well, jared leto and I cannot be after all. I just heard through the rumor mill that he is dating lindsey lohan and any 34 year old man that dates a 19 year old, is, well, weird. I mean, how much can you have in common with a child? but I guess common interests are not the top priority for men, a hot ass is. my future sex life is doomed. I'm turning 30 next month and I have to start looking at 50 year old men since they are the only ones that will give 30 year old women a second look. pffft!
Imk2's Journal
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03/26/2006 11:07 #23040
it's over before it started03/24/2006 16:14 #23039
fast ass bratHmm, haven't posted in a while. I think I'm going to see 30 seconds to mars on Sunday at the Town Ballroom. 
I never knew that the lead singer is Jared Leto, whodda thunk it! I can't even begin to tell you how hot he is.....maybe he'll see me at the show and fall completely and madly in love with me....hey, stranger things have happened. Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovett. But pretty women always marry ugly guys, it never happens the other way around. Man, isn't Jared the sexiest thing alive? He was even hot as a druggie in requiem for a dream....those damn eyes.
Why are women so catty? Why are they so damn territorial? If a guy has a friend who brings a new girlfriend around, and the guy thinks she is super hot, he'll think to himself, "damn, I wish I had a woman like that." If a woman sees a friend's hot boyfriend, she'll think to herself, "damn, I wish I had HIM!" There's a fundamental difference in how women and men think, men can respect each others territory, women think all is fair in love and war.
Please don't jump down my throat ladies, and say not all women are like this. You must admit, a lot of us are. We all have friends who we have to keep at a comfortable distance just because you have to constantly watch you backside, and a lot of us had experiences with the catty friend from hell, who tried to sabotage something or other. It's usually the women who require too much attention from the opposite sex, that become dependant on the spot light to feel like they're being seen. They always think there is a conspiracy against them when something does not go their way and are unreasonably jealous of everyone around them.
Which reminds me, my daughter who is twelve, asked if I could take her to the mall with a friend of her's from school. My daughter is a computer geek and an anime geek and the mall scene is not her thing, but this friend is a girly girl and so the mall was her place to hang out. So I'm walking with the two of them around Galleria, with this little girl that looks like she's about 9 years old, tiny little thing. All of a sudden she says something to the effect of "yeah, not my last boyfriend, but my boyfriend before that".........I was like WHAT!!! I looked at her and said, what the hell are you talking about? I said, you're twelve, how many boyfriends could you possibly have had? She then goes on to say "well, I'm mature" and turns to my daughter and says she's definitelely not as mature as her. OH I was fuming! I cannot STAND snotty bratty little fucking brats! I say to her "sweetie, you're standing in the middle of a BUILD A BEAR store, shopping for outfits for your teddy bear, HOW MATURE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??
She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. Needless to say, my daughter is not hangging out with her anymore. The girl calls her later on that night, while my daughter is watching cartoons and asks her to come over her house and hang out. My daughter says, "do you know what time it is? What the hell are you talking about?
Where are the parents and what the hell are they doing that these fast little girls are going through boyfriends like pampers?

I never knew that the lead singer is Jared Leto, whodda thunk it! I can't even begin to tell you how hot he is.....maybe he'll see me at the show and fall completely and madly in love with me....hey, stranger things have happened. Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovett. But pretty women always marry ugly guys, it never happens the other way around. Man, isn't Jared the sexiest thing alive? He was even hot as a druggie in requiem for a dream....those damn eyes.
Why are women so catty? Why are they so damn territorial? If a guy has a friend who brings a new girlfriend around, and the guy thinks she is super hot, he'll think to himself, "damn, I wish I had a woman like that." If a woman sees a friend's hot boyfriend, she'll think to herself, "damn, I wish I had HIM!" There's a fundamental difference in how women and men think, men can respect each others territory, women think all is fair in love and war.
Please don't jump down my throat ladies, and say not all women are like this. You must admit, a lot of us are. We all have friends who we have to keep at a comfortable distance just because you have to constantly watch you backside, and a lot of us had experiences with the catty friend from hell, who tried to sabotage something or other. It's usually the women who require too much attention from the opposite sex, that become dependant on the spot light to feel like they're being seen. They always think there is a conspiracy against them when something does not go their way and are unreasonably jealous of everyone around them.
