One of my friends at work is getting ready to propose to his GF. he's so cute, she's so cute... he's so nervous and in love. And I feel so lucky to be part of the secret plan (i have to provide some cover and some transportation.) Aww...
And my med student is so cute too. Well one of them- the other one makes me nuts. But stud #1 is first of all married. and devoted and talks about his wife all the time. but beyond that is just nice and funny and eager... always offering to help, "what can i do how can i help", but not in a kiss-ass way. So sincere... and just a nice guy. the other day held a door for me, and did that 'put his hand gently behind me/on my back to 'guide' me through the door' thing (hard to explain but I hope you know what i mean)- i dunno, just seemed sweet. and I'm not especially attracted to him, but i did feel a little zing with even that little touch. But anyway so tonight we were running around like crazy and he offered to be in charge of ordering dinner. (god I ate so much tzatziki! yum.) But so he picked it up and took it upstairs and paged me to say it was ready. i had to finish a few things, and when I got there he'd set up a little place with paper towels from the bathroom as a napkin, and a little mini soda from the patient kitchen. the only cups they had are like 2 oz- they're ridiculous little shotglass paper cups. so i went in and he had my food laid out with my 'napkins' and the soda poured into four little mini-cups with ice. i dunno... it was just so kind. and nice to be reminded that there are still some nice guys out there (even if they're married).
A+ for stud #1!! hah.
I think (e:Jason) may be onto something with his V:Day idea. maybe a party is called for. but not a stupid 'we hate vday and are bitter' party- just a plain old party. but let the girls get all dolled up... that would be fun. i'm not really a girly-girl, which makes it all the more fun to wear a great dress and get all made up once in a while, maybe even dig out the hair dryer...
totally random, but a bit for any other tv geeks out there- just got this link from my dad; must say i'm pretty psyched.

i feel like i had more to say, but my mind is in an annoying caffeine-racing state.
And as my mom always said 'if you can't remember it, it was either a lie or not important.' (or maybe just boring.)
So I think I will adjourn.
Baci e Abbracci,
As the Buddhists say, "free yourself!".
Dump his sorry ass by deleting his number... that'll show him! ;-)
I've got amazing 'game thumbs' from video gaming. I can have his number deleted from your phone in under 2.3 seconds. But the true liberation comes from doing it yourself. So I can be your cheerleader :)
Eh. He's just being a jerk. Or maybe I am. Didn't even ACKNOWLEDGE the birthday/christmas present I (finally) gave him, or my offer of birthday dinner. Is it me, or is that rude/mean? But I guess if I had some ex that wouldn't take the hint, maybe i'd ignore him too.
No, no I wouldn't.
But whatever.
The present is out of my hands, that's step one. next is to delete the number. Have to work up to that. But I'm getting there, bit by bit.
Yeh, last month I wrote about how my heat bill shot way up. I haven't had it jacked up temp wise any more than I do any other year.
It was so high that I had to set the temperature back. I prefer it toasty warm, but I had to do something about it. I just got my heat bill a few days ago amd it is about $75 than the last. However, the temps have been higher than usual. I am not sure if it is worth freezing my ass off just to save $75 bucks, inconsideration of how high the bill is. Kinda like the school loans.. money becomes surreal when you look at the bill.
I have an electric heater that I use, but now that bill looks higher as well.
Maybe I will stick to flannel sheets, super thick house socks, candles and logs in the fire place.
As for the ex.. do I need to form an intervention for you? :)
Kidding.. it just takes awhile. He is/was your weakness. Maybe a 'friends' status can be sought in the future. But first things first.
My ear is always here..