Ok, so this whole bday thing hasn't bothered me at all, until a mini-freakout last night when I realized "holy crap my 20's are over in an hour and what do I have to show for it??"
so I went to bed.
And now it looks like a beautiful day. I think maybe I'll go walk through the cemetary- something I've never done but have always wanted to. Now just to figure out how to get in...
But anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the guadalcanal march, b/c I'm changing it up for a bit. Maybe I'll bring it back later. For myself, to allay any 'turning 30' doubts, I'm putting up "I am the greatest" by Cassius Clay. And for all of us too, since we're all the greatest. :)
See you all later. Still trying to figure out when/where.
Oh yeah, and I went on a little late night itunes shopping spree-
Good new (to me) stuff:
Arctic monkeys (ok so I'm late jumping on that bandwagon, but I didn't think I liked them at first.)
Belle and Sebastian
The Hold Steady
Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah
and I'm trying to find Jens Lekman, but itunes doesn't have him
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/05/2006 09:07 #23845
a new leaf...Category: music
05/04/2006 18:30 #23844
I heart Chicago.Category: travel pix
Hello peeps, I'm back. Did you miss me?
New user song is the Guadalcanal March, from Victory at Sea. Inspired by (e:dragonlady7) 's post. Random crazy family stuff, probably not worth going into. But enjoy it and feel patriotic.
Sigh... no offense Buffalo, but I love Chicago. I really miss living there. So much to do, so many young people, such great architecture, the waterfront....
I had a nice trip. Saw 6 of the 9 people I'd hoped to, so that's pretty good. Had a few mini-adventures (e:jenks,123) (e:jenks,124) , I guess.
Got in late Sunday (cancelled flight, grr), Monday wandered around and did a little shopping. Chicago is an awesome shopping city. Too bad I hate shopping. (good thing for my credit card though.) Had tapas and sangria with Vicki. Tues slept late, met my cousin Jenny and her kids and we took them too the beach. Then had dinner with Karl in the "Viagra Triangle", and some drinks, then many more drinks with Sarah and "uber-hot Charles". Spent all of wed hungover, until I went for a massage. Maybe I am just a perv, but the massage was oddly sexual. I don't want to say the guy was inappropriate, but I think maybe he was. Still nice though. ;) Then coffee in the hospital with Munee... Then had New Haven style pizza (screw Chicago pizza) with my married ex and his buddies, which was pleasantly not-weird.
Then this morning had room service (e:jenks,126) , and packed up and scrambled my way to the airport. Stupid airport shuttle never showed, so I was about to suck it up and take a $40 cab ride, when a jolly African doctor (from Canada?) needed to go too, and asked "would you be offended if I pay for us both?" And at least this time the flight went smoothly... Did not get to see Chris or Linda or Ellen. I guess I'll just have to go back...
Now just to figure out what to do tonight... and tomorrow...
Anyway, onto pix:

A cute tshirt at Anthropologie. But sure as hell not $78 cute.

My second cousin? first cousin once removed? I dunno. My cousin's kid Luke who I hadn't seen since he was 4 days old.

There was like a tulip extravaganza going on or something. They were ALL over the city. I like the pointy ones.

In case you're wondering what that ball of black fuzz is, it's a dog.

This little house was across from the hotel. I love it. I think it's abandoned or something.

This is not as cool looking as it was in real life. But what a scary alley- I have never seen so many fire escapes.

How fucking cool is it that this beach is in the middle of downtown?

It just looks infinite...

... yet it's RIGHT next to the city

the Hancock Building and the Drake

This is a super-zoom spy shot, but get a room, will ya?

me and "uber-hot Charles"

PMT, this "mansion" is for sale too... but Paul I think it's a little too far from work.

I've always thought this church was beautiful... Right on Michigan Ave.

