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09/08/2006 12:03 #22818

This is dedicated to
Category: visco
[hilite]Michael Visco[hilite]

Sigh Mike, you are so awesome. Who else tells me that I never let the sexy get away?

You are by far my favorite Visco.

Also I have recently discovered why I only dated older men. Younger ones are flakes. Big time. If you could see me right now I'd be shaking my fist in irritation at the thought of youngins. They are hot, have stellar libidos, but the responsibility is lacking. Ugh.

On a happier note. It's the weekend. Joy. My apartment is clean, and a good majority of my laundry is done. The world is my oyster.
mike - 09/15/06 19:33
Aww, Jess I just noticed this! I love things dedicated to me! Why are we so awesome! Can't wait til you get here at the end of September.
libertad - 09/08/06 21:34
he's the San Fran Visco treat!
jason - 09/08/06 17:54
Yes, the good ol' therapist told me that attitudes and perceptions have to change in order to have a reasonable chance at success, in whatever area.
jenks - 09/08/06 15:40
Jason, my dear.... Just as you have offered me the advice to 'look within myself'- I offer you a piece of advice. I think you need to get over the fear that all women are only out for your money. To say that women under 25 "think it is their right to drain men financially and emotionally" is, simply, ridiculous. This is constructive criticism J --> Get Over It. Obviously someone hurt you, and I'm sorry- but you've got to let it go.
(sorry to hijack your comments, jess)
jason - 09/08/06 13:24
Younger women are exactly the same, except they think it is their right to drain men financially and emotionally. I have sworn off women younger than 25 as a result. Your sis is probably one of the very few exceptions.

09/07/2006 13:17 #22817

Im not going to lie
Category: sexy
I'm currently obsessed with Justin Timberlake. He is bringing the sexy back and I love it. I had a few free downloads in itunes and got the song. Currently I'm listening to SexyBack (yes one word) for the 5th time today. I did a chair dance each time.

Oh and in case you were also wondering "Let's paint the 90's" worth every cent. It also came with free "Facts of Life" pins featuring: Jo, Nell, Blaire and Ms. Garret. I may be broke this weekend, but at least I have a paint book to entertain me.

I'll leave you with the wise words of Justin T. :

"Get your sexy on"
theecarey - 09/07/06 22:56
You too, huh? :) I have a whole (very recent- Mondayish?) post dedicated to this very song. Ive got it bad right now.. the lyrics, a link to the video and my user song is Sexy Back. Great song--took me by total surprise. Go get your fill: (e:theecarey,252)

Lets paint the 90s looks fun. Totally worth the 12.95 I gather. Wherever did you find something like that??
mike - 09/07/06 19:43
jess you never let sexy get away but I'm still glad justin is trying to bring it back

08/31/2006 11:14 #22816

Recent Purchase
Category: 90's
I just bought this:


This was either incredibly dumb to spend $12.95 plus s/h. Or it was the best purchase I've made in a mighty long time. I'm leaning towards option #2.

lilho - 09/01/06 15:01
i just want the money you spent on it.
mrmike - 08/31/06 17:26
Me too
mike - 08/31/06 17:14

08/25/2006 09:48 #22815

Last night after a delightful dinner and drink I decided to take the train downtown and the take the PATH train from there. Very similar to what I had done the night before.

However last night as I approached the WTC PATH train I looked up and felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. The new memorial and pictures had been put up for the September 11th 5 year anniversary. Directly in front of me were pictures of twisted steel beams, mangled subway turnstyles and the faces of those there that day.

I could tell many of the people were just returning to NJ from a night similar to mine. You could hear the silence in a normally busy and loud train station. One girl on the train started to cry as the train pulled out of the station to the part of the track where you go directly ground zero.

Someone said to me yesterday that Oliver Stone's movie was not made for New Yorkers, but rather everyone else who just saw it as a newstory. I can't help but agree with them. Anyone who lives here feels the effect of it everyday. Even after 5 years.
joshua - 08/31/06 13:29
I tend to agree with you - it seems like NYers are still a bit tender about 9/11 and rightly so. I have travelled all over this great country of ours though, and I've gotten the chance to talk to alot of people about 9/11. I can say that many people in the country take 9/11 very, very personally though. There are 9/11 memorials all over the country in places where you wouldn't expect - hell, when I went through Tulsa we saw a small 9/11 memorial right at the city border when you enter. I wouldn't discount or cheapen how non-NYers feel about it, just like people in New Orleans (just went there!) shouldn't discount or cheapen how non-residents feel about Katrina.

As far as the movie goes though, I hear its a great movie and its been critically acclaimed. I'll probably see it sometime soon.
zobar - 08/28/06 16:18

Someone said to me yesterday that Oliver Stone's movie was not made for New Yorkers

I was not living in New York at the time, but I watched intermittently from my office across the river :::link::: and I don't really understand why I am supposed to want to see it again.

- Z
paul - 08/25/06 09:59
Jess, do you remember that you just saw it as a news story when we lived on Cleveland Ave here in Buffalo or are you going with the born and bred in new york story now.

08/23/2006 10:54 #22814

ok Im back to not crazy
Category: pms
apparently I have been the victim of a well know affliction known as PMS. Well that and I was actually upset about this weeks events.

Also I had a stellar make out/get it on session. That helped a lot too.

Now I'm just tired from lack of sleep.