears.

Be well.


But on a good note, I scheduled my exam, at home, for july 6/7. (2 eight hour days of testing, YUCK. But when it's done (assuming I pass), I will have filled the last requirement for my medical license. Then the only thing left is board certification, but that's at least 2 years away.) But so now that means I HAVE to go home. Just need to figure out the details of the work schedule so I can buy plane tickets. (which are CRAZY expensive for some reason. They're usually like 150-200, and yesterday they were 350- and today they're 450!! fuck! Work had better stop dicking around and tell me what my schedule is!)

Anyway. Hope you all enjoyed the art festival. Now i just want summer weather back. :)

ajay - 06/12/06 17:07
Human memory is selective. We _do_ forget the nasty parts and just remember the good ones.

06/12/2006 00:18 #23875

Ahh, much better
Category: purge
Ack! So it happened. My ipod done got filled up. It had been teetering on the brink of full-ness for a while, but I was usually able to squeeze in a sync by taking out addresses, movie quotes, etc. But no more. The next step would be to turn off auto-sync, but that's a pain.

So I just purged my music library. Deleted 967 crappy songs. (but at the last second, lest I was over-zealous, decided to backup my trash to DVD.)

Last year a guy at work "lent" me his music collection- something like 10gb worth. And rather than being selective, I just blindly copied it all. Then over the course of the year, kept having to fast-forward through stuff I don't like, so I finally just deleted it all.

Don't get me wrong, there's still plenty of crap, but at least it's *my* crap.

So anyway, my ipod can breathe easier now.