This is part of the old pumping station I think. It's like the only building not burned down by Mrs. O'Leary's cow, or something like that.
See you tomorrow everyone!
New user song is the Guadalcanal March, from Victory at Sea. Inspired by (e:dragonlady7) 's post. Random crazy family stuff, probably not worth going into. But enjoy it and feel patriotic.
Sigh... no offense Buffalo, but I love Chicago. I really miss living there. So much to do, so many young people, such great architecture, the waterfront....
I had a nice trip. Saw 6 of the 9 people I'd hoped to, so that's pretty good. Had a few mini-adventures (e:jenks,123) (e:jenks,124) , I guess.
Got in late Sunday (cancelled flight, grr), Monday wandered around and did a little shopping. Chicago is an awesome shopping city. Too bad I hate shopping. (good thing for my credit card though.) Had tapas and sangria with Vicki. Tues slept late, met my cousin Jenny and her kids and we took them too the beach. Then had dinner with Karl in the "Viagra Triangle", and some drinks, then many more drinks with Sarah and "uber-hot Charles". Spent all of wed hungover, until I went for a massage. Maybe I am just a perv, but the massage was oddly sexual. I don't want to say the guy was inappropriate, but I think maybe he was. Still nice though. ;) Then coffee in the hospital with Munee... Then had New Haven style pizza (screw Chicago pizza) with my married ex and his buddies, which was pleasantly not-weird.
Then this morning had room service (e:jenks,126) , and packed up and scrambled my way to the airport. Stupid airport shuttle never showed, so I was about to suck it up and take a $40 cab ride, when a jolly African doctor (from Canada?) needed to go too, and asked "would you be offended if I pay for us both?" And at least this time the flight went smoothly... Did not get to see Chris or Linda or Ellen. I guess I'll just have to go back...
Now just to figure out what to do tonight... and tomorrow...
Anyway, onto pix:

A cute tshirt at Anthropologie. But sure as hell not $78 cute.

My second cousin? first cousin once removed? I dunno. My cousin's kid Luke who I hadn't seen since he was 4 days old.

There was like a tulip extravaganza going on or something. They were ALL over the city. I like the pointy ones.

In case you're wondering what that ball of black fuzz is, it's a dog.

This little house was across from the hotel. I love it. I think it's abandoned or something.

This is not as cool looking as it was in real life. But what a scary alley- I have never seen so many fire escapes.

How fucking cool is it that this beach is in the middle of downtown?

It just looks infinite...

... yet it's RIGHT next to the city

the Hancock Building and the Drake

This is a super-zoom spy shot, but get a room, will ya?

me and "uber-hot Charles"

PMT, this "mansion" is for sale too... but Paul I think it's a little too far from work.

I've always thought this church was beautiful... Right on Michigan Ave.