Which reminds me, my daughter who is twelve, asked if I could take her to the mall with a friend of her's from school. My daughter is a computer geek and an anime geek and the mall scene is not her thing, but this friend is a girly girl and so the mall was her place to hang out. So I'm walking with the two of them around Galleria, with this little girl that looks like she's about 9 years old, tiny little thing. All of a sudden she says something to the effect of "yeah, not my last boyfriend, but my boyfriend before that".........I was like WHAT!!! I looked at her and said, what the hell are you talking about? I said, you're twelve, how many boyfriends could you possibly have had? She then goes on to say "well, I'm mature" and turns to my daughter and says she's definitelely not as mature as her. OH I was fuming! I cannot STAND snotty bratty little fucking brats! I say to her "sweetie, you're standing in the middle of a BUILD A BEAR store, shopping for outfits for your teddy bear, HOW MATURE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??
She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. Needless to say, my daughter is not hangging out with her anymore. The girl calls her later on that night, while my daughter is watching cartoons and asks her to come over her house and hang out. My daughter says, "do you know what time it is? What the hell are you talking about?
Where are the parents and what the hell are they doing that these fast little girls are going through boyfriends like pampers?
ladycroft - 03/24/06 19:13
ugh, SERIOUSLY! no doubt!
ugh, SERIOUSLY! no doubt!
metalpeter - 03/24/06 18:46
Man I was thinking about going to that Concert, should have got tickets than I would have ran into you. Yeah i admit it you are a cutie pie (or what ever other term you want to use) if I was on stage I would get distaracted. I saw 30 seconds to Mars at town ballroom they where one of the openers I think for Seether. They where verry good. I can't go anyways have fun for me ok.
In terms of The BF topic. I think at 12 BF's are differant then at say 14. Some girls have BF's at like 9 but nothing happens. That isn't a sexual thing but they are more like good friends. But then some girls get pregnant at 12 also so you have to be carefull. In terms of parenting All I will say is that all parents have differant styles of parenting. Some kids are fine with out supervision and some run wild. Some react great to srtict discipline and some find they are confindend and break every one of them. There is a happy Medium for most kids that need to be found.
Man I was thinking about going to that Concert, should have got tickets than I would have ran into you. Yeah i admit it you are a cutie pie (or what ever other term you want to use) if I was on stage I would get distaracted. I saw 30 seconds to Mars at town ballroom they where one of the openers I think for Seether. They where verry good. I can't go anyways have fun for me ok.
In terms of The BF topic. I think at 12 BF's are differant then at say 14. Some girls have BF's at like 9 but nothing happens. That isn't a sexual thing but they are more like good friends. But then some girls get pregnant at 12 also so you have to be carefull. In terms of parenting All I will say is that all parents have differant styles of parenting. Some kids are fine with out supervision and some run wild. Some react great to srtict discipline and some find they are confindend and break every one of them. There is a happy Medium for most kids that need to be found.
decoyisryan - 03/24/06 18:44
i just saw a pic of Leto for his new movie. he had to get fat to play the guy who killed Lennon.
i just saw a pic of Leto for his new movie. he had to get fat to play the guy who killed Lennon.
03/10/2006 20:28 #23038
more cute stuff03/10/2006 05:47 #23037
hairy playstationi am getting old, and i know this becuse my growing moustache and beard is beggining to rival that of (e:paul) . to compensate for this i bought myself a little something at antrhopologie. 
i too am eating too much and getting fat, and i've decided that for the remainder of winter, i am stopping shaving my legs and pits. might as well be a complete disaster.
took (e:robin)'s test, i am...
The Playstation
Random Gentle Sex Master (RGSMf)
Easy to turn on. Hard to beat. You are The Playstation.
You're a nice girl, and you have lots of sex. It's therefore highly likely that you're attractive, and you're certainly outgoing & friendly. Plus, this healthy physical attitude of yours indicates deeper emotional well-being and stability. Unheard of. When girls dare to dream, they dream of you.
You don't get attached too easily, and, to wit, you're not necessarily looking for something long-term right now. That's a bigger asset than you know. Though, physically speaking, you're open to anything, you're keeping your emotional side well-protected. This means there won't be a lot of wreckage to clean up whenever you decide to settle down.
