here's a quick run down of the recent events in my life......
went to toronto last week with (e:ladycroft) had loads of fun as seen in her post.
went to dinner that friday with some friends to hutch's for dinner and drinks, had lots of yummy mojitos!....the season has started.
went out for dyngus day and almost got into a fight with a 300lbs fat biotch who flicked her cigarette at us, but decided i could not risk the humiliation of getting my ass kicked as i've got a reputation to protect.
suffered through work the next day as i recalled the previous evening's numerous drinks and near ass kicking.
applied for a job at roswell for a clinical research associate position.....wish me luck everyone!
went on a diet, as i am starting to resemble 300lbs fat biotch. really
went tanning so i can look skinnier. all girls know that being tan makes you look thinner.
got summoned for jury duty....i doubt they will keep me as i've been the victim of a violent crime and will probably dismiss me, but i would looooove to be on one...a nice juicy love triangle murder, possibly.
spent 50 bucks on a video game, elder scrolls: oblivion, before realizing that my laptop does not have the needed components. DAMN!
am planning on buying a desktop so i can play my new game, hopefully after getting the roswell job.
got 5 letters from the federal govt saying that soon will be time to pay all of my student loans back.....yeah, good luck with that one, georgie, i've got a computer to buy so i can waste my time playing video games, and ignoring your bill collectors....
You didn't hear it from me, because they've been trying to keep it on the DL for reasons that are obvious if you know what to look for ... but the owner of the new sushi shop is someone who is very well regarded in this area.
I've said too much already.
- Z
haha, many good points.
-mom's corollary (sp?) to paragraph 9: "besides, tan fat is better than white fat"
-good luck at the job hunt. I wonder if I would see you (or paul) when I go back to roswell.
-I too have always thought it might be fun to be on the jury of a big nasty case. (then again i've always thought it would be fun to be a temp.)
-and i agree. I have much more important things to do than my bogus research project- like watch tv, drink beer/coffee with friends, enjoy the weather, sleep, and eat. Oh yeah, and obsess about the male species.