So I don't like when people totally figure me out. I don't mean to say that I try to be all secretive and mysterious; but once in a while someone just hits the nail right on the head, and it kind of takes my breath away.
Like a few weeks ago, someone questioned whether I am "my own person", or if I just adopt all my parents' values/opinions without forming my own. And I was immediately angry/defensive, until I realized "oh shit. maybe he's got a point." [And I told my mom this, and she said "oh god. Well if you're going to be a clone of one of us, it should at least be ME, not DAD. I'm much smarter than he is." haha I love my mom.]
But then last night a drunken Work Boy asked me if I could change one thing about myself, what would it be- and I said I'd like to not be so shy. And he said 'yeah... you are too shy.' (gee thanks.) But he went on... "you worry too much about what other people think. You need to relax and live a little. You've spent your whole life being The Good Girl. You've always done everything right, and safe, and boring. You come from a great, but conservative, family, and even your "wild side", your pierced tongue for example, is 'safe'- nothing permanent like a tattoo. You're really this good, reserved, conservative girl- but you want to have this air of mystery and excitement around you..."
Fuck! Because he might be kind of right, but I don't like seeing it spelled out that way.
But, the funny thing is- he was saying all this because I wouldn't make out with him in the middle of the bar and he was trying to convince me "live a little". But as far as the threesome thing goes (which I don't know why I even told him, except that 1- I was drunk and 2- oh yeah I tell everyone everything. fortunately I didn't give any details) he was totally judgmental and "ew gross don't be a skank" and 'what would you tell your grandchildren?'
But enough of that...
So last night my plans kept getting changed around, and I ended being talked into watching the end of the game at Work Boy's house, and waiting for
(e:imk2) to be free to go to Swannie House to see Jackdaw. So the boys there were all excited that another girl was coming by, first question (of course) was "is she hot?!". (To which I said "of course", naturally). But so Work Boy seemed totally intrigued by Yvonne. Very curious about how we know each other, and when I was vague about it (only b/c I'm still shy to admit to my inner nerdiness by saying 'online', and also because I don't want him (or anyone from work) reading my journal) he got it into his head that we are lesbian lovers and I just didn't want to tell him. He asked me like five times "c'mon you can tell me! I'm your friend! I won't tell! Have you made out?! I know you have!" And when Yvonne asked how I knew him, and I said work, and she said 'oh he's not from the site?' he was like "what site?!" and I wouldn't say, and he got it into his head that it's some secret society. He's always telling me that he thinks I have some secret mystery life that is very exciting and exotic (because I have friends that he doesn't know- gasp!). But then later in the night he goes on with the "good girl" speech from above...
But anyway, so we made it to swannie, and the boys, who initially were way too cool to go to south buffalo, called to ask where to meet us. haha. They were pretty drunk and alternated between drunk-funny and drunk-annoying. While I was getting the good girl lecture, I think Yvonne was getting an earful about radio waves and how we can't see them.
So all in all a good night. Nice to get out. I didn't get enough sleep, but fortunately I was not hungover, which is a beautiful thing.
And speaking of beautiful... it's time to get my ass outside!! (beautiful referring to outside, not my ass. ;) )
Well "sinistra" means left in Latin. (as dextra is right).
Wonder what the prof would say about this shop I passed in Toronto on my last trip. It's solely filled with left handed designed devices. The store's name "The Sinister Shop."
I like learning about stuff like this...nice user sound btw
My chemistry professor used Thalidomide as his main exmaple of chiralty, but he also mentioned spearmint and dill as another such example. Ever since hearing his lecture, I've wondered whether you could take a food that's traditionally used in one such recipe and substitute it with a food that is its chiral opposite (e.g. dill chewing gum, spearmint rolls) and not have it turn out a total disaster.
yeah! I was just listening about the DNA handedness stuff on NPR yesterday. I love that shit.
Also, Violent Femmes to the max
That's crazy! I love alice in wonderalanda though. And now with secret science messages I tink I love it even more!
I know this has little to do with most of your journal entry, but I am obsessed with gnarls barkley's song and video for crazy. I don't know if you have seen it but it is great and I highly recommend it.
I didnt expect this. ha..very cool. I love thinking/learning about this sort of stuff.
The left-handedness is critical. Prions, the culprits behind CJD (mad cow disease) are right-handed, and cause the "normal" amino acids to unravel.
online is like crack. I wonder if our lives would be better w/o it? I can't remember.