This is part of the old pumping station I think. It's like the only building not burned down by Mrs. O'Leary's cow, or something like that.
See you tomorrow everyone!
imk2 - 05/04/06 22:39
omg, i was totally going to ask you if you went to anthropologie. i looooove that store, even tho i cant afford anything in it. although, i did order something online not too long ago, it was on clearance.
omg, i was totally going to ask you if you went to anthropologie. i looooove that store, even tho i cant afford anything in it. although, i did order something online not too long ago, it was on clearance.
metalpeter - 05/04/06 20:45
Glad you had fun in Chicago. Thanks for posting some pics, they are really good. Happy Birthday (a day early) Hope you have a great time.
Glad you had fun in Chicago. Thanks for posting some pics, they are really good. Happy Birthday (a day early) Hope you have a great time.
mrmike - 05/04/06 19:33
One of the coolest places a former employer sent me....I got to go Grant Park during Taste of Chicago and hang out on the beach in the evening, even made a trip to the Billy Goat Tavern. Great pictures......
One of the coolest places a former employer sent me....I got to go Grant Park during Taste of Chicago and hang out on the beach in the evening, even made a trip to the Billy Goat Tavern. Great pictures......
olemanrunin - 05/04/06 19:09
Nice tune.
Chicago was 'cool' on "road trips" in college. Commodity markets/future exchanges, banks, etc. w alumi tour.
I enjoyed your pictures; it might be fun to take my daughter (and the whole family) to that beach. Second thought - not - better to enjoy a country/remote beach.
Nice tune.
Chicago was 'cool' on "road trips" in college. Commodity markets/future exchanges, banks, etc. w alumi tour.
I enjoyed your pictures; it might be fun to take my daughter (and the whole family) to that beach. Second thought - not - better to enjoy a country/remote beach.
05/04/2006 00:08 #23842
dohdammit.... Safari just crashed and made me lose my whole post. And I don't have the energy to re-write it.
Maybe tomorrow.
But thanks for the comments on the last one. You're all right. I had a fun time, and that should be enough. I just always want more...
later peeps.
Maybe tomorrow.
But thanks for the comments on the last one. You're all right. I had a fun time, and that should be enough. I just always want more...
later peeps.
05/04/2006 10:20 #23843
room serviceCategory: food
This is just a mini-interlude post til I get home and have pix and stuff. (besides I'm having trouble posting anyway since Safari is suddenly crashing q5min.)
But I just wanted to say- room service is out of control. I mean we all know it's expensive, but yikes. I decided to treat myself to breakfast on my last morning. Now the hotel restaurant is a pretty fancy place, and the room service is off that menu so I guess it's extra pricey.
But I ended up going with an all-time fave breakfast indulgence- eggs benedict. For $12. I actually didn't think that was THAT bad, considering that's how much the continental breakfast cost.
Oh, but that doesn't include juice. So one glass of "fresh-squeezed" (they'd better not be lying) OJ for $5.
Plus 2.75 delivery fee. Plus tax. Plus 18% "service charge" brings it to $25.
And then the guy that drops it off needs a tip too? What's the "delivery fee"? What's the "service charge"?
but delicious craziness. :)
See you all soon.
But I just wanted to say- room service is out of control. I mean we all know it's expensive, but yikes. I decided to treat myself to breakfast on my last morning. Now the hotel restaurant is a pretty fancy place, and the room service is off that menu so I guess it's extra pricey.
But I ended up going with an all-time fave breakfast indulgence- eggs benedict. For $12. I actually didn't think that was THAT bad, considering that's how much the continental breakfast cost.
Oh, but that doesn't include juice. So one glass of "fresh-squeezed" (they'd better not be lying) OJ for $5.
Plus 2.75 delivery fee. Plus tax. Plus 18% "service charge" brings it to $25.
And then the guy that drops it off needs a tip too? What's the "delivery fee"? What's the "service charge"?
but delicious craziness. :)
See you all soon.
dragonlady7 - 05/04/06 18:10
Awesome journal music!
Awesome journal music!
05/03/2006 05:22 #23841
ughCategory: boys
(to continue the thread of journals that makes me appear completely shallow and boy-crazy, I add:)
Dude!!!! Why am I SO incapable of closing the deal????? SO FRUSTRATING!
So, despite how I may make it seem, I am totally NOT about one night stands, random sex, etc. Sure, it's been a while, and I'd love nothing more than a good fuck, but the circumstances have to be right. And my standards are ridiculously (unrealistically) high.
But so I'm in Chicago. Trying to get in touch with my friend Sarah (from Buffalo). Finally we make plans to go tonight. And I get a text from her that says "my uber-hot friend charles may join us. he likes brunettes." And I reply "well he may be in luck, since I like uber-hot friend charles's."
So I meet her, we wait for charles. I see the blackberry email she sent him that called me "Dr. Surgeon McPretty". And I see his reply that says "can't wait". So he shows up- definitely cute. We all hang out. We go to another place. Drinks are abundant. there is small talk and chat. Including talk about how guys like what they can't have- i.e. as soon as you call (thereby expressing interest) they are not interested. Or the converse- we always like what we can't have. Like my date the other day. I wasn't even convinced I like him. But suddenly him not calling me makes me like "WHOA! Dude! I am so out of your league! And YOU are blowing ME off????? SO not how it was supposed to go."
But anyway, so we're all chatting. Sarah senses her moment and makes herself scarce. There is some definite bumping and grinding going on. I'm thinking "I so don't do this, but he's cute and I'm sick of striking out." so I'm kind of encouraged. Then I remember his words, and I pull away on the dancefloor (don't want to be all over him) to see if he responds- and he did. I pulled back, and he came after me. Still dancing close, etc.
So the song ends, I go to the bathroom. I come out, and sarah is back. He says "well, I have to go. Big meeting in the AM."
But, in his defense, it WAS 3am, and he WAS in town just for 36hr to give this talk in the AM. So I can cut him some slack....
BUT, he was hot, he was flirting with me... I was (i thought) flirting with him in my little wimpy way, then he fucking gets up and leaves!!!!
Not that I would have known what to do with myself had it gone any other way, but still.....
Oy, drunk, time for bed..........
Dude!!!! Why am I SO incapable of closing the deal????? SO FRUSTRATING!
So, despite how I may make it seem, I am totally NOT about one night stands, random sex, etc. Sure, it's been a while, and I'd love nothing more than a good fuck, but the circumstances have to be right. And my standards are ridiculously (unrealistically) high.
But so I'm in Chicago. Trying to get in touch with my friend Sarah (from Buffalo). Finally we make plans to go tonight. And I get a text from her that says "my uber-hot friend charles may join us. he likes brunettes." And I reply "well he may be in luck, since I like uber-hot friend charles's."
So I meet her, we wait for charles. I see the blackberry email she sent him that called me "Dr. Surgeon McPretty". And I see his reply that says "can't wait". So he shows up- definitely cute. We all hang out. We go to another place. Drinks are abundant. there is small talk and chat. Including talk about how guys like what they can't have- i.e. as soon as you call (thereby expressing interest) they are not interested. Or the converse- we always like what we can't have. Like my date the other day. I wasn't even convinced I like him. But suddenly him not calling me makes me like "WHOA! Dude! I am so out of your league! And YOU are blowing ME off????? SO not how it was supposed to go."
But anyway, so we're all chatting. Sarah senses her moment and makes herself scarce. There is some definite bumping and grinding going on. I'm thinking "I so don't do this, but he's cute and I'm sick of striking out." so I'm kind of encouraged. Then I remember his words, and I pull away on the dancefloor (don't want to be all over him) to see if he responds- and he did. I pulled back, and he came after me. Still dancing close, etc.
So the song ends, I go to the bathroom. I come out, and sarah is back. He says "well, I have to go. Big meeting in the AM."
But, in his defense, it WAS 3am, and he WAS in town just for 36hr to give this talk in the AM. So I can cut him some slack....
BUT, he was hot, he was flirting with me... I was (i thought) flirting with him in my little wimpy way, then he fucking gets up and leaves!!!!
Not that I would have known what to do with myself had it gone any other way, but still.....
Oy, drunk, time for bed..........
mike - 05/03/06 23:50
at least you had fun...but it always stinks when you think you have something "in the can" (or is that "in the bag" , yeah I think "in the bag") and then it vanishes before your eyes. I always wanted to go to Chicago, it seems like a city I would like, what'd you think?
at least you had fun...but it always stinks when you think you have something "in the can" (or is that "in the bag" , yeah I think "in the bag") and then it vanishes before your eyes. I always wanted to go to Chicago, it seems like a city I would like, what'd you think?
metalpeter - 05/03/06 18:52
Well it does sound like you had fun, so remember that. Maybe in your subconsus mind all you wanted was some dirty bumping and grinding. maybe if you wanted more (maybe not also being shy and all) you would have wispered in his ear hey lets disapear somewhare more quite. I don't know why but your posts kinda sound like they could be "Sex and The City" episodes maybe you should write a book, :-) [kidding but also serious it might be verry interesting].
