I arrive early to work for golf day. I am less than pleased at being up so early.

I'm more pleased now that I'm sitting on a veranda reading.

I am most pleased once I have a beer and put my feet up.

And once I break the seal this is where I pee.

I decide to mix it up for pee #2. This is the other bathroom. I feel like I'm at my rich Grandma's house (if I had one).

Then the girls and I are going out to dinner. Emily looks like she is about to reprimand me.

Cate plays innocent after glass #5 of sangria. I do not encourage that type of behavior.

Joyce's Birthday. She is happy.

Everyone loves a drinking party in Brooklyn.

If manna from heaven could be a drink it would be this. Jameson, ice tea, honey and lemon.

Notice Joyce's birthday starts during the day and now it's dark. This is how long we've been sitting drinking.

Finally we take the party back to Joyce's. But wait Carolyn is around and we need an adventure. So we spy on a charming old wood worker listening to Patsy Cline.

He has no email address so we can not email him our spy pictures.

I need a day of rest. So I chillax on the rooftop.

I decide to walk home.

I come upon some b boys and a b girl at union square.

I also stumble upon my new motto.

All of this activity has give me attack of the hives.

Again for your viewing pleasure.
Whew, all of that wore me out.
fun times...