In the meantime, the women you share yourself with actually respect you. Like them, you enjoy sex for its own sake and don't need any other validation for pleasure than pleasure itself. Hopefully, you have the good sense to blow off anyone who thinks less of you for that. Usually, this is the part of the description where we offer some life-correcting advice, but honestly, we can't think of anything about you we'd change. Keep on fucking, partner.
CONSIDER: Anyone else
I am not sure why it keeps saying girls....i stated bi at the begining of the test, so you'd think it would have both...whatever.

i too am eating too much and getting fat, and i've decided that for the remainder of winter, i am stopping shaving my legs and pits. might as well be a complete disaster.
took (e:robin)'s test, i am...
The Playstation
Random Gentle Sex Master (RGSMf)
Easy to turn on. Hard to beat. You are The Playstation.
You're a nice girl, and you have lots of sex. It's therefore highly likely that you're attractive, and you're certainly outgoing & friendly. Plus, this healthy physical attitude of yours indicates deeper emotional well-being and stability. Unheard of. When girls dare to dream, they dream of you.
You don't get attached too easily, and, to wit, you're not necessarily looking for something long-term right now. That's a bigger asset than you know. Though, physically speaking, you're open to anything, you're keeping your emotional side well-protected. This means there won't be a lot of wreckage to clean up whenever you decide to settle down.
In the meantime, the women you share yourself with actually respect you. Like them, you enjoy sex for its own sake and don't need any other validation for pleasure than pleasure itself. Hopefully, you have the good sense to blow off anyone who thinks less of you for that. Usually, this is the part of the description where we offer some life-correcting advice, but honestly, we can't think of anything about you we'd change. Keep on fucking, partner.
CONSIDER: Anyone else
I am not sure why it keeps saying girls....i stated bi at the begining of the test, so you'd think it would have both...whatever.
03/06/2006 18:21 #23036
i want a refundlord jesus christ all mighty, pleeeeze let me have some patience because i am about to strangle my grown ass kid.
Wow, pretty passionate stuff here.
From my perspective it's basic biology. Men given a choice instinctually will go for a younger woman by probability is more fertile and will care and nurture his offspring.
I not being on the same level, yea you are probally right. Things like taste in music and perspective about time will be a problem. As age moves forward a woman in her 40's still has life in her, while being 12-15 years his junior he won't be as active as her and the health differential will cause a rift.
So you are 30 and looking for a guy that's 50. So when you are still alive and vibant when you're 50 he'll be 70 and wanting to play slots at the casino. That's basically all I am saying.
Actually I think Lindsay Lohan is dating Alt-Country hero, Ryan Adams.
I think it's pretty bad that people are judged for who they date and the ages of who they're with. It doesn't matter if they have alot in common because there are tons of times you date someone and know you're not going to marry them or whatever. If people judged me by who I dated I'd just say "Eat my ass, I do who I want, when I want, where I want".
my thoughts EXACTLY! no way does 30 and 17 equate on any level except fuckability. let's just say, those folks have ISSUES.
First things first maybe it is just that cute Jet black Hair but You look good to me Some Guys do like older women then them.
Secondly Lidsey Lohan is so hot, I'd let her do me if you know what I mean. They are both famous (if I'm thinking of the right guy) They both do music and Act [fight club I belive]. Once you have a job and live on your own age is irrelavant really. It is about what common things you like. Plus there is that look of both innocance and being sord of sluty in dress in young girls. Take Miss Spears for example when she was in that catholic school girls outfit I don't know any Stright Male in America who wouldn't have fucked her. Yes she was underage but she was acting like a striper but without showing anything. Now dating that is a differant story. Sometimes people of differant ages have nothing in common except how they have sex and sometimes they are verry much a like. It all depends on the relationshop. Sometimes the guy provides drugs for sex and the girl is exploted and that is wrong. But sometimes what the Girl wants is drugs and sex and money and she likes it and is happy. It is really a case by case situation.
In any event I hope you have a great time and maybe instead of the band members fighting over you can go after Lindsay But if you do :-) Please Video Tape I would love to see It :-) . There is always a chance Ok this comment is way to long allready so have fun.
I said that once (that any 30+ guy who dates a 20- girl is fucking lying if he thinks they have a meaningful relationship. I'm sorry, but it's just not possible for a divorced phd to be in the same place in life as a girl who's barely been to her senior prom)- and I got totally bitched out for saying it. But I'm standing my ground. And Lindsey LoLo is a bimbo anyway... :)