Last Thursday I was going to post and the post would have looked like this:
I heart boys. Office make out boy is back today and brought in cute little gifts for moi. And by gifts I mean the free swag from his first class flight back to the US. Also I got a scarf that apparently is going to help me attract the Euros come winter time. Also the bad spanish soap opera continued with me being bent over the desk at one point. So bad, yet so good.
Then I was going to post on Friday, but instead I got drunk after work. In any case the post would have looked like this:
I do not heart boys. Office make out boy has some sort of new ignoring agenda going on and I do not approve. I understand the whole need for secrecy, but come on. Regan and Castro had more communication during the 80s then we had. To top it off as we were leaving the building he just crossed the street with out so much as a later gator. I have hurt feelings.
Saturday rolled around and again I didn't post because instead I got drunk. The evening started out with a little smoke in the park with a snack of pico de gallo. It was down hill from there. By the end of the evening we had left a burlesque club in disgust because of the lack of boobies and were recounting out first anal sex experiences. I'm not sure how a bunch of girls with such sweet looking faces can be so utterly filthy. I was going to use the adjective raunchy there, but once you bring in anal sex I believe you must then begin using filthy. Then I got home at 5am.
And I was going to post on Sunday, but you know the drill. I got drunk instead. After a very sparse 5.5 hours of sleep I awoke to meet the gang for brunch in Inwood. An all you can drink brunch. I got drunk again. Then we bought the newspaper, sat in the park and smoked (or should I say the usual smokers smoked) and ate ice cream. It was so fun.
And now it's Monday and I plan on staying sober for at least 2 days in a row. Below are some pictures,courtesy of resident photographer Bauwhore, from Sunday.

Carolyn was out till the wee hours. Can you tell?

Eamon and Cate were not out till 4:30am. You can tell. They look happy.

I'm drinking to ward off a hangover.

What a good looking group of kids.

This is Emily "Bringing the Sexy Back" as Justin Timberlake would say.

Walky walk to the park.

This is my evil "Want some ice cream little boy" face. It's also my "It's Sunday and I'm burnt" face.
"Families with children under the age of 12 are welcome in the 1898 Room (the Club’s formal dining room) if seated prior to 6:45 P.M. In addition, all children are required to wear dress shoes, boys must conform to the men’s dress code of jacket and tie, and girls must wear comparable, appropriate attire." -Scarsdale rules and regulations-
I hope that you have something appropriate and feminine to wear. If you are served bread do not butter the entire piece. You must break off a piece of the bread, butter that piece and eat it piece by piece. Using your teeth to tear into the bread is vulgar behavior. Do not pile your plates on top of each other in hopes of helping out the server. They are a server and you are tipping them to serve you, do not disrespect them by making their job easier. Good luck!