One thing I noticed you mentioned is that you have verry high standards. I think having high standards is good. But hopefully they are not so high that they can't be fullfilled.
Well it does sound like you had fun, so remember that. Maybe in your subconsus mind all you wanted was some dirty bumping and grinding. maybe if you wanted more (maybe not also being shy and all) you would have wispered in his ear hey lets disapear somewhare more quite. I don't know why but your posts kinda sound like they could be "Sex and The City" episodes maybe you should write a book, :-) [kidding but also serious it might be verry interesting].
One thing I noticed you mentioned is that you have verry high standards. I think having high standards is good. But hopefully they are not so high that they can't be fullfilled.
scott - 05/03/06 15:37
Go Jenks!
Sounds like you had fun and he had fun, he stayed out too late, and then he got tired and went to bed alone, like a gent.
Nothing in the description of events seems a failure to me. I wouldn't get down on yourself over that one at all.
Go Jenks!
Sounds like you had fun and he had fun, he stayed out too late, and then he got tired and went to bed alone, like a gent.
Nothing in the description of events seems a failure to me. I wouldn't get down on yourself over that one at all.
enknot - 05/03/06 14:33
sometimes a little bit and leaving is much hotter than all of it and sticking around...all, sticky and akward cause well, your strangers, or you dumped them for a reason, or fill in the horrible blank.
You scored. Notch your belt.
And so that I don't come off as a back patting nancy boy, if you wanted to score why didn't you just drag him to the car? Maybe wasn't your car, would be kinda gross, or cool depending on how gnarly your freinds are...
just watch "can't get a date" on vh1.com, it's sweet. the people on that show are so effe'd up that you walk away feeling so much more dateable it silly. Worst is they always get dates at the end of the show. Craziness...or just more stupid "reality" television.
sometimes a little bit and leaving is much hotter than all of it and sticking around...all, sticky and akward cause well, your strangers, or you dumped them for a reason, or fill in the horrible blank.
You scored. Notch your belt.
And so that I don't come off as a back patting nancy boy, if you wanted to score why didn't you just drag him to the car? Maybe wasn't your car, would be kinda gross, or cool depending on how gnarly your freinds are...
just watch "can't get a date" on vh1.com, it's sweet. the people on that show are so effe'd up that you walk away feeling so much more dateable it silly. Worst is they always get dates at the end of the show. Craziness...or just more stupid "reality" television.
ajay - 05/03/06 12:12
Meh, don't be too hard on yourself.
I have been on the other side too. I'll meet someone interesting, get totally carried away and lose all track of time. During a break, I'll realise: what the heck am I doing? I have a presentation/paper/early-morning-flight tomorrow... and then high-tail it outta there.
Meh, don't be too hard on yourself.
I have been on the other side too. I'll meet someone interesting, get totally carried away and lose all track of time. During a break, I'll realise: what the heck am I doing? I have a presentation/paper/early-morning-flight tomorrow... and then high-tail it outta there.
ladycroft - 05/03/06 11:49
just enjoy it for what it was :)
coulda, shoulda, woulda's make life miserable. you know my motto, 'chill winston'.
just enjoy it for what it was :)
coulda, shoulda, woulda's make life miserable. you know my motto, 'chill winston'.
libertad - 05/03/06 11:21
hehe, I love reading about your boy adventures!
hehe, I love reading about your boy adventures!
¡ Felice cumpleaños !
Happy Birthday! I can't make it, i have to work :( Have a great time birthday girl!
Happy 25th birthday! Yeah, I know you aren't 25 but I thought that we'd just pretend for a while.
Happy Brithday, Jenks! Welcome to your 30's! Honest, it's not so bad! :O)
Happy Birthday, sugar!
Welcome to the 30s :)
(e:Scott), thanks for choosing Y!M ;-)
your user sound is awesome...I can't believe you beat me to it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (e:jenks). Maybe I will see you at Cozumel tonight! If I don't make it, have a great time!
happy happy birthday from all of us to yu. We wish you happy birthday may all your dreams come true!!!
Can't help you with iTunes. I joined Yahoo! music and have been very happy. they have a huge, open library for $5 a month and works with just about any mp3 player.
(Best subscription I've ever bought.)
you can get in the cemetery at delevan and delaware
Have anything by The Raconteurs? They were the subject of my latest Itunes hunt...good stuff.