So as you may have read it was brought to my attention that during the two years of employment at my current company I have yet to be paid over time. So I email a few people and they assure my no worries, it'll all be taken care of. So I'm amiable about the situation, people make mistakes. Granted this is a huge mistake that someone made I'm willing to look at it like "oh well, i'll get a huge paycheck, sweet". So I wait and this is where you read my last journal with the link above. I got 11.6 hours. Well I calculated at least 16.6, not including the past year and a half. So at a MINIMUM I'm supposed to get an additional 5 hours in this weeks paycheck. So when paychecks arrive today I tear mine open to realize that #1- I did not get paid for the 5 hours, not to mention the ton of hours from the past 1.5 years and #2- They just added to 5 hours on to my time worked, like it was on last weeks paycheck. WTF??
I'm fuming. At this point my view is someone majorly f'd up by setting me up wrong in the system. I was ok and willing to let it slide as long as I was compensated and compensated in a timely manner. None of that is happening. Now I'm getting HR involved to get to the bottom of this.
wow, imk2, that's an amazing rant, nicely done!! very passionate
i'm having the same fucking problem everywhere i turn. why can't people just do their fucking job, CORRECTLY! the fucking incompetence is beyond ridiculous. it seems like everyone is operating at a 75 IQ level, and maybe THAT wouldn't be so bad, if they weren't so fucking lazy on top it. AND THEN, they have the audacity to get a goddamned attitude! FUCK YOU! i swear i wish i could fucking taser everyone who i've come across that has fucked up my shit in the past few months, maybe they'd be less inclined to do so next time. ZAPP these motherfuckers once or twice and they'd learn their lesson real